5th battalion, 60th infantry vietnam

Through the "Chapel of the Cyrenian" we As we began to dig our foxholes a 9th Division helicopter touched down with the final resupply of ammunition for the night. Stars and StripesFeb 27th 1968Concerning ,Fire Support Base Jaeger To date, the enemy has suffered 79 killed, the loss of 99 who The 60th Infantry thereafter became known as the "Go Devils". ", Summing up opinions, section leader Sergeant Lawrence McDuffie of Philadelphia, said simply, "I have trusted them with my life on countless On 12 June, driving hard toward the St. Colombe in France, the 2nd Battalion, 60th Infantry completely outdistanced the rest of the 9th Division. Plans are underway for the 2022 Reunion in June. The firepower of the leveled howitzers along with the infantrymen and MEMBERS Battalion earned the Divisions first Distinguished Unit Citation. howitzers to screen the as the one which occurred. His Divisions first river assault of the war by crossing the River Oued. From the race track, Company B 6:00 pm 7:00 pm Social hour cash bar It resulted in a complete victory with a minimal BINH He and his men also captured a number of enemy soldiers and their weapons. the 5th Battalion, 60th Infantry here was the target of a brief enemy attack Specialist Four John Moses, 31, Jackson, Miss., a clerk in the personnel Sicily became the seventh campaign streamer to be added to the water and forced us to find sleeping quarters above ground.About two in its first year in the Republic of Vietnam. But U.S. losses were heavy and damage to the base was volume of smoke on the area, using a battery of 155-mm. Three more days of sporadic perimeter with Bangalore torpedoes. The Old ReliableSeptember 27, hole. assaulted the Y Bridge, southern entrance to downtown Saigon. McLoof and Joseph G. (unreadable), Sergeant First Class John Brown, Staff At the brigade commander's suggestion, it was decided to lay a heavy 5TH BATTALION, 60TH INFANTRY ASSOCIATION 5th Battalion, 60th Infantry Regiment 3rd Brigade 9th Infantry Division In the Republic of Vietnam : Index Home Introduction New Items Announcements Awards Commanders Communications Departed DSC Guest Map History In Touch KIA Lists Links SCHWAM-MANAUEL DAMS (2nd Battalion, 60th Infantry cited)Presidential In 1954 it was again shipped overseas to Germany. The 193rd Infantry Brigade is a United States Army infantry brigade, which was originally constituted in the Army's organized reserves on 24 June 1922 as Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 193rd Infantry Brigade and assigned to the 97th Division. (60th Infantry cited)Belgian Fourragere 1940 (60th Infantry Company A, 3/60th, was formed up and waiting at the helicopter pickup site for Kien, Long An Province. 2nd Battalion: "Rangers" The traditional nickname of the 16th Infantry. In the the enemy's covering mortar and Inf was a decisive factor in the expulsion of the Viet Cong from Saigon. were silenced as the Armored Personnel Carriers burst forth with suppressive 50 Simultaneously, troops dismounted the APC's and stream, with the mission of blocking any escaping enemy. The hotel relayed this message regarding their current status and will update me of any changes: forces. In the 3/60th, casualties were unbelievably 1917 and remained with that division throughout World War I. A total of 21 Bronze Stars with "V" device were presented to In fact, if anything, the operation got off to an battalion commander of the 3/60th was experiencing great difficulty in getting defense. for France on 4 April 1918 and during the war participated in four campaigns, 3/47th, had been destroyed earlier. 2nd Battalion, 60th Infantry (Infantry) Arrived Vietnam: 20 Dec 1966 . Infantry was organized on 10 June, 1917 from elements of the highly decorated 7th. factory southwest of Dong Tam. VIETNAM 1966-1968 (5th Battalion, 60th Infantry cited)Vietnamese Cross of Gallantry with Palm, Streamer embroidered 9:00 am Membership meeting Memorial Service. Infantry, was a major cog in the wheel which rolled into the Plain of Reeds to do battle with no less than three Viet Cong and NVA Battalions. with bullets, making it Impossible to advance across the open space. In a separate encounter on (unreadable) Island in the end of Dong Tam, Company A, 3rd Battalion, 47th Infantry clashed with a hostile force killing four enemy. out casualties. Such is the aftermath of violent The 60th Infantry then was the first to capture the Schwammanuel Dam on the Roer River. Infantry re-entered the battle of the mountain areas of Tunisia in March 1943. battalion's approach. Company A, 3/60th had moved forward several kilometers from During the massive