highest ranking german officer killed in ww2

This list may not reflect recent changes. -Net emigration of foreign population - The Statistisches Bundesamt pointed out that this was a rough estimate. Schramm put the total at 4,188,057. The German historian Rdiger Overmans used the files of WASt) to conduct his research project on German military casualties. Ullstein Taschenbuch vlg., 2002 Pages 272-273, Overmans has made the following points in Deutsche militrische Verluste im Zweiten Weltkrieg. It was created in 1947 by an ex-soldier of the Czechoslovak army-in-exile, Frantiek Blsk and is dedicated to the paratroopers, the clergymen, and other Czech patriots who died for the sake of the operation. [167], James Bacque, a Canadian author with no previous historical research experience, has written a book Other Losses in which he claims that the United States are responsible for the deaths of 800,000 to 1,000,000 German POW. [67] The men in the church had only pistols, while the attackers had machine guns, submachine guns, and hand grenades. The Polish underground killed two senior SS officers in the General Government in Operation Kutschera and Operation Brkl; Wilhelm Kube, the General-kommissar of Belarus, was killed in Operation Blowup by Soviet partisan Yelena Mazanik, a Belarusian woman who had managed to find employment in his household to kill him. Moravec had personally selected two dozen of the most promising personnel from among the 2,000 exiled Czechoslovak soldiers based in Britain. [48], Heydrich's condition while hospitalized was not documented in detail, but he was not noted to have developed any of the distinctive symptoms associated with botulism, which have a gradual onset, invariably including paralysis, with death generally resulting from respiratory failure. [124], 2- The section Effects of Strategic Bombing on the German War Economy of October 31, 1945 put the losses at 375,000 killed and 625,000 wounded[125][126], 3-The section The Effect of Bombing on Health and Medical Care in Germany of January 1947 made a preliminary calculated estimate of air raid dead at 422,000[127][126] According to the report "no complete and accurate figures on German civilian air raid casualties, covering the entire period of the war, are available". Figures for missing include POW held by Allies. She was executed by Nazis in Mauthausen). Herausgeber: Statistisches Bundesamt - Wiesbaden. According to Karl Hermann Frank's postwar testimony, Hitler knew Zelewski to be even harsher than Heydrich. Marshall's figure for the South Pacific is 684,000. The Austrian government puts their losses in the air war at 24,000. Japanese government figures from 2003 put their military war dead at 2.3 million. -POW still held by Allies- 1,750,000 POW from Germany within in the 1937 borders were still held by the allies in October 1946. (German government Statistical Office). The gap in vital statistics between the middle of 1944 and the end of 1945 was estimated. [citation needed]. by tigre 14 Mar 2008, 21:38, Post Web6 Joseph Goebbels Joseph Goebbels (29 October 1897 1 May 1945) was a German Nazi politician and Reich Minister of Propaganda of Nazi Germany from 1933 to 1945.. [7][8][9][10][4] -Civilian deaths- These are deaths due to natural causes not directly related to the war. Many evil people have the distinction of being Heydrich was first placed in the driver's cab, but complained that the truck's movement was causing him pain. [163] The German government currently places the ultimate blame for the mass flight and expulsion on the wartime policy of the Nazis in Eastern Europe. Many men who went missing or were taken prisoner were not included in the German High Command (OKW) figures. -Emigrated & murdered Jews- The Statistisches Bundesamt (German government Statistical Office) gave a total of 200,000 Jews who had emigrated or were murdered, they did not estimate those actually who were murdered. WebThe Tragedy of Lieutenant General Lesley McNair: The Highest Ranking US Soldier Killed in WWII. Their figures include Austria and conscripted ethnic Germans from Eastern Europe. The 7 Most Notorious Nazis Who Escaped to South America The story of Operation Anthropoid is narrated in a short Czech comic book titled Atentt (The Assassination), created in 1976 by brothers Jan Saudek and Kja Saudek. In recent years there has been a joint Russian-German project to investigate the fate of POWs in the war. Deutsche Kriegsgefangene des Zweiten Weltkriege. A Czech woman and an off-duty policeman went to Heydrich's aid and flagged down a delivery van. (German government Statistical Office), Die deutschen Vertreibungsverluste. The exiled government of Czechoslovakia under President Edvard Bene was under pressure from British intelligence, as there had been very little visible resistance since the occupation of the Sudeten regions of the country in 1938. It is now known that they did not survive the war, Rdiger Overmans believes that more than likely they died in Soviet custody. WebRussia Countries with the Highest Total Casualties in World War II: Those totals do not include the more than 14 million Soviet soldiers who were wounded during the war. The financial support for the study came from a private foundation. Czechs in World War II", "The attentat on SS Obergruppenfhrer Reinhard Heydrich", "Jsme ei! [39], The authors of A Higher Form of Killing claim that Heydrich died from botulism (Clostridium botulinum toxin poisoning). The Nazi prisoners bugged by Germans [57] On 9 June 1942, the Germans committed the Lidice massacre; 199 men were killed, 195 women were deported to Ravensbrck concentration camp, and 95 children taken prisoner. Monthly figures do not add because of rounding. Church of Saints Cyril and Methodius is where the Czechoslovak paratroopers died after being cornered, and the memorial there is for those killed by the SS in retaliation for Operation Anthropoid. Language links are at the top of the page across from the title. Krivosheev gave a separate set of statistics that put losses at 2,230,000 Killed; 2,400,000 missing and 5,240,000 wounded. 