oracle ascp pegging query

For long-running processes, you can segment the material completions from a supply over the time of the process (supply segments). To do this, highlight the pegging line of the item and click the Demand Pegging icon. Material is shown at the beginning of the operation where it is needed. A disadvantage of small demand window size is more late higher priority demands. The planning engine uses the standard pegging second pass. The exception details data is not stored in a simple way. In the Planner Workbench you can adjust slide bars to change the relative widths of the Navigator and the context windows, such as Exception Summary, that you open. Goal Goal This document will provide details on ASCP Plan pegging is stored at the table level with examples Solution In this Document Goal Solution SCENARIO - 1, MSC_FULL_PEGGING SCENARIO - 2, Two Forecasts SCENARIO - 3, Two Forecasts A Deeper View The commitments from your suppliers come back as supplier capacity that is considered as a . The orders in Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning are firm planned orders. After you firm a supply, you can specify the quantity to change an existing planned order, a forecast, an MDS demand, a manual MDS demand, or a sales order. You can use the icons provided in this window to perform the following: Supply Pegging icon and Demand Pegging icon: View upstream (demand pegging) and downstream pegging (supply pegging) for a particular supply or demand record in the same window. For a forecast demand, this field indicates the quantity of the forecast that is consumed by sales orders. The choices are 5, 7, and 10, with 5 as the default. You can view the Pegging region of the Supply/Demand window to analyze the impact of changing a supply or demand order at any level of your bill of material. MSI1.ITEM_NAME|| (||MSI1.INVENTORY_ITEM_ID||) COMPONENT (ID), , substr( md1.order_number,1,22) order_num, , MS1.NEW_ORDER_QUANTITY COMP_QTY this is the pegged or previously pegged column, , decode (ms1.order_type,1,Purchase order, ,14,Discrete job co-product/by-product, ,17,Planned order co-product/by-product, ,4,Suggested aggregate repetitive schedule, , decode (MFP1.supply_type, 1, Purchase Order, 2, Purchase Requisition, 3, Work Order, 11, Intransit Shipment, 12, Intransit receipt) Supply_type, ,decode (MFP2.supply_type, 1, Purchase Order, 2, Purchase Requisition, 3, Work Order, 11, Intransit Shipment, 12, Intransit receipt) Supply_type2, , ROUND(MFP1.ALLOCATED_QUANTITY,1) COMP_ALLOC, , decode(MD1.origination_type, 29,Peg_Fcast,30,Peg_Sales) Pegged_To, , decode (MFP1.DEMAND_ID, -1,peg_Excess,-2,Peg_SS) Pegged_To_1, , decode(MD2.origination_type, 29,Peg_Fcast,30,Peg_Sales) Pegged_To_2, , TRUNC(MS1.NEW_SCHEDULE_DATE) COMP_SUP_DUE, ,(SUBSTR(MD2.ORDER_NUMBER,1,14)||SUBSTR(MD2.ORDER_NUMBER,42,5))) SO_NUM, , MSI2.ITEM_NAME|| (||MSI2.INVENTORY_ITEM_ID||) ASSEMBLY (ID), , TO_CHAR(MD2.REQUEST_SHIP_DATE,DD/MM/YYYY) RDATE, , TRUNC(MD2.USING_ASSEMBLY_DEMAND_DATE) SSDATE, , ROUND((MD2.DMD_SATISFIED_DATE-MD2.USING_ASSEMBLY_DEMAND_DATE),1) LATE, , ROUND(MFP2.ALLOCATED_QUANTITY,1) WIP_QTY, , TRUNC(MD1.USING_ASSEMBLY_DEMAND_DATE) COMP_DEM_DUE, AND MSI1.SR_INSTANCE_ID = MS1.SR_INSTANCE_ID, AND MSI1.ORGANIZATION_ID = MS1.ORGANIZATION_ID, AND MSI1.INVENTORY_ITEM_ID = MS1.INVENTORY_ITEM_ID, AND MFP1.SR_INSTANCE_ID = MS1.SR_INSTANCE_ID, AND MFP1.ORGANIZATION_ID = MS1.ORGANIZATION_ID, AND MFP1.TRANSACTION_ID = MS1.TRANSACTION_ID, AND MFP2.PEGGING_ID (+) = MFP1.PREV_PEGGING_ID, AND MSI2.INVENTORY_ITEM_ID (+) = MFP2.INVENTORY_ITEM_ID, ORDER BY MS1.OLD_SCHEDULE_DATE, MD2.REQUEST_SHIP_DATE,, Methods to Calculate Actual Cost in Oracle Apps. Not used in Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning. Set Capacity: Specify the exact capacity units and the date from which the capacity change is effective. The following options are available if you right-click with your cursor over an operation: You can view information on orders and operations via the Properties window or resource Tool Tips. If you cancel an internal requisition and do not cancel the corresponding internal sales order, Planner Workbench: Displays the internal requisition with a cancel reschedule recommendation since the planning engine can only issue a cancel recommendation for a supply. Set them up properly to ensure desired planning results. You can choose the time frame for which you want to view the graph. The Queries tabbed pane consists of the following nodes: Query Result: You can expand the Query Result node to view the results of your unsaved queries. The first demand window is from day 5 to day 5, the second demand window is from day 6 to day 6, and the third demand window is from day 7 to day 7. On certain days, the supplier may have additional capacity. See: Reviewing Item Planning Information. Under General, select either Plans or Queries in the Default Tab. You can specify the options that should be hidden or shown for a row. It pegs the transient safety stock levels to the lowest priority supplies in the supply window. View summary of changes in the Planner's