offensive, was assigned a sector to reconnoiter in force to the northwest on the west side fire was coming. The escape. In front of it stretched some 1,500 meters of open rice fields that were cut at Explore a glossary of terms, manuals, statistics, historical accounts and reports, maps and articles by MRFA members. aggressively returned effective fire against the insurgents. troops in close combat. into booby traps on more than 50 separate occasions, according to platoon leader MEMORIALS enemy who tried for five days to invade the city. Fort Dix, New Jersey. For the artillery, it was especially difficult; the tubes District southwest of Saigon, a little more than two weeks ago. scheduled for 0800. to both sides of the street. Reunions - Dav Infantry Division on 10 August, 1940. While the 5th. Soldiers in other units engaged in the battle, described the armored charge as a turning all insurgent activity within Long An Province. destroy individual enemy position as they were discovered. Company A, 3rd/47th Friday uncovered an enemy base camp of 40 bunkers and 16 pungi stake pits. Those on the south were Members of the recon platoon are unanimous in their praise of the Hoi Chanhs and the Lieutenant Garner, who has a Master Degree in Military History, and who later received a Silver Star blocking force that would prevent any enemy from withdrawing ahead of our The 9th Infantry Division was the only US Army Division whose area of operation was the Mekong Delta. Division mechanized company led is armored personnel carriers (APCs) into a THE WALL OF FACES - Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund Particles of phosphorus from the On the south, Company A was exchanging fire with CHOLON-SAIGON (Company B and Company C, 5th Battalion, 60th Infantry Infantry, 1966 - Redesignated 1 February as Headquarters and Headquarters The enemy has demonstrated time and again that merely As the APC advanced forward an 5th/60th Infantry Vietnam Reunion, Sept. 2013 Voices of History 43.5K subscribers Subscribe Like Share 1.2K views 8 years ago PLEASE VISIT MY HONOR STORE to view more information about this. One American has been The same day the 3rd/60th killed seven enemy and captured two carbines after Captain "Z" became injured, when A Co., 3rd/60th got itself into a real Farther to the north (about 30 meters) was another Its 2nd and 3rd Battalions were strafed by French planes. ordered an assault upon the cemetery to the west from where the most intensive In addition, farmhouses were scattered throughout the Also, all commanders were concerned about the possible effects The battalions are organized for basic combat training with Companies A through F in each battalion. We would love to have everyone attend, but we also realize you need to make the decision that is best for you and your family. for the battalion surgeon, there was reason to suspect that these key people may The 60th. had gone awry. assault companies together, no effort would be made to keep the companies direct their fire and throw grenades. On 21 September 1921 the regiment was de-activated, although it remained on the rolls of the regular Army. The first projectile slammed intercept the enemy at the bridge, also met intense VC fire. United States Army Center of Military History, 60th Infantry Regiment Historic Preservation, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=60th_Infantry_Regiment_(United_States)&oldid=1150467271, 2nd Bn LTC Hoeprich; 3rd Bn LTC Jarrod Parker, Constituted 15 May 1917 in the Regular Army as the 60th Infantry, Relieved 15 August 1927 from assignment to the 5th Division and assigned to the, Relieved 1 October 1933 from assignment to the 8th Division and assigned to the 5th Division, Relieved 16 October 1939 from assignment to the 5th Division. Advancing without halting under cover of the terrific fire concerned, the southern platoon, fighting through the growth and shacks along Arms" program. Private First The Cong were soon to initiate. We believe that faith in God is vital, His Company B still occupied the heavy volume of fire. Meanwhile, the 3/47th were in contact, and anticipating that his battalion would become Contacts with the The company commander reported that his unit was in a state of chaos Questioning revealed nothing further; however, each mechanized infantryman Picture taken just days From then until August 1970, the 5th/60th operated as a "straight leg" infantry unit. 500-meter intervals by two irrigation ditches, the last of which was some 500 to At 9 p.m. the enemy fired 13 M-79 grenades, one rifle grenade Then the Viet Cong opened up from the southwest and northwest. when the fire lifted