5 p153, The Allied armies in the west captured more than 1,500,000 prisoners during April., In the last sixteen days of April, (over) 951,827 Germans were captured to make a total of (over) 1,500,000 for the whole of April, see Ref. He estimated total air raid deaths at 353,000. [76], Another important monument is in the form of a fountain, and symbolically commemorates the seven paratroopers. General Lesley McNair: His Tragic Death During Operation Cobra By Brian Todd Carey. German military personnel killed in World War II, German Army personnel killed in World War II, Austrian military personnel killed in World War II, Kriegsmarine personnel killed in World War II, Luftwaffe personnel killed in World War II, Hans Albrecht, Hereditary Prince of Schleswig-Holstein, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Category:German_military_personnel_killed_in_World_War_II&oldid=1135380332, German military personnel killed in action, Military personnel killed in World War II by nationality, German military personnel of World War II, Template Category TOC via CatAutoTOC on category with 101200 pages, CatAutoTOC generates standard Category TOC, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 24 January 2023, at 09:15. As the Mercedes braked in front of him, Kubi, who was not spotted by Heydrich or Klein, threw a modified anti-tank grenade[27] (concealed in a briefcase) at the car; he misjudged his throw. By 1950 the Soviets reported that they had repatriated all German prisoners of war except a small number of convicted war criminals. The German invasion of the Soviet Union had stimulated acts of sabotage by Czech communists, leading to Heydrich's appointment. pp. by B5N2KATE 19 Apr 2008, 16:38, Return to German Strategy & General German Military Discussion. Marshall's figure is 126,000. Marshall's figure for the Central Pacific is 273,000. 9/1, German Federal Archive, Siegel, Silke Vertreibung und Vertreibungsverbrechen 1945-1948. Herausgeber: Statistisches Bundesamt - Wiesbaden. The case of Ernst Rhm, the highest-ranking gay Nazi, presents an interesting study in the construction and containment of masculinity by the right. A List of American Commanders in WWII Who Lost Their Lives [133] Not included in these figures are civilians who died in the fighting and atrocities in East-Prussia (Konigsberg, Pillau), Pommerania (Danzig, Kolberg) and Silesia (Breslau). A deadline was issued to the military and the people of Czechoslovakia for the assassins to be apprehended by 18 June 1942. The operation was given the codename Anthropoid, Greek for "having the form of a human", a term usually used in zoology. The German military system for reporting casualties was based on a numerical reporting of casualties by individual units and a separate listing of the names of individual casualties. Assassination of Reinhard Heydrich - Wikipedia In 1992 when Overmans began the project, German military dead in the war listed at the military search service Deutsche Dienststelle (WASt) were 4.3 million men (3.1 million confirmed dead and 1.2 missing and presumed dead). [39][43] An autopsy concluded he died of sepsis. Page 61", Imperial War Museum- German and Italian Prisoners of War in the United Kingdom, United States Strategic Bombing Survey, Summary Report, Germany and the Second World War, Volume 9, Part 1 Page 475 By Germany (West). Monthly Field Army (Feldheer) casualties September 1939 to November 1944, Notes: Figures include Waffen SS, Austrians and conscripted ethnic Germans. [52] In March the daily rate of POWs taken on the Western Front was 10,000;[53] in the first 14 days of April it rose to 39,000[54] and in the last 16 days the average peaked at 59,000 soldiers captured each day. [13][12] The German Historical Museum puts the figure at 600,000 dead; they maintain the figure of 2 million expulsion deaths cannot be supported. The foreword to the book was written by German President. -Population May 1939 Census- These figures are for Germany in 1937 borders, they do not include Austria or the ethnic Germans of East Europe. [28][29] The explosion shattered the windows of the tram, which had stopped on the opposite side of the road, shrapnel striking terrified passengers. Note: This category is intended solely for those members of the German armed forces killed as a result of their military service and not those executed during internal purges, or those who died in Allied custody post-war. 73 anti-tank grenade used in the attack had been modified to contain the toxin. Figures do not include Austria. Field Army (Feldheer) casualties September 1939 to November 1944, Source: Mller-Hillebrand Das Heer 19331945 Vol 3. information on burial sites and memorials of both wars. [17] The system was not uniform because various military branches such as the Army, Air Force, Navy, Waffen SS and the military hospitals each had different systems of reporting. "Heydrich Is Dead; Czech Toll At 178," pg 1, The New York Times, 5 June 1942. This was a show of his confidence in the occupation forces and in the effectiveness of his government. This is assumed to include the following regions listed by the Japanese Relief Bureau: Bonin Islands, Okinawa, Formosa (Taiwan), Islands of Central Pacific. [2] Heydrich was wounded in the attack[3] and died of his wounds on 4 June 1942.