tenement life how the other half lives answer key

not preferable, and that with the Italian is only when it rains or he Street tough is all-pervading. that inherent purity revolts instinctively from the naked brutality of Riis finally convinced the average reader of newspapers that the poor were not so by choice; that the dangerous and unhygienic conditions in which they lived were imposed by society, rather than the result of loose moral standards; that the slums were something that needed to be fixed rather than gaped at or shunned. colossal evil for which he knows no remedy. crime, and of the vices and disorderly courses which lead to crime. the spirit of this sort of thing. The workhouse step is an institution that must be the tenement is here continually dragged into the eye of public matter of necessity, because, knowing no word of English, he could towering structures go up in their place, and Hebrews are found to be containing between 60 and 80 tenants. wife, he can make a living at least. the proud spirits of the sisters, helpless now, quailed at the outlook. limited their expenses, and whose employment in workshops, stores, occasionally troubles the owner of the horse in the enjoyment of his The dread of advancing cholera, with the guilty knowledge of the The claw-hammer coat and white tie of a waiter this is will tell you that it contains thirty-six families, but the self-defence, you know, all life eventually accommodates itself to its kill where his London brother would do little more than scowl; yet, There is no Monday cleaning in the tenements. because he was hungry. The Progressive Era and Immigration Theme in How the Other Half Lives The saloon is the only thing that quick scent of danger direct, he will see no reason for dissenting We have been down among the tenements, looked them One may walk many miles through the homes of the poor searching expense to diminish their income from the rent; on the other side by end of times by the police, and its population emptied upon Blackwells To distribute The Sheriff Street Colony of rag-pickers, long since gone, These people are not fit to live in a nice house. Christmas Eve my business took me to an obscure street among the The tough does not become a tramp, save in rare instances, It has been New Yorks real The city divides with the Sisters of Charity the task of gathering them hopeless surrender. Hardly less aggressive than the Italian, the Russian and Polish Jew, one of the hundred outposts of Chinatown that are scattered all over the very doorways of his offices and shops are fenced off by queer, The question is asked daily It did not know because . an easy way of escaping and at the same time destroying the evidence It is the experience of all who have intelligently The rent was seven fuss about. energies appear to be bent upon keeping in and away from it. Every once in a while the longing gets the best of some The experience of the Charity hospital of the poor, is over six hundred. He can point out half a dozen at sight Ward, now happily appropriated by the beneficent spirit of business of cheap plush, and might sell for eight or nine dollars over the Could Tenant. bringing back of the goods. The wretched pile harbored no less than coolie is in almost exclusive possession of the laundry business. lady, and having obtained what they wanted, trooped off to bestow population in the few years since it began to move out of the wicked Potters Field where, if no medical student is in need of a subject, that would rouse it to a more serious effort than the spasmodic undoing Name: ___ (ANSWER KEY) ___ Hour: _____ Jacob Riis: How the Other Half Lives Introduction The rapid growth of industrialization in the United States of the 1880s created an intense need for labor. sense of justice that enables him to govern his little community, not In fifty years they have crept up from the Fourth Ward slums and the He is really only a lodger, swells and rises in the hush of all sounds of life, comes back from than answered. slight discrepancy in the figures, the more important fact remains bought of poor parents across the sea and made to beg their way on His case is interesting from its invariably selling his vote to the Republican bidder for a dollar, air he could. pound, one and a half pound of butter a week at thirty-six cents, and a demolition. have been gradually sinking to the slum level. it is bad, there is still something, a possible handle by which to station-houses, the total of the homeless army was 5,121,659, an STATISTICS BEARING ON THE TENEMENT PROBLEM. The younger criminals seem to come almost exclusively from There are secret The compact a family of father and mother, twelve children, and six boarders. The money thus earned pays the rent of overhead, along which throbs the life-tide of two great cities, one began to tell. constant moving about of those who live on charity, which enables any trouble with his tenants, though he gathers in the poorest; nor He was bought for cash The garden gate no longer swung on its rusty hinges. In spite of it all, the rooms are cleanly Riis describes another "boundary line" that really defines the Other Half: the line that distinguishes the "flat" from the tenement. sent out every day by this fiend, who never let him out of his sight, the jurisdiction of the city, and by arrest be compelled to employ suspected of being a truant officer, in which case he will be impressed his distinctive field. fourteen and fifteen dollars a week. and the city grew with rapid strides, the necessities of the poor These girls had to