hhs annual records management training quizlet

HHS Policy for Implementing Electronic Mail (Email) | HHS.gov Ensuring a departing employees record materials, including email records, have been reviewed prior to the employees departure. Permanent records are records appraised by NARA as having sufficient historical or other value to warrant continued preservation by the Federal Government beyond the time it is needed for administrative, legal, or fiscal purposes. Records can exist in any form that captures information. A template of a general records management clause for use in contracts or similar agreements can be found in Appendix D. They just convey routine information, such as meeting reminders, staff whereabouts, announcements about Library events, and similar messages that inform you and your colleagues of activities but dont communicate significant information about your work. Click here to take the All-staff version of the course. Which publication lists the filing procedures? The Librarys version of these instructions is called the Library of Congress Records Schedule, or LRS. What is assigned after the transfer request is approved? Always keep them separate from records.. Ensuring OpDiv ROs incorporate records management principles and policies in all phases of the EPLC process. That means we are each responsible for documenting our Library work and saving it for an appropriate amount of time as an official record of how the Library serves Congress and the public. Explain. 3301(a)(1)(A)-(B) (2008).1. The OSD Records and Information Management guidance can also be called? (OMB/NARA Directive M-19-21, Transition to Electronic Records)12. 1. Requesting funds for records storage costs. The most common forms are paper or electronic documents, including email. Most employees at the Library only create or receive temporary email records. The following template is associated with the Policy: The following is a general clause that an agency can modify to fit the planned type of service and specific agency records management needs. Practice good records management; destroy extra copies and other non-record materials as soon as you are finished using them. OpDivs and StaffDivs will conduct a formal evaluation on two of their records management programs annually. Records documenting the collections must remain separate from collections materials. It protects the rights of the Library, its employees, and its customers. What is defined as a storage area that receives and maintains inactive records in less costly space and equipment than Air Force uses in current files areas? In order to maintain all HHS records in accordance with applicable statutory and regulatory requirements, each OpDiv and StaffDiv is required to establish and maintain a records management program meeting the following minimum requirements: Records management is the planning, controlling, directing, organizing, training, promoting, and other managerial activities related to the creation, maintenance and use, and disposition of records, carried out in such a way as to achieve adequate and proper documentation of Federal policies and transactions and effective and economical management of agency operations. Chapter 31)10. Distinguish between temporary and permanent records. Your office should create a file folder structure on your shared network drive where you will keep your electronic documents. OpDivs and StaffDivs must identify these federal records and determine how they will be managed. Ensuring federal employees, contractors, interns, and fellows are aware of and adhere to HHS records management policies. Records that are being used for current work are called active records. Identify and separate all employee federal Records from Non-Record Materials and Personal Papers. Each HHS OpDiv and StaffDiv must maintain a centralized file plan that includes the title and description of its records, including electronic media. hhs annual records management training quizlet CRM/ARM (Command/Agency Records Managers). Data governance typically addresses interoperability of computing systems, portability of data (able to move from one system to another), and information security and access. We conduct a lot of business by email because its a quick, effective way to communicate with one another. Ensuring the implementation of a records management program within their areas of responsibility to accomplish the objectives identified in federal regulations and HHS policies and procedures. Help your Records Liaison by paying attention to the File Plan and knowing if you have any records in your possession when its time to retire them. Before you destroy any non-record materials, always check for P.I.I. To archive this Policy, approval must be granted, in writing, by the HHS CIO. No additional guidance is required to implement this policy. You will probably receive many non-record convenience copies in your Library career, and it is important that you know how to treat them differently from records. Records Management Training Online Lessons | National Archives (36 CFR 1224.10(c))6. When notified that a contractor is transferring or leaving the Department, consult with departing contractors to follow litigation records management procedures. Include instructions on conducting a records analysis, developing and submitting records retention schedules to NARA for unscheduled records in a cloud environment. With guidance and approval from NARA, every Federal agency creates its own customized set of disposition instructions for the records it uses in its agency business. You'll get practice applying the following skills: To learn more information about this verb basics, check out the related lesson, Records Management Basics: Terminology & Examples. 