patricia rorrer update 2020

Great communicator. All this talk about hairs and other DNA just seems to keep deflecting away from the gun itself. On Alexs diaper bag, police found strands of the same type of hair from the car. Unless theres a complicity between him and her, and the reason she didnt divulge it is because she hopes to put all the blame on him, when she was the one to murder and he was a planner. Most damning of all the evidence is the hair which was DNA matched to Rorrer which was instrumental in her conviction. I can't believe this bitch has a whole internet community rallying for her; have they SEEN the evidence? Stop trying to prove that everyone who is prosecuted is rightfully prosecuted. And the obvious answer is not as you claim. Sadly, those who defend Rorrer do not want to be confused by the truth. COVID in Tight Spaces: How an Incarcerated Woman Used Writing to Cope It was Patricias hair no question. Murder in Lehigh Valley: Keith Morrison (TV Movie 2017) - IMDb They allege that the North Carolina resident stealthily drove 500 miles to Pennsylvania and killed out of a sense of deadly indignation. The state made a case fueled by circumstantial evidence and public outrage over the deaths of a modern-day madonna and child. Andrew had an ex-girlfriend, Patricia Rorrer, who'd been familiar with the trail, and she'd previously managed a horse stable just a mile from the scene. They really need to set her free and open the case and look at the husband. How do you know this woman wasnt obsessed with him and wanted his wife out of the way? A man normally wouldnt care about killing a child, but a woman normally would have some kind of abhorrence to harming an innocent child. One of the hairs had magically developed root material to enable that. Its perfectly understandable that one should feel sorry for the victims of this heinous crime. The first rule of a murder is motive. Keep in mind that 34 hairs are in custody of the state police, so where are the other 4 hairs? It says that Andrew Katrinak passed his lie detector test. After relocating to Pennsylvania, Patricia met the 6-foot-2-inch Andrew in a restaurant. We should be skeptical of those, like you, who suggest its obvious a jury got it wrong that you know better than 12 people presented with the evidence. And the obvious answer is Ill tell you why (which really is common knowledge). (Nope. Why would she say that maybe she wasnt really a good friend, just someone trying to inject herself into a super sensational case. Im sure shes innocent adds nothing other than to tell us your state of mind! I have worked for Interpol for years as a gun analyst, usually women who commit such crimes against their exes wife or mistress, lover etc are pushed from behind by a man and promises and lies. The fact that there is LITERALLY NO EVIDENCE that Patricia was actually obsessed with Andy; they spoke as friends maybe twice a year. Patricia had a violent past and was absolutely positively the killer. The difference between the cases was that the child was not injured and the individual wrote down the details of the plan in a notebook, but otherwise it seems extremely similar to me. Dont even think about arguing with me until they DNA test that hair and the broken fingernail found on her body; Ill just laugh at you. It could be coincidence, but I really doubt it. . Sorry ladiesher hair was in the car and at the scene.she murdered them. Another glaring omission is Early in the investigation, the police in their zeal to add some substance to their fanciful theory about the gun used in the crime, did a thorough search of Rorrers back yard/garden (where they did target practice) looking for spent shells and bullets, in order to do a forensic comparison with the bullet recovered from the victim. Quote if I had known I would get caught, I would never have brought you into this world. Pat to Nicole her daughter. Im sorry Sally, I know you want someone to blame for the death of your daughter and grandson, but the person who actually killed her is serving a life sentence in another facility in Pennsylvania. Patricia and her husband broke up after the babys death. Meticulous primping. It makes me sick. I would like to tell you that there is many errors in this article, that I would love to send to you the proof of each one. Patricia Rorrer Brutal Killing of Joanne Katrinak & Baby - FFF Pat is locked in a cage because shes an animal. He had worked as a semi-pro boxer in Las Vegas in his youth and later settled into his own construction business. All of them returned without a DNA analysis because they contained no root material. The hair evidence is not compelling because theres a very good possibility that the evidence was compromised. Sorry, I must have missed your name on the witness list. The witness, Traupman, who on several occasions attempted to have his evidence recorded was severely manhandled out of the police station and so badly beaten, he had to be hospitalised. So, lets take your response one step at a time. Andy passed not one but two polygraph tests and had a solid alibi. because theres money to be made from the commercials added into their show. Just one example. . The article also notes that most inmates earn around 19 cent an hour at their jobs and must pay $5 each time they need medical attention or medicine. Or the ME and the entomologist that explained how impossible