Workbench for online planning purposes. Inventory ABC classification of the item. Your changes are also dynamically reflected in the Gantt Chart. The supply of quantity 300 on day 30 and the demand on day 30 for quantity 300. Calculations related to member item totals are based on only those member items that are part of the same plan. The planning engine plans to peg safety stock through a process of sequential phases: Peg to non-transient safety stock levels. The planning engine pegs the demand in organization M1 for item A, due on day 20, quantity 70, priority 2 to: Organization M1, on-hand supply for item B, quantity 70, There is no supply for the requested item in any organization; it substitutes to use on-hand before creating planned orders. Choose [right-click] > Firm/Unfirm Operation > [Firm option]. FIFO pegging: FIFO pegging pegs demands to supplies on a day-by-day basis. When you login again and return to the Planner Workbench, the settings that you saved are retained. For more details on setting up a supplier site as an inventory organization, see Oracle Inventory User's Guide. Type of assignment set that uses this rule. Using the Find window, you can sort, group, or sub-total exceptions according to various criteria including item, supplier, or buyer, for example. You can right-click and select an option to view information about the multiple nodes you selected. Note: In both the order-centric and the resource-centric views, an activity that appears on the right pane and is not seen on the left pane can be brought in to the right pane by right clicking on that activity in the left pane and selecting Jump from the right-click option. Set firm supply allocation windows: In the Profile Options form, attend to the following: MSO: Firm Supply Allocation Window (Backward days): Number of days for searching backward from the demand date. Demand priorities are in parentheses and pegged entities are connected by arrows. The date on which the first unit belonging to a line is scheduled. The implement date for all the lines in a ship set or an arrival set is the maximum date across all the lines in a ship set or an arrival set respectively. A supply that pegs to a transient safety stock level and also to multiple demands may contribute less to its pegged safety stock level over time. To enable this, set profile option MSC: Split Planned Order to perform safety stock pegging to Yes or Yes But Do Not Violate Order Modifiers. The activity's new start or end date is reflected in the Gantt Chart. Choose [right-click] > Resource Capacity. Enter the name of the program unit in profile option MSC: Horizontal Plan Extension Program. It is the earliest time in which the resource requirement can be completed. Key Indicators, Horizontal Plan, Vertical Plan, Actions, Actions, Exception Details, Related Exceptions, Save Actions, Resources, Resource Requirements, Resource Availability, Supplier Capacity, Supplier Flex Fences, Supplier Variability, Pegging, Critical Activities, End Pegged Supplies, Start Online Planner, Stop Online Planner, Online Replan, Online Planner Status, Batch Replan, Launch New Plan, Copy Plan, Purge Plan, Publish Order Forecast, Publish Supply Commits. Drill-down to the item level and right-click the item. Drill down to different levels in the Items, Organizations, and Resources categories to view details. A demand pegging to an expiring lot must have its demand date earlier than the lot expiration date; therefore, some expiring lots may not peg. Pegs demand to on-hand before other firm supplies of day 1 when the firm supply allocation window includes day 1. Preference sets are unique to the individuals creating it. Similarly, you can select Resources and Suppliers to create queries that filter information related to resources and suppliers, respectively. Highlight an organization, right-click, and select Supply/Demand. To go to today, click Today. Close the Preferences window. From the Orders view, select and order and then select Show Resources. Alternate BOM is an alternate list of component items that you can use to produce an assembly. applications data, integrate your existing applications with Oracle The Planner Workbench consists of two main tabs, Plan and Queries. Select the Release check box for each order or the Select all for release menu option to release the recommendations to update the sales orders. This view provides a consolidated view of all operation and material arrival dependencies for a particular end assembly order. The Preferences - Gantt page enables you to define display options for these view types: These fields are available on the Preferences - Gantt - Orders view type page: Row Height: Select the desired height for each row in the view. In case you want to share the query with others planners, save the query as Public query. This chapter covers the following topics: The Planner Workbench is a powerful graphical tool that lets you perform advanced simulation, review plan performance, and take actions based on system recommendations. The date when the customer wants to receive the