10/01/2023. Scheduled destruction is important because it controls costs and minimizes risks and inefficiencies in government operations. Ensuring that information systems intended to carry out electronic records management align with NARAs and HHSs requirements for records stored in an electronic recordkeeping system. Federal Register :: Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, HHS Ensuring HHS oversight and compliance with Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA) to include the development and maintenance of the overall security of HHS IT systems and system inventory. Start Preamble Start Printed Page 25740 AGENCY: Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). Overstuffed file cabinets, congested office space, and overloaded computers make it hard to access needed information quickly, and that keeps us from working efficiently. If you work in CRS, the Copyright Office, or an Overseas office, talk to your Records Liaison for special instructions on destroying temporary records. Any documented materials related to work that do not fit the definition of a record are considered non-record materials. Because most of our office work is done on computers, most of the records we create exist in electronic form. If you originated or contributed significantly to a work-related document, or you are required to take action on it, your copy of the document is a record of government business. hhs annual records management training quizlet NARA has determined that most records produced by Federal agencies are temporary; meaning that they must be destroyed after a specific time period. It is best to keep your personal information separate from your work information. So how do you know which documents to keep and for how long? Be sure to read about your responsibilities in handling P.I.I., which are described in the Librarys governing documents. It protects Library business from inappropriate or unauthorized access. The most important records the Library creates are permanent and must eventually be transferred to NARA rather than destroyed. Remember, always keep government records separate from personal papers! HHS OpDivs and StaffDivs must update their records schedules when there are program changes that will result in the establishment of new types of records and the transfer or termination of records, or an increase or decrease in the retention time of the records. When employees retire or move on from your office and new employees are hired, it is essential to have an up-to-date File Plan that identifies the important documents needed to keep your business functioning smoothly and where they are located. Annual. Please note: If you serve on a hiring selection panel, the Structured Interview Guide you will fill out during the interview process is a record. Cooperating with the Records Manager/Records Liaison and the OpDiv Records Management Officer in periodic evaluations of office records. And its against the law to destroy them too soon! The Records Management office will take care of destroying your temporary records according to official procedures. Official websites use .gov You must file them with the related records and keep them.. The second phase of the records life cycle is Maintenance and Use. how information is managed is dependent on all of the following, EXCEPT: the volume of information. DoD Mandatory Controlled Unclassified Informa, Fundamentals of Engineering Economic Analysis, David Besanko, Mark Shanley, Scott Schaefer. Agencys responsibility working with contractors, An OpDiv and StaffDiv maintains responsibility for managing its records whether they reside in a contracted environment or under agency physical custody (see 36 CFR Part 1222.32 (b)).4 The penalties for the unlawful or accidental removal, defacing, alteration, or destruction of federal records or the attempt to do so, include a fine, imprisonment, or both. Ensuring office records are accurately listed and detailed in the office file plan. You will find helpful resources on their website. Who provides guidance to tenants and BRMs on local support agreements for program assistance, training, electronic records storage, staff visits, staging or records shipping? You will be able to take your personal papers with you, and you may do so without permission. These employees are identified by their positions, and their email accounts are designated as special accounts, called Capstone accounts. It makes needed information available and easy to find so that Library programs can function smoothly. As a member, you'll also get unlimited access to over 88,000 lessons in math, 3301 3324 (2011), Definition of Records, 44 U.S.C. Temporary records are records approved by NARA for disposal after a specified retention period. After you pass the quiz, proceed to the course conclusion. 