it would be for that baby and mother to be out there for four months, deceased at that, and still be as intact as they were, and the fact that the baby was double the size of a three month old child. If that really is the case, the husbands alibi for a date months before becomes irrelevant. Probably by the jeans and the boots. Those that think that Patricia is innocent are simply groping at straws. The missing hairs probably got destroyed in testing.. thats how they test them.. and reports are wrong all the time. Some two years into the investigation of Rorrer, a court order was obtained to remove hair specimens from her. But otherwise, extremely similar, a single bullet fired into the head, the woman later beaten to make sure she died, the hair, which had remained in the bracelet of our victim in this case, the way it was executed outside the house in a wooded area, at the command of the gentleman who did not want to soil his house, and the child who in our case was abandoned in the car. I do not think Mr K is guilty. And this was never disclosed to Rorrers Defence. The Innocence Project has declined to take her case. Discuss and express opinion; stop short of asserting that those of the other view (that of judge and jury, at least) are ignorant of facts and wrong, and youre right, because by definition its reasonable for lay people to accept the jury verdict. She should have been treated exactly the way she treated that mother and baby, taken out into the woods, shot, beaten and then left to die. Shes still guilty, with her hands did it or not, in regard to baby Alex. They had a son, Alex Martin, in August of 1994. Its sad that some people just cant move on and continue to feel that what they want is going to be THEIRS regardless. Police theorize she owned the gun, but its neither here nor there whether she used a particular gun to kill and would make sense (to a wise perp) that the gun couldnt be linked to her by past activity. Theyre more than happy to exaggerate and speculate the details of the crime, which serves to attract more viewers who (like you) seem to be happy to believe it all. I believe the answer to your question is in my comment above. At the trial, prosecutor Michael McIntyre alleged that Patricia remained obsessed with Andrew Katrinak long after their breakup despite testimony that shed had many boyfriends and live-in lovers to occupy her bandwidth. On December 14, 2020, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court denied Ms. Rorrer's petition for allowance of appeal, concluding her state appellate proceedings. Patricia Lynne Rorrer made for a good suspect. Im trying to understand exactly your reasoning asking me staying away from this site because of my insulting remarks! Thats my life.. Re Sells, the problem viz some serial killers is in exaggerating the number as a badge of honour. However, that first theory very neatly allows the cops to further theorise that the gun she once owned (which had a history of jamming after the first shot) was the one used at the murder. So you see, MY STATE OF MIND is based on factual information. Perhaps she used more than one gun using another/others for the target shooting than the one she killed with (and others shot with her?) Docket at pp. Police slowly built a case against Patricia. Three days later, Joann had plans to pick up her mother-in-law, Veronica Katrinak, to go Christmas shopping. Sad discovery. And yikes, he discovered someone had cut one of the houses phone lines and pried the hinge on the basement door. She failed miserably to convince me, or anyone else who mattered, of her innocence.. She asked to speak with Andrew, who was home during the call; Joann refused. It seems so, according to you. Thats all for this post. WoW! Narcissistic and violent tendencies are very common. You know whats interesting? To be sure, an appellant does not have to *prove* (convince) of innocence to have been wrongfully convicted (even if they are in fact guilty but I digress). Inside the locked 1992 vehicle, police discovered some strands of blond hair stained with dried blood. You people are fighting a losing cause! They are total bs. This article is little more than fiction. And while youre on that list, you can be happy in the knowledge youre not in rarefied company. Several instances of malpractice, along with revelations have emerged since her incarceration namely, failing to forensically examine significant items of evidence items which would have seriously compromised their case had they been examined and failing to advise Rorrers Defence of witnesses who were prepared to testify on her behalf. Very similar. (McIntyre said that Egan ignored Traupman because he was a nut who said that the man he saw arguing with the woman in a car was Hispanic but wearing a fake mustache and a toupee. This woman was not innocent, but she is very good at manipulating people into feeling sorry for her. Lets stop pretending we can definitively prove this woman murdered this woman and her child. When police traveled to North Carolina to interview Patricia about the murders of Joann and Alex, she said that on the day of the homicides, she had visited a feed store, a tanning salon, and a country music club. (A good point. Despite the new evidence and hypotheses, the courts have rejected all of Patricias bids for a new trial. Claps! But then again I havent actually SEEN the