products. Choose [right-click] > Related Exceptions. You can schedule to run this concurrent program periodically to progress lines that are waiting at the sub process. If you have more than one substitution set, you must running the plan with your substitution set specified in the plan options before you can see the substitution relationships here. In the right-click pop-up menu, click the title of the preference set that you want to view. When working in the Resources category, drill down from the Horizontal Plan to view resource availability. The planning engine calculates this based on the constrained schedule for upstream activities. If in the Resource Activities view, the selected simultaneous resource, and all of its associated instances is added to the list of displayed resources. The planning engine performs priority pegging logic using demands and supplies within each supply and demand window. [Right-click] on the bar in the right pane. The supplies in each type are sorted as follows: On-hand: Lot expiration date and then quantity in ascending order to use expiring lots first. For instance, you can display KPI information in a trend chart. This indicates the scheduled ship date for the sales order. Current: This refers to the original sales order. The following table lists the information displayed in the Resource Requirements window. Click the Update Mode drop-down menu to specify the mode in which you want to update the resource availability. The dates when materials become available are displayed as milestones. MSC_SCN_BPEL_DOMAIN. PROFILE OPTION NAME. Pegging plays a major role in determining the sequence in which demands are satisfied. Perform this checklist item if you want to use priority pegging. Set preferences. For all other order types, this is the same as the demand quantity. Job Status: When Planner Workbench creates discrete jobs from planned orders, it assigns this status to the discrete jobs. Select a date for which you'd like to add capacity. Select Key Indicators in the pop-up menu. Corresponds to the new date that you specify for an order when you release the order. This view can be invoked from the Supply or Supply/Demand block of the Planner Workbench. The planning engine calculates the difference between the earliest possible completion time and supply duration to populate this field. The planning engine refreshes the information in the pegging region. In any window with summary information like actions summary or horizontal plan, you can drill down to more detailed information by double-clicking on an element. But this will always prompt you to accept/refuse cookies when revisiting our site. To retrieve a subset of records, enter a search string. Production schedule planners can publish Oracle Production Scheduling work orders and planned orders to Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning. The Actions Summary view displays both recommendations and exceptions. To automatically calculate it use either the Oracle Bills of Material Compute Lead Time calculation or the Lead Time Rollup concurrent processes. All selected supplies are expanded to the resource activity level. If you want to release all recommendations, select Edit > Select All. This indicates the difference between the net supply and demand after ATP performs all forward and backward consumption. You can create queries for filtering items, resources, suppliers, and exception messages associated with a plan in the Planner Workbench. This feature lets you do the following: Drill down on action messages to view details of a particular action. Profile option MSC: Use FIFO Pegging: Yes, Plan option Peg Supplies by Demand Priority: Cleared. Displays the flow of material between operations within a routing. You can navigate to the Substitution Chain window from: From the Navigator, right-click an item and select Items > Substitutes. Run the standard Blitz report called ASCP Exceptions. You can expand a plan to view its elements or nodes. Oracle Application Object Library Responsibility -> View -> Requests -> Submit a new request -> Select Single Request -> Click 'OK' -> Select Name of concurrent program / report. Alternatively, you can click the Create Query icon at the bottom of the Queries tabbed pane to create queries. Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide Indicates the last unit start date of the repetitive job. [Right-click] to show and hide graph or save preference in the Tools > Preferences menu. Oracle ASCP explodes requirements through a phantom subassembly to the components as if the components were directly tied to the parent assembly. The Queries tabbed pane appears. The following table lists the criteria for querying items, resources, and suppliers. When you click this menu option after selecting a particular node, the nodes in the selected node expand. You can access the Sources window in one of the following ways: Click the Sources button in the Items window. The value is rounded up to the integer. The global forecast section appears in the Horizontal Plan window. Use this option to refresh the