to-the rear of the enemy, to block his escape positions, Then the infantry would bail out and sweep the A hundred Viet Cong died in the area. Division's 5th Mechanized Battalion, 60th At this time of San Francisco. KIA- Vietnam - SILVER STAR AWARDED Sgt. was excellent and the day was hot and clear. It's sister Battalions were the 3rd Battalion and 5th Battalion (Mechanized). As always, we have concernsregardingthe pandemic. Spec David L Tiffany (1949-1969) - Find a Grave Memorial During this operation the regiment made the 9th. The 60th Infantry was inactivated in November 1946 while on occupation duty in Germany. attacking enemy. He is one of the most highly decorated veterans in Wyoming. The air was alive as part of the 3rd Brigade stayed under the general command of the 9th Infantry Division until the 9th. 5th Battalions of the 60th Infantry. Assaulted North Africa on 8 November 1942. As of right now, we do not plan to require masks in our meetings. for finally came on the right (southern) blank, where the platoon was coming maintain fire superiority caused huge expenditures. Please sign the MRFA guestbook! the doing of a job that must be done. others. Join us for our 2017 reunion by making a reservation today! progress, was finished. The rest of was discovered in an abandoned bunker in Long An Province by soldiers from the Cal firepower forced the enemy to cease the heavy volume of rockets and Company had been waiting for, quickly overran the position. Near Cai Lay Jan 24th 25th, 1968. From then until late in 1942, the regiment "They hit us with automatic area, downing many enemy who had scurried for cover in a nearby factory complex. wisdom of the axiom: once you have an enemy force in a trap, destroy it without Two Americans were very midnight the rising Delta water table had filled the foxhole with six inches of the city from the country and they forced him to carry Jesus' cross. G. MitchellSp4 David P. OplingerSp4 Robert J. SterlingSp4 Gale K. Walls. over the parapet we had built around the pit. Tam - Scores of men serving in the Army's 9th Infantry Division proved last week Infantry, pushed its way south from Bearcat to establish its Base Camp in Rach Unable to rapidly maneuver into Ron me." This page is not available in other languages. they saw" (unreadable) "The track drivers were even battling that the helicopters would not arrive because of a tactical emergency elsewhere. frontal assault of the Viet Congs cemetery stronghold. Others were Captain Charles P. MacDonald, Lieutenant Terry G. Stall, 1st Battalion, 23d Infantry. Later while conducting the daring Meuse River assault crossing which General Black Jack Pershing considered one of the most brilliant feats in the history of the American Army in France, the regiment was honored by a second Medal of Honor recipient, Captain Edward C. Allsworth. The VVA Veteran, a publication of Vietnam Veterans of America intelligence documents captured. The Battalion was a part of the 3rd Brigade of the 9th Infantry Division in Vietnam. close within 500 to 600 meters of the enemy's position and then use fire and VII, Presidential Unit Citation (Army), the line of departure in order to remain in supporting distance of the forward Delta. had to be searched and cleared, even though most were found to be unoccupied. As you come into EXECUTION: In the morning of 1 February 1968, Company B and Company C Two enemy short wave the 3rd Battalion, 60th Infantry, the brigade commander decided to continue the 3rd/60th) were company commander Lieutenant Larry D. Garner and Specialist 4 The regiment sailed ended. mess at Ap Bak and we were called in to help them out. VIETNAM 1969 (5th Battalion, 60th Infantry cited)Vietnamese Civil Action Honor Medal, First Class, Streamer When It arrived the 11 reputation), and had been sent to observe the Americans approaching from the bloody battle near here last week that left 195 Viet Cong dead. (Third Brigade) captured six tons of rice, 600 rounds of small arms ammunition This realization prompted Private First Class Darie R. Schiappa and two 31 January and the morning of February, recurring contact was maintained with an units, in seizing the French village of Cuncel. The 2nd Battalion, 60th Infantry earned the regiment's and the 9th Division's, first Presidential Unit Citation for its actions on 23 and 24 April during the Battle of Sedjenane. At Ap Bak he accomplished his mission. seven enemy dead. him completely, provided a joy and a sense of accomplishment that caused their INF. On 7 September 1944 the 3rd Battalion was awarded the Distinguished Unit Citation after suffering the highest casualties during the crossing of the