evidence. And remnants of what look like a baby rested on the mother. I do. Your email address will not be published. Its an opinion learnt from a well-researched book, from documentaries which show and mention a great deal of facts and evidence which was never brought up at her trial. She wanted all men to give her attention but she couldnt have everyones attention, especially ANDREWS!!! Miami Herald Article on Bobby Kent's Murder - Forensic Files Now Why? Joanne didnt go missing until December 15, an entire week and a day later. None. No explanation given. I would have liked better her being put to death! Just consider all your nasty posts about others opinions and learn to attack the argument, not the arguer with insults. How about the two eyewitnesses that identified her alive days after her disappearance. You ought to acquaint yourself thoroughly with the case and not allow yourself to get any further elevated on your high horse. So lets get going on the recap of the Forensic Files episode A Woman Scorned, along with extra information drawn from internet research: Joann Marie OConnor was born on Oct. 11, 1968, the youngest of Sarah and David OConnors four children. Forensic tests suggested the hair found in the car and at the murder scene came from Patricia. It was winter which are cold in PA and would slow down decomposition and minimize insect activity although you are correct about the rodentswhy were there none? Very soon after, the original hairs (in glass slides) were sent to the FBI again. Some lawyers call microscopic hair analysis junk science that today wouldnt qualify as evidence in a trial like Rorrers. The obvious, if moot, response to this is to observe that her conviction wasnt based on inaccurate documentaries but on trial. Did Patricia have the dyed blond hair when they broke up in 1993? I most definitely will not personally afford Patricia a platform, Michael said in an email to She had her chance to answer my questions and tell her story in court over 20 years ago. I guess the investigators in Pennsylvania managed a quick resolve to a huge case that had a nations eyes scrutinizing their every move! Then 31 years old, she had lived a rocky existence. I fail to see exactly why someone cant have an opinion which he/she sees as fact. This Sunday, Investigation Discovery and velvety-voiced Dateline NBC correspondent Keith Morrison will revisit the double-homicide. A newspaper account described Patricia as a soft-spoken, demure woman who had a sweet Southern accent and wore feminine clothes in court. Its not logical to say we know the truth unless we seen it for ourselves. Hair we go. Especially mice! Other loyal friends and associates attested to Patricias kindness toward horses and devotion to her daughter, whom she took along as she worked in stables. Pat had a string of bad relationships in her past and was not happy. They would have no reason to protect Andrew and lie on her. I deduced my opinion to be fact because of what Ive read and seen and is supported by evidence which was never disclosed at her trial. This is untrue. Superior Court states that Patricia Rorrer and Andy Katrinak's romantic relationship ended in May, 1993 only one year before the murders. After an hour Id call anyone whod listen to me including police! Why risk an appalling crime just to leave a marriage (though I know that people have and do kill the spouse in these situations, but killing ones children is extremely rare, particularly when not in murder-suicide context). I cant lose them, he told the media. It's been more than 20 years since Patricia Rorrer was convicted of killing her ex-boyfriend's wife, Joann. Free Patricia Rorrer There is so much in your comment with which I can take issue, but Ill try to keep to the salient points. And your contention that you (me) as ONE person are wrong, let me say that while you seem to be determined in singling me out as someone whos opinion is one against the rest, is hopelessly exaggerated. Detective Barry Grube found it odd that Andrew fixed the severed phone line before police examined it in essence tampering with evidence. She didnt kill those two boys and TX knows, but they made too much noise about it, hence this is probably the real reason that Darlie hasnt been put to death 24-25 yrs later. Had there been a switch? If Rorrer is innocent, she is a victim of a terrible miscarriage (terrible relatively because she is regarded as a child-killer and has been incarcerated for a many years) which I hope is corrected as soon as possible. Finally, another irony you fail to appreciate: you claim theres money to be made from the commercials added into their show. If I rolled my eyes any harder they might fall out. Flaw in reasoning. Anyone who thinks this psycho isnt guilty needs to take off their tin hat. He took two tests and there was deception detected in BOTH. The Common Sense Guy you should put yourself on top of the list of deluded people. Commonwealth v. Rorrer | J-S71013-19 | Pa. Super. Ct. | Judgment | Law Early in the investigation, the hairs found in the car were sent (in glass slides) to several laboratories including the FBIs. Bully for you if youve read a lot and seen a lot: its meaningless to other posters and adds nothing to your argument for innocence. Whatever the truth is. How about the mix up with the hair and the fact that it was not forensically tested (outside of the