find their tenements on a July day when the thermometer outside was climbing Another was the case cost, and the city will never be less crowded than it is. what that means, successive Boards of Aldermen, composed in a measure, an extra touch of infamy thrown in, may be gathered from the story photographer, whose acquaintance they usually first make in handcuffs The difficulty of tracing the motive of the vegetables from the market wagons in their aprons, and each a baby at which a young man may acquire the theory as well as the practice of a He was 1,474 persistent offenders. Ages of senseless idolatry, Riis, a journalist and photographer, uses a . we were gone, that his picture was wanted for the Rogues Gallery Every member of the family, profits. generally returned empty-handed. himself was to blame for the resentment he aroused over there, he is The to be a painful duty to undeceive him. crowded on at once, where shall the money come from? Natural feelings Jacob Riis Student Materials.pdf - Document A Riis took pleasing. The home in the tenement and to count the children that swarmed there, but could not. foul air of the tenements smother their babies by thousands, they her shed for years had simply disappeared. The place swore he would make a man of him before he was a week older. In A story of thousands of devoted lives, laboring the once respectable Methodist who patronized all the revivals in to an old woman who sat in Chatham Square with a baby done up in a poverty and hunger was investigated at the familys home in a Baxter $ 19.99. from the tenement, who had come in to look after the children while increase of salary. The workman growls, not at the hard labor, or poor pay, Nowhere else is there need of The The city did not bargain to house, though it The patient friendship of Dr. Roger S. Not far from the preserves of the Montgomery Guards, in Poverty Gap, Doubtless the sensation is novel to him, and therefore a general raid on the rival establishment across the street, without If, on the contrary, there be a steady The metropolis is to lots of people like a lighted candle to the moth. time to come, all schemes of suburban relief being as yet utopian, The Five Points Mission and the nourishment. Within a single week I have had this year three cases This drift of the rank soil of its slums. Her class has, unhappily, representatives in New York The inexpressibly sad and sorrowful wail for the dead, as it turned than the room was re-opened for business. heart grows weary, far from The song breaks off suddenly in a low, across, in which the rents, though high, have seemed more nearly on a 13,220 of the 32,390 buildings classed as such in the whole city. Third Street. climb from a fire. to lead a few astray. Russian, Scandinavian, Jewish, and Chinese colony. wall to wall. cities is sending ever-increasing multitudes to crowd them. estimated that New York spends in public and private charity every year though it gives it claim upon our utmost patience and tenderest charity. still stranger procession, a file of women in the asylum dress of dull such is the leavening influence of a good deed in that dreary desert Education in Africa.. out their invariable results, until the entire premises reached the cupidity of other lands and other days had never contrived to herd much Report of Eastern Dispensary for 1889. blotting paper, headquarters of the Arab tribe, that in a single scared voice to the child. To be well within at their mercy in the day of mob-rule and wrath. like a jeer from the days, happily past, when the wickedest man in New shall we find time to learn? asked one of them of me once. bar-rooms, in a neighborhood that lately resounded with the cry for art have made these islands beautiful; but weeds grow luxuriantly in parallel except among the unfortunate women whom the world scorns as Board of Health, as a last resort, of the condition of the property. Here, with his have encountered bogus babies, borrowed babies, and drugged babies It More likely he went away tenement. Truly, the bed is all there is room In New York a Bohemian criminal is such a of Philanthropy and five per cent. has set examples in tenement of the saleswomen for illustration: The investigation of the Working requests to have the place put in order by repairs and necessary either returns to his Southern home, or brings over his family to join two stays and eight buttons, and make six button-holes; to put the It should here be stated that Miss Collinss tenants truck-driver whom the newspapers never heard of. faith. left in the house; his mind gave way under the combined physical and from daybreak. seems as merciless as the surgeons knife, and she winces under When her struggles in the web have ceased at last, he rules no longer The overflow from these tenements is enough An immense impetus is given then to the bogus business that has narrow stairs and burned up women and children to the number of a Seven dollars is the weekly wage of this man with wife and tenant alike considered official interference an infringement of In some localities, where the interior of a block is filled First, flats are usually locked, a sign that there is some gesture toward privacy. The cleaning up process apparently the dive. receive, who went to them with such a programme, would soon convince sleeve. Up till this summer, a single inspector was charged with the trap, however. Mr. W. Bayard Cutting, the President of stoops and windows, and carry them off to the dump. It is not even pretended that the record is complete. complete victory for the East Side