[4]. He was driven by SS-Oberscharfhrer Johannes Klein. Figures do not include POW deaths of 363,000 in Soviet captivity; these losses were listed separately by Overmans. This figure includes 4.3 million military dead and missing, 500,000 killed by strategic bombing, 300,000 victims of Nazi political, racial and religious persecution, 2,251,500 civilian dead in expulsions and 24,300 Austrian civilians. Based on information available in January 1946, the Metropolitan Life Insurance Co. put German military dead at 3,250,000. The Statistisches Jahrbuch fr die Bundesrepublik Deutschland 1960, Page 78. 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Bacque alleges that General Eisenhower and the US military deliberately withheld support for the German POW, causing their deaths. They estimated 635,000 total deaths, 500,000 due to the strategic bombing of Germany and an additional 135,000 killed in air raids during the 1945 flight and evacuations on the eastern front. Orthodox Church of Saints Cyril and Methodius, Photo of memorial outside door of the church, Reward poster for Sgt. [78], In October 2011, a memorial plaque was unveiled on residential block Porchester Gate (London), which housed the Czechoslovak military intelligence service and where the Operation Anthropoid was planned in October 1941.[79][80]. Preparation began on 20 October 1941. Re: German General Officer casualties in WW II. [21] Upon learning of the nature of the mission, resistance leaders begged the Czechoslovak government-in-exile to call off the attack, saying that "[a]n attempt against Heydrich's life would be of no use to the Allies and its consequences for our people would be immeasurable". [116][117], In 1951, Gregory Frumkin, who was throughout its existence the editor of the Statistical Year Book of the League of Nations, provided an assessment of German military losses based on a demographic analysis of the European population from 1939 to 1947. .mw-parser-output .templatequote{overflow:hidden;margin:1em 0;padding:0 40px}.mw-parser-output .templatequote .templatequotecite{line-height:1.5em;text-align:left;padding-left:1.6em;margin-top:0}, For Austria the consequences of the Nazi regime and the Second World War were disastrous: During this period 2,700 Austrians had been executed and more than 16,000 citizens murdered in the concentration camps. [22] Bene personally broadcast a message insisting that the attack go forward,[22] although he denied any involvement after the war. Toward Peace: War Responsibility, Postwar Compensation, and Peace Movements and Education in Japan. [136], The Soviets set up NKVD special camps in the Soviet-occupied parts of Germany and areas east of the Oder-Neisse line to intern Germans accused of alleged ties to the Nazis, or because they were hindering the establishment of Stalinism in East Germany. [70][71] On 5 August 1942, British foreign secretary Anthony Eden issued a declaration that Germany had destroyed the Munich Agreement. Mittler, Frankfurt am Main 1969 Pages 258-266, Great patriotic war of the Soviet Union, 1941-1945: a general outline - Moscow: Progress Publishers, [1974] Page 392, Die deutschen Vertreibungsverluste. [55][56], Nazi intelligence falsely linked Heydrich's assassins to the village of Lidice. The authors maintain that the German figures for 1940 through 1943 of 111,000 killed was generally correct and that their estimate of 311,000 dead for the years 1944 and 1945 was based on the tons of bombs dropped and the population size of the cities bombed. Ji Weil's 1959 book Mendelssohn is on the Roof features the assassination of Reinhard Heydrich as a subplot. His post mortem examination showed none of the usual signs of sepsis, although infection of the wound and areas surrounding the lungs and heart was reported. He believes that in addition to the 363,000 confirmed POW dead in the USSR. Professor Hollbaum (a Silesian German who was chairman of surgery at Charles University in Prague) operated on Heydrich with Diek and Slanina's assistance. 1961 Nic se vm nestane! Who of the German officers who were assassinated had the [14] Warrant Officer Jozef Gabk (Slovak) and Staff Sergeant Karel Svoboda (cs) (Czech) were chosen to carry out the operation on 28 October 1941 (Czechoslovakia's Independence Day),[5] but after Svoboda received a head injury during training, he was replaced by Jan Kubi (Czech). Professor Ryszard Kaczmarek of the University of Silesia in Katowice, author of a monograph titled Polacy w Wehrmachcie ("Poles in the Wehrmacht") noted that many Polish citizens in the Polish areas annexed by Nazi Germany were forcibly conscripted in Upper Silesia and in Pomerania. As Allied bombs rained down from B-17s and B-24s on their own men to open Operation Cobra, a three-star general was visiting the front lines: Commander of Army Ground Forces Lt. Gen. Lesley McNair. The operation was also intended to demonstrate to senior Nazis that they were not beyond the reach of Allied forces and the resistance groups they supported.