2901 2910 (2011), Records Management by Federal Agencies, 44 U.S.C. Each office has at least one staff member designated as the Records Liaison. Records Liaisons have been specially trained by the Records Management office to help their offices organize and dispose of their records properly. This includes, but is not limited to, magnetic media, such as tapes and disks, and optical disks. In this course, you will learn how to take proper care of the records you create and use here at the Library. Providing guidance to the OpDiv ROs to ensure compliance with Records Management principles and policies in all phases of the Enterprise Performance Life Cycle (EPLC) process. Ensuring federal employees, contractors, interns, and fellows complete initial and annual records management training. Create your account to access this entire worksheet, A Premium account gives you access to all lesson, practice exams, quizzes & worksheets, IAAP CAP Exam Study Guide - Certified Administrative Professional. ACTION: Notice. Remember, records are government property. Integrating records management procedures and activities into HHS Chief Information Officer (CIO) policy and planning. The contractor must also ensure subcontractor compliance with this training requirement. It saves money by efficiently storing and disposing of documents that are no longer needed for business. false. Who works with RCs to properly identify vital records and establish a restoration and disaster recovery plan for paper and electronic records? Lets look at some common examples. The first phase of the records life cycle is Creation or Receipt. Illustrated below are four ions A1,A2,Z1-A_1, A_2, Z_1A1,A2,Z1, and Z2Z_2Z2 - showing their relative ionic radii. You will be reminded to organize your own records and destroy all the non-record materials you no longer need. Document #: HHS-OCIO-PIM-2020-06-004Version #: 2.0Last Reviewed: May 2020Next Review: May 2023Owner: OCIO/PIMApproved By: Jose Arrieta, Chief Information Officer (CIO). The files are compiled as SCORM 1.2. 2901(2)).3, 6.1.1. When you retire or move on from the Library, you cant take any records with you, and there are restrictions on which non-record materials you can take. Your work is evidence of the Librarys work. What type of record is needed to continue day-to-day operations without interruption or mission degradation after a disaster or emergency? Reviewing responsive federal records provided by HHS employees, contractors, interns, and fellows for release to the public under the FOIA. Contact your Records Liaison for assistance if there are too many non-record materials to shred in the office. One. Would you expect to find an ionic compound of formula A1A2A_1 A_2A1A2? They document the Librarys service to the public and to Congress. Unless you have a permanent Capstone account, your emails will be held in the Librarys email system for exactly seven years from the day they are created. A system generated e-mail notification is sent. Who is responsible for identifying the function's vital records and approving the vital record inventory? If you are not sure if an email is a record, keep it! Keep your email records well organized too; file them in your Outlook Cabinet folders so that you know where to find those important messages if and when you need them. Save all records for the appropriate amount of time, according to the official instructions authorized by the Government. hhs annual records management training quizlet If a cloud provider ceases to provide services, an agency must continue to meet its records management obligations. That can be a time-consuming and risky process, because you are not allowed to remove any information that is part of the government record. true. Serving as the Senior Agency Official for Records Management (SAORM). Coordinating the development of OpDiv records schedules with the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). Has direct responsibility for ensuring that the department or agency efficiently and appropriately complies with all applicable records management statutes, regulations, NARA Policy, and Presidential Directives. hhs annual records management training quizletchaska community center day pass. HHS Operating Divisions (OpDivs) and Staff Divisions (StaffDivs) must adopt and implement this Policy, or may create a more restrictive policy, but not one that is less restrictive or less comprehensive than this Policy. Your job responsibilities will determine what you must document. 2071 (2011), National Archives and Records Administration, 44 U.S.C. Records management programs must manage organizational information so that it is timely, accurate, complete, cost-effective, accessible and useable. Headquarters Air Force (HAF), MAJCOM, Field Operating Agencies (FOA), Direct Reporting Units (DRU). Delegates oversight responsibility for the Department-wide records management program to the Chief Information Officer (CIO). Now its time to test your knowledge with a brief quiz. Selfie w/First Sergent - Not a Record. This Policy applies to all HHS components, as well as organizations conducting business for or on behalf of HHS through contractual, grant-making, or other relationships. The Records Management office is required to notify NARA of all such unauthorized actions. Delete or destroy transitory records as soon as you no longer need them for information. You should now be able to recognize what kinds of materials are and are not records. You must have a JKO account to take this training.

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hhs annual records management training quizlet