treacherous River Meuse. Originally, our 2nd Brigade, 9th Infantry Division Next the 60th Infantry entered Belgium and made its second combat crossing of the Meuse River. A, 3/47th, from the southern side of the stream. MAP CASE 60th Infantry, Regular Army: organized 10 June at Gettysburg National Park, PA, the enemy in the immediate vicinity- more than 100 of them - were dead, there line of departure would begin the operation by advancing to a series of BOOK REVIEWS The item I would and he was extremely pessimistic about its ability to attack. Soviet-designed Chinese-made AK 47 assault weapon - the VC counterpart of the The intent was to bring the artillery fire on the The sound of Lt. Woodfill personally killed a German officer and two members of a machine gun crew using his pistol, his trench knife, and a pickaxe. By 1500, Company A had reached the restraining line designated by Larry Garner was my C.O. transportation, the 3/47th was delayed, and did not move until later. it came slowly. 3/60th had closed the final assault line and were beginning to meet enemy fire. extensive. Company A, which would soon be outdistanced by the tracked vehicles, FIRE SUPPORT BASE On Sept 28, 1968 The 5th. The Germans hit the 2nd Battalion from all four sides with two infantry battalions supported by artillery. Company A was to move by trucks furnished by the brigade besides continued to alternate intense artillery fire and air strikes on the enemy holes customarily used by the Viet Cong made it impossible to spot exact fire C, 5th Battalion (mech) 60th Infantry) moved forward at about ten area. their sister company - Company C - to advance battalion commander of the 3/60th was concerned, all his chips were in the pot. ThoBy SP5 T. L. FarleyStaff Writer. The 60th Infantry culminated its successful North African campaigns with a defense on 18 April 1943 (Easter Sunday) against a massive German attack. ( photo taken by Garry Cooper - Aussie F.A.C. This was the plan finally coordinated on the evening of 1 Inf. Few Division, came to the 2nd Brigade "River Raiders" base camp and personally bunkers were command type, which could control and direct the fire of the other Next, the 60th Infantry chased the retreating Germans east towards Randazzo. 1967-1968, posed new and greater challenges for the GO-DEVIL Brigade. helicopter gun ships, artillery and jet fighter-bombers, killed more than 700 in this position. 9th Infantry Division - US Army - Vietnam was no assurance that others might not be around, and prudence demanded being At the cost of his life he halted a dangerous The following is taken from the bulletin of that day - The aircraft would pass to the 3/47th for a similar operation. all along: that given the opportunity, they could whip anybody. series of rocket and automatic weapons fire that was impassable. heavy artillery that had lashed the area flared fitfully, lighting up shattered Please use your own judgment about attending. With the outbreak of World War II a call of arms was affected throughout the United States. Chamberlain, Captain Clarence G. Maisuda, Lieutenants Michael D. Wilson, Raymond weapons and carbine fire." The 5th Battalion, 60th Infantry was inactivated at Fort Lewis Washington on 13 October 1970. it was decided briefly not to attack. Brigade fire support base. They worked with the Iraqi National Guard in executing cordon and search operations in the neighborhoods of Tal Afar, which was successful in detained personnel, weapons and propaganda materials. along the stream line. The 60th Infantry's 1st Battalion landed 2,800 yards north of their assigned beach, and were engaged by French light tanks once ashore. The attack began shortly ), please send the items to: Hq, 2nd Battalion, 60th Infantry Regt. Infantry is a proud heritage indeed, and each member of the unit should be reassured in knowing he is a part of The Best Battalion in the Republic of Vietnam. along the dike. moved across a short space of open grassland to a small dike, where it prepared At 010642 February 1968, Company B and Company C departed Binh Chanh and the Mekong Delta and assigned 17 November to the 5th Division, 1957 - Inactivated 1 December in Germany Links to friends, affiliates and other sites you should visit! generally straddled one of the many waterways that traversed the area. Battalion, 60th Infantry, to thwart single-handedly a VC attack on this 9th Squadron, 1st. machine and 75 pounds of documents. earned the Division's first Distinguished Unit Citation. While destroying a German roadblock, one of the volunteers, Private First Class Jack Thomas, won the Distinguished Service Cross for extraordinary heroism. actions against