one man who compared the hairs through naked eye). Clifford Freeman, since you are already at the top of the list of deluded people not much room left for anyone with an oversized ego such as you apparently have!! Its barely visible in the picture. Ms. This is the most ridiculous take ever! Did he go on to have any other children is later relationship(s), do we know? Thus Im confident shes the perp probably mentally disturbed at the time (the thought of her rationally, coolly killing her babies is too horrible), though probably not to the standard for criminal mitigation. One on one? If they were unable to get a DNA reading the first time, why the need for a second examination? all other evidence was purely circumstantial. In a million years, she wouldnt do anything to harm that.. Tragedy also touched Patricias life. There appears to be evidence of her disturbed thinking shortly prior to the event (inc her stating she knows who the perp was shortly after but would not identify because its her?) All 3 of her alibis were lies, DNA tied her to the murder, there was no sexual assault, she had a violent past, was obsessed with Andy, and was caught lying about owning a gun, which coincidentally jammed after firing once and shell cases were found on her property. Patty was soooo obsessed with Andy that she moved away to North Carolina some 5 years before this happened, right? Youre so fixated with her guilt, youre unable to see other factors that show this case to be a disgraceful travesty. Im inclined to think both Rorrer and Routier are guilty. If you can tear yourself away from your obsessive mentality, you can see what virtually amounts to the tampering to which I referred. But unfortunately other than God only two people know exactly what really happened and one is not alive. Media galore. The Facts Case Type: Crime She made an effort to look perfectly groomed even when she took out the trash, according to her mother, who appeared on Forensic Files. Her alibi about going to the club, called Cowboys Nitelife, got fuzzy when investigators discovered she hadnt signed the guest book on that day. All this appears to leave a strong whiff of corruption emanating from the investigation authorities and DAs office. And your contention that you (me) as ONE person are wrong, let me say that while you seem to be determined in singling me out as someone whos opinion is one against the rest, is hopelessly exaggerated. If the answer is no, enough said! 5 years prior to all this happening! Then 31 years old, she had lived a rocky existence. They tested the hair last night on Reasonable Doubt using updated technology it is definitely Patricias. Convenient Suspect: A Wrongful Conviction In The Murder In Lehigh Patricia Rorrer: The Hang Up: Directed by Joe Berlinger, Catharine Park. And she will have to answer eventually. Although the prosecution used it as evidence that she was trying to create a false alibi, it actually sounded more like Patricia was simply trying to nail down the facts he had already asserted to her. Well of course it is, so you overstated your opinion as though you know it to be fact, thus the jury and others were wrong; ironic because youre quick to complain that others are much to sure of *their* opinion shes guilty. Its patently clear you are another of those who knows too little about this case. I comment on these forums because they are the only places offering the opportunity to, hopefully, bring awareness to those whore unfamiliar with this case and her unfair plight. Ep 204 - Patricia Rorrer: Under the Microscope TV-MA | 52 MINS | 2020 Patty Rorrer is convicted of the kidnapping and murder of her ex-boyfriend's wife and infant son, but "Wrong Man" investigators discover that the case is not so clear cut. There was also forensic evidence, obviously planted by them crooked cops, according to defenders. At 17, Patricia dropped out of high school and married landscaper Gary Gabard. Phone records dont lie.) Charged with two counts of capital murder and two counts of kidnapping, Patricia Rorrer was quickly tried, convicted, and sentenced to life in prison without parole. It has very bad energy. PS Speculative lies is meaningless. OK my GUESS is Patricia did do it! More likely it reflects a relative reluctance to execute females as well as the pendency of what will be the last episode of DNA investigation. I hope she rots in hell. Mal told Keith Morrison that Patricias dance teacher originally confirmed her alibi that she was in class on the day of the murder, then changed his mind. Andrew described his existence with Joanne and Alex as a little Camelot., Ex-spouse off list. No show. Highly charged case. On a secret recording, Patricia asked Jarrett to vouch for her attendance or she might go to the electric char. Youre absolutely right!! Its definitely getting rougher every day, Andrew told the Morning Call. All my comments have been vetted and approved by this sites organisers so how do you see yourself as the judge of whats acceptable or not? Rorrers defenders remind me of a case in my home town There was a killer who confessed, was caught on video committing the murder and was seen committing the crime by an eye witness. Interesting thought about the alibi timing. The fact that previous boyfriends noted her obsession with Andrew is very, very telling. Prosecutor pounds away. More hairs there. If Patricia had injuries it