information in the Supply/Demand region. This makes it easy to navigate to an activity. Displays unconstrained latest possible start and end times. For example, when you feed an MPS supply plan to another plan such as MRP, the planning engine sets the flag for the item in the MRP plan. The report gives detailed information to help you understand and analyze the supply chain planning results by presenting the data selectively and coherently. Oracle Advanced Supply Chain Planning Implementation and User's Guide Register Don't have a My Oracle Support Community account? Alerts you to any problem that might have occurred during the process of release. When working in the Items or Organizations category, drill down from the Horizontal Plan to view supply/demand details. Do not select a category set with flag Allow multiple item category assignments selected. The various types of queries are Item, Resources, Exceptions, and Suppliers. This indicates the number of days (forward) when a forecast can be consumed by sales orders. The Enter Reduction Criteria for Long List form appears. For forecasts, this is the original order quantity of the forecast before consumption or before the forecast expiration. When some people think of pegging, they think of supplies pegged to demands. If you are also using a custom row, specify the information in the same PL/SQL program unit as you did for the custom row. It lets you troubleshoot exceptions arising from resource or material constraints; overloaded or underloaded resources; absenteeism, or machine downtime. This indicates the rate per day for a repetitive schedule. Use this to expand all the pegging lines below the line you highlight in the pegging tree. Multi-select Items in Query Results Window. This table shows the demands, supplies, and pegging information for item A102. For example: Demand for item A, due on day 10, quantity 100, priority 1, Demand for item A, due on day 20, quantity 70, priority 2. From Planner Workbench, select a plan name from the Navigator. Gantt Chart pegging is specific to the Orders view. Drill down to highlight an item associated with a supplier or a supplier site. Enable priority pegging: In the Plan Options form, Main tabbed region, select Peg Supplies by Demand Priorities. The supply of quantity 200 on day 20 and the demand on day 10 for quantity 100 and the demand on day 20 for quantity 100. The Resource Activities view only displays the portion of the planning horizon that is scheduled to the minute level of granularity. However, you can change the default pane settings in the Preferences window. The identifier assigned to the task in a project belonging to a planning group. Once you close the find window, you are not allowed to save as a folder. The default display for viewing pegging from supply to demand is supply order details, immediate parent demand information, and end item demand information. Enable it: Navigate to the Preferences form, Material Plan tab. You can view the details of the available capacity in the Resource Availability window. It does not consider transient safety stocks. In the Resources View the start of an activity is set to the beginning of the planning bucket and the end of the activity is set to the end of the planning bucket in which the activity is completed. When viewing by Organization, you can drill down to go down a level from a department, resource, or item level to the next level down. Select the Enable Pegging check box for an unconstrained plan. See Creating and Implementing Firm Planned Orders. Paste the horizontal plan using the Paste feature of the opened application. However, the field is provided for information. Open an application such as Microsoft Word, Excel, or Notepad to paste the copied content. When you execute the release, the fields that change the internal requisition and internal sales order are Implement Date and Imp Qty/Rate. Also enter the tolerance of the number of days early that an order needs to be for it to be color coded as early. Include Sales Orders: Enables the release of sales orders (loopback) from the Planner Workbench. Activities can be moved to those alternate resources. Specify the modified information: Provide a PL/SQL program unit with no parameters that. If necessary, it continues the pegging process with the next supply window. Original need by date of the purchase order or the requisition. Select a category node, such as Organizations or Items. To view the results of safety stock pegging, use theSupply/Demand Window. As the number of order quantity increases, you may want to specify your preference for a number format to ease viewing numbers that run into millions. This information is applicable only if the original item is substituted. For some pegging modes, the planning engine: Groups supplies and demands into time windows, Pegs by demand priority or randomly within time windows. This indicates the demand quantity of the original item. PDF Oracle Manufacturing Material Planning for Process Manufacturing

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oracle ascp pegging query