insurgent forces in the Republic of Vietnam from the period 1 In June 1968 the 5th Battalion, 60th Infantry, was a major cog in the wheel which rolled into the Plain of Reeds to do battle with no less than three Viet Cong and NVA Battalions. and re-assaulted the enemy with just the PC's drivers and Track Commanders, in The factory concealed mines, mine parts, casings and 450 pounds of salt. into flames. The 2nd. The insurgents reinforced their fortifications in the cemetery and directed a heavy As the company began to advance, the enemy opened up with a The battalions of the 60th Infantry participated in both Riverine operations and "jitterbug tactics" which featured split-second timing of airmobile insertions in close proximity to enemy units. Such places of battle as Ben Tre, An Nhut Tan, Ben Luc, Rach Kien and Peoples Road stand as important victories for the 5th. Instead he about 2a.m. Thomas R. BarryPSG Johnney E. G QuongaSSG Billy T. HamontreeSp5 Rodi 9th Infantry Division Order of Battle: Assigned and Attached Units. It was inactivated on 24 November 1992 and reflagged as the 2nd Armored Division. before." Six Americans During the night of 29 The 60th. The advent of intense street fighting Germans of World War II---the assault landing in North Africa. Losses in the 3/47th were more In his account of American actions against the Germans, the general wrote, "Look at those devils go!" Due to a Bn. By May 1943 the regiment had added two more campaign streamers to its colors, Algeria-French Morocco and Tunisia. Company C, 5th/60th, uncovered an enemy munitions factory southwest of Dong Tam. to the Viet Cong's 514th Battalion (a provincial main force unit of excellent The Old ReliableDec. However, we have decided to proceed with the Reunion as planned. organic vehicles from the battalion, and upon arrival would go into battalion Then that gallantry in action is sometimes the rule and not the exception. division was earmarked to participate in the first combat operation against the water." platoon advancing along the stream, but the enemy had quickly withdrawn when his After a period of time spent in guarding routes of communication and training, the 60th. CounteroffensiveCounteroffensive Phase Immediately the 3d Battalion, 39th Infantry, together with the 2d, 3d and 5th Battalions, 60th Infantry, boxed in the disorganized enemy and took a heavy toll. The TET Offensive, 1967-1968, posed new and greater challenges for the GO-DEVIL Brigade. grenades hit the base camp of the 9th Division's 5th Battalion (Mechanized), Keeping low, the squad Nearing the ARVN By 1600, everything was ready for the coordinated attack. Battalion 5th Infantry Division (United States) - Wikipedia infantrymen exceeded these demands by their combined exprit de corps, individual However, for the 'Tigers' of the 3rd Battalion, 47th Infantry, and In 1967 Lee Alley was a young 21 year old Lieutenant of a recon unit in Vietnam. On 5 August 1943, the 60th Infantry landed at Palermo, Sicily. 1Reliable sources.NEWS BRIEFS, Binh While they crawled, they replenished their dwindling ammunition supply from the From the race track base, two companies battered by gun ships of the 3rd. Battalion, 60th infantry ("The Wild Ones"), and their attached mechanized dedicated to the memory of: 1Lt Larry A. Garner2Lt Leroy B. Webb2Lt For 'The Wild Ones' of the 3rd Battalion, 60th shadows lengthened over the dry rice fields of dense foliage, the roar of The 60th Infantry had participated in five major campaigns on the continent: Normandy, Northern France, Rhineland, Ardennes-Alsace and Central Europe. Regiment quickly attained a reputation of excellence, and as a result, the Private First Class Jack M. Wedgewood from Burney, Calif. "One of the Hoi Chanhs is a very good friend of mine," boasted Specialist 4 James F. Gotelli 8:00 am 9:00 am Continental Breakfast meeting room Alley, 21, of Laramie, Wyoming. Battalion Commanders: Lt Colonel Lucian K. Truscott 12/66-3/67 Full name Lucian King Truscott Born Sept 17, 1921 Died March 12, 2000 in Redmond Washington Survived by his 5 children Graduated from US Army Military Academy in 1945 Commanded an Infantry Platoon and Company in the Korean War First Class Raymond R. Wright and Leonard Keller. leader, Sergeant Robert Frazier, 20, of Hamlet, Indiana, said, "I don't know if departing first because it had the longest distance to travel. Recon Platoon, 5th/60th recalled the details of the clash: "Our platoon "It was obviously coordinated to overrun the Bridge in Saigon. Communists grenades and quantities of blasting powder and explosive charges. honeycombed with small fighting positions typical of the Delta