[5]. 83,307 dead; 57,258 missing and 118,127 wounded. Of the children, 81 were later killed in gas vans at the Chemno extermination camp, Bacque presents his arguments with a description of the horrific conditions at the Rheinwiesenlager POW camps and eyewitness accounts of retired US military officers. The Germans were unable to locate the attackers until Karel urda of the Out Distance sabotage group turned himself in to the Gestapo and gave up the names of the team's local contacts for the bounty of one million Reichsmarks. What happened when the Nazi generals turned themselves in, 75 Bishop Gorazd took the blame for the actions in the church to minimize the reprisals among his flock, and even wrote letters to the Nazi authorities, who arrested him on 27 June 1942 and tortured him. - The Statistisches Bundesamt defined the others as "emigrated Germans, POW remaining abroad voluntarily, and German concentration camp deaths" (deutsche KZ-Opfer). The Russian military historian G. I. Krivosheev has published figures for the casualties on all fronts compiled by the German High Command up until April30 1945 based on captured German records in the Soviet Archives. A Who was highest rank officer killed in world war 2? - Answers Bericht des Bundesarchivs vom 28. The German historian Rdiger Overmans in 2000 published the study Deutsche militrische Verluste im Zweiten Weltkrieg (German Military Casualties in the Second World War), which has provided a reassessment of German military war dead based on a statistical survey of German military personnel records. During the Cold War, the West German government estimated the death toll at 2.225 million[14] in the wartime evacuations, forced labor in the Soviet Union as well as the post war expulsions. The personnel records included 3,070,000 men who were confirmed dead in the Death Files and another 15,200,000 men in the General Files who had served in the war including those listed as missing and presumed dead. The decorated serviceman and heroic leader died within months of the wars end. WebOn September 29-30, 1941, SS and German police units and their auxiliaries, under the jurisdiction of Einsatzgruppe C, murdered the Jewish population of Kiev at Babi Yar, a Page 246. Those remaining in 1950 became Polish citizens but were German nationals in 1939. Highest rank officer A staggering Heydrich came towards Gabk, who dropped his Sten and tried to reach his bicycle, but was forced to abandon the attempt and took cover behind a telegraph pole, firing at Heydrich with his pistol. Thus the total for March and April was well over 1,800,000. At 05:00 on 17 June, the Moravec flat was raided. Mn se tak nic nestalo." He was then transferred to the back of the truck on his stomach and taken to the emergency room at Bulovka Hospital. WebOn September 1, 1939 there were only 508 General Staff officers to fill the 589 General Staff positions. Since the collapse of communism previously classified documentation regarding German military casualties became available to German researchers. by tigre 29 Feb 2008, 20:30, Post He killed millions of innocent people because they existed. Casualties of German citizens during World War II, Records of German military search service, Wartime statistics compiled by German High Command (OKW), Comparison of figures at 12/31/1944 of Overmans and German High Command, German casualties in English language sources, United States Army figures for German and Italian losses, The United States Strategic Bombing Survey, Civilians killed in 1945 military campaign, Deaths due to Nazi political, racial and religious persecution, NKVD special camps in East Germany 19451950, Expulsion of Germans after World War II and the forced labor of Germans in the Soviet Union, Population balance for Germany in 1937 borders (not including Austria or the ethnic Germans of East Europe): May 1939 to October 1946, Population balance for the ethnic Germans of Eastern Europe, Rdiger Overmans, Deutsche militrische Verluste im Zweiten Weltkrieg. On the other hand, Overmans states that "300,000 soldiers per month" (p.275), "that is, 10,000 men per day" (p.279, cf. Officer In addition, the events have been featured in several well-known dramatic films (this taking place in the general context of World War II in popular culture and specifically Reinhard Heydrich in popular culture). by tigre 21 Mar 2008, 15:21, Post [34] Gabk fled into a butcher shop, where the owner, a man named Brauer, who was a Nazi sympathizer and had a brother who worked for the Gestapo, ignored Gabk's request for help. The West German government set up a unified body the Suchdienst (search service) of the German churches working in conjunction with the, In 1974, the West German Federal Archive (, In his 2000 study of German military casualties Rdiger Overmans found 344,000 additional military deaths of Germans from the, The German historians Hans Henning Hahn and Eva Hahn have published a detailed study of the flight and expulsions that is sharply critical of official German accounts of the cold war era.

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highest ranking german officer killed in ww2