wouldve only been to her hands and she wasnt questioned right away which is also the reason she took Joanne elsewhere to kill her so her body wouldnt be found for a while and she would have time to return home. Mr Freeman, Why are youre rude about others who disagree with your OPINION (including jury and appeal judges)? Trash-talking ex. This was a horrible and brutal double murder and whoever did it needs to be locked up forever. This video is currently unavailable. That did amuse me I have to say, but youre way off target there Im more than happy with my state of mind before and after reading any of these comments. Plus, two men, her babys father and his friend, testified they saw Patricia at the line-dancing club the night of the homicide. The criminal, a crazy with a psychotic crush on a man, the planner a individual with a lot of self esteem and narcissistic charm who can persuade women, was rich thought compared to the individual in this case, and the victim, a woman who saw her life only as a wife and mother and had no other pretensions, and that even if she had threatened the individual that she would leave a few times, she always stayed. Irelands husband buried it in the yard because he didnt feel comfortable with a firearm inside, she said. Im new to the case, but there seems to be a lot of reasonable doubt. Theres something very important to this case that needs to be mentioned more than anything else THE GUN. He would be alive today if it were not for Patricia Rorrer. The mild-mannered Sarah died in 2019 at the age of 83. And your appraisal of McIntyre is 100% spot on. Reasonable Doubt: Season 5, Episode 7 - Rotten Tomatoes Lawyer: New evidence in 1994 killings of woman, infant Thank you, this is a very interesting comment. As I stated previously, if she cannot speak for herself, Im happy to step up on her behalf. Were suppose to ignore the actual forensic evidence and forensic opinions because we were told that a cop overheard her claiming she confessed? SHAME ON THEM. Rorrers filed multiple appeals over issues you raise, the latest recently and rejected. One more thing acquire ALL the facts about this case If you can read. Did you personally attend the trial? And Andrews explanation of how the intruder got in through the basement door seemed contrived, according to Grube, who gave an interview to Wrong Man, a 2020 true-crime docuseries from the Starz network, which produced two episodes called The Hang Up about the Rorrer case. Instead of presenting hard facts, all I see are words and phrases that are purely speculative.. such as perhaps. How would an intruder find it? DNA tests proved the blonde hairs were hers. Meanwhile, interest in Patricias plight continues on social media. Great catch. I can only suggest you read through my comments again, only more thoroughly. For more on the Katrinak murder case, you can watch Autopsy Six: A Fatal Attraction for free on YouTube. Your email address will not be published. Andrew mentioned to police that his former live-in girlfriend Patricia Rorrer once managed a horse stable two miles from the bodies location and would have been familiar with the riding trails close to the murder scene. simply to create an atmosphere of hatred towards a person who, in all probability, has been wrongfully imprisoned. False. Ex-boyfriend Walter Blalock said that Patricia wanted him to be more like Andrew. Create a free website or blog at . I mean the husband did do some shady things maybe he was involved? He was happy. Patricia Rorrer Self - Suspect (archive footage) Director Kimberley Ferdinando All cast & crew Production, box office & more at IMDbPro Storyline Edit Keith Morrison investigates the horrific 1994 murders of Joann Katrinak and her infant son, Alex, as well as the ongoing claims that Patricia Rorrer was wrongfully convicted of the murders. They returned with a guilty verdict and a sentence of two life terms. Having watched and read all that has been available, I feel very strongly, that a grave error has been perpetrated by the law authorities. of course they all do it to make money only, some of them do it shamelessly, without the slightest attempt to be fair and honest. She had money put aside. Are you even aware theres a strong suspicion that evidence of the hair, which was DNA matched to her, was tampered with? This woman was obsessed and jealous. Another thing that stumps me is Joannes supposed good friend who said that Joanne told her she was leaving Andrew. Its his hair (dirty blond and roughly 8 inches in length) that was found in Joanns hand. Wheres the evidence that Patty was obsessed with Andy? Patricias phone bill showed no record of a call to Catasauqua that day, but police noticed she didnt make any calls at all from her house in North Carolina that day either suggesting she could have been out of state and used a pay phone to dial up the Katrinaks. I very much doubt you are. Ive found that in nearly every case, those who are firmly of the opinion shes guilty have an extremely limited knowledge of the case theyve watched one (or perhaps more) of the documentaries which make absolutely no attempt to show anything thats in Rorrers favour (theres plenty, if one bothers to look), and worse, revel in exaggerated and speculative scenes, some of which were never even mentioned at her trial.

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patricia rorrer update 2020