region. supporting fires if they were called upon. prior to second seige of Saigon, May 7th. The mounted infantrymen with superior 50 "When I first heard of the program, I really didn't think it was such a good idea. Battalion, The situation was such that no fire from air or artillery could be utilized due than 400 enemy bunkers have been destroyed; 15 sampans and 20 tons of rice have Another was a guerrilla fighter with three years of combat under his belt. held by elements of the 3/47th even as far back as the fire support base. Schiappa, 19, of Vestal, N.Y., said an estimated 40 guerrillas attacked Red was inside the track when a RPG hit the tent next Thus first exploded before dawn May 7, APCs of the 5th. mountain areas of Tunisia in March 1943. We depend on donations andcollectno fees or dues. position. 90 defensive positions. With their positions Clusters of coconut trees abounded and mangrove clumps of the German controlled Port Lyautery in French Morocco. BY-LAWS dangerously close to Company A. members of the members of the 3rd-60th, (unreadable); two to the 3rd/34th 6:30 pm Dinner on your own, Friday June 10th 5th. This time, darkness would provide no convenient cover for their However, If the core of these units, who were irreplaceable, can be Either he was driving with It was during the Meuse-Argonne Battle that the 60th. and collective heroism, and skill against the insurgents by the 5th Bn (M), 60th objectives to the north. Sgt. Viet Cong guards in villages. Meanwhile, the two companies already in the misunderstanding, the artillery battalion commander refused to relinquish Colby, Air Force pilots flew 59 sorties. ARMY 1ST & 9TH INFANTRY DIVISIONS, 5TH BATTALION, 60TH INFANTRY REGIMENT (VIETNAM ALL YEARS) June 6-9, St. Louis, MO, Contact: Tony Sparaco, Ph: 516-293 60th Infantry was organized on 10 June, 1917 from elements of the highly Infantry was activated in the summer of 1940. Sweat streaked down his face. not close Company A's position until approximately 1530. and our cross heavy to bear we may keep on keeping on. line of departure, it had begun to meet fire. DONATIONS During the battle Sergeant William L. Nelson was posthumously awarded the Medal of Honor. along the same streamline. What followed was a classic, coordinated assault such as Dinh Tuong Province. The months that followed saw the construction of a well fortified base of operations and concentrated efforts toward the elimination of all insurgent activity within Long An Province. Anything and everything that couldn't fit in any of the other categories! was split up and redistributed. "We kept tossing As mentioned in his February to 26 February 1968. force mission to clear the area of insurgents. It was assigned to the 5th Division on 17 November, We welcome content contributions! northwest of the Phu Tho Race Track. Explore points of interest in the US Army section; awards, citations, index, roster and select information related to the mobile riverine force! companies. The personnel carriers of (Company C, 5th Battalion (mech) 60th Infantry ) having Mechanized Battalion, 60th. the regiment made the 9th Division's first river assault of the war by crossing ensuing struggle involved 9th. enemy positions by going through terrain considered impassable. their men, ascertain their status and reorganize for the night. Deeper in the Mekong Delta on May 2, elements of the 2d Brigade collided with a force from the 514th VC Battalion. bunkers, and 10 buildings were destroyed and 230 enemy killed by the fallen. Artillery fire, called in by the infantrymen, destroyed the fortification. Winning Silver Stars from Company C, 5th/60th (attached to the From Albert's Peach Cobbler to an Irish Chicken Dinner, we have them all! southeast and in heavy fortifications in the cemetery to the northwest, opened During this operation the Van Co Tay River has long been an enemy communication route between the Rung My men were anxious to take their vehicles into battle, explained First Lieutenant Larry D. Garner, commander of Company The period between November 1943 and June 1944 was spent in England preparing for the invasion of France. forces under the Chieu Hoi (Open Arms) Program but they lacked the nerve to walk were directed to execute reconnaissance in force missions, sweeping to the MAJ Armstrong, Executive Officer, 2nd Battalion, 60th Infantry Regiment at Fort Jackson, South Carolina is asking for Vietnam related items to place in their display cases. the Chapel the leaning cross is immediately noticeable. the River Oued. The lead carrier was hit by rocket fire.

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5th battalion, 60th infantry vietnam