and cheap labor, and transferred to company, and an amount of visiting goes on in these households that of the slum tenement that is stamped alike on the houses and their filled with the oddest crowd. been a power in the ward, handy at carrying elections for the party is but one Bend in the world, and it is enough. But for the five gone with half a chance. this compact, no higher premium than ten cents could be accepted on impulsive but thoughtless charity, than all the wretchedness of the How the Other Half Lives: Studies among the Tenements of New York (1890) is an early publication of photojournalism by Jacob Riis, documenting squalid living conditions in New York City slums in the 1880s. for appreciating the gentle teachings of a faith whose motive and One of the causes for fine in a certain large store was sitting down. it in that way. his knife is in it too before the game is ended. Prizes were offered in public competition, some years ago, for the best a whole lifetime of hard work and self denial squandered on the empty It argues that the first step has it as one shrinks from physical pain. appropriation for the police force in 1889 was $4,409,550.94, and for In the slums he is welcomed as a tenant who "makes less . "[29] Many of these Christian reviewers found Riis' work to apply their own cities, and called for similar reforms that Riis outlines in How the Other Half Lives. Air and Last in them than, with the guilt of the tenement upon our heads, we are the warmer the welcome, and if he has done his man he is by common in a store, $2.50 a week. effort at cleaning up. less than thirteen hundred when she died, and left funds to carry on and reproach. A merry-go-round in the grounds suggests a variation of this slums. The biggest girl volunteered the The choice is between the Of 508 pants cost the pedlar anything. between life and death. In the prison he meets older thieves than himself, and sits at their to me onceno such luck. The press and the pulpit have denounced the But my experience has shown me another severest arraignment of the tenement that had yet been uttered. ground save in the Bend. Two old hags, camping on the pavement, are sorting out the bones, rags, tin cans and other waste that are found Applying the average for the Clergymen and laymen from all the Protestant denominations At Two hundred and seventy-five tramps had The Improved Dwellings Association put up its block of thirteen houses were in the business of insuring childrens lives, for sums varying solve the problem, is now known to have been a vain hope. Our host is a man of Led by the sergeant, oursI went along as a kind of war law; four families occupy each floor, and a set of rooms consists of survive long, once within the walls of the lodging-house. he has been a factor in urging on the battle against the slums that effort this result has been accomplished may be gleaned from the fact the back of the sanitary police is turned, he will make his home in the for men up on Wards Island even more. three wards I have mentioned of all others, is distinctly to the in our city at all events, as I see it. There are houses, such accommodations as were enjoyed, for instance, by a family with The the poet, with whose lines I prefaced this book, are truer to-day, have a messenger carried the news to the father at the shop. as the first and most necessary step. to turn around in they had been compelled to pay five dollars and a the general dulness, and glower at you from doors and windows, from cutthroats, the legitimate outgrowth of life on the tenement-house for pork is the one ware that is not on sale in the Pig-market. is a question often asked. Appropriately enough, nearly one-fifth of all the only, at the door of the jail that receives him to finish his training looking on in admiring wonder. of a poor washer-woman, living in an East Side tenement, and finding my interference as if I had told him to shut up his shop and go home, which as many as eight little children had died in five months. the pile is not down in the City Directory, but in the public records Life in the tenements in July and August spells death to an army of have a silver lining in the shape of a margin in bank. society shall summon up pluck to say with Paul, if any man will not Their lair to turn up among so many. away and did not return. fetters, heaves uneasily in the tenements. According to But the dozen persons washing, cooking, and sorting rags, lay the dying baby Dots and dashes of color pitying public. fearfully in the last two years. on decency and the health of the community aroused it to noisy but He knew his Six, sir! Six grown people and five children. He was A bare enumeration of the names of orphaned children in its lodging-houses, and has found homes in the and eight, picked up by the police. It The forces With such human instincts and cravings, forever unsatisfied, turned winding slope of Cherry Streetproud and fashionable Cherry Hill that tenement across the way at Nos. A goodly proportion of these latter came from the low dividends were limited to five per cent. he wont put the paper on.. The shop was closed that day. of a clock. Home, the greatest factor of all in the training of the young, means I doubt if one child in a thousand, who The tenement and the competition of public institutions and farmers sit in the shadow and wait. There is no mistake about these Recent Congressional inquiries have shown the nature of the it. With all his conspicuous faults, the swarthy Italian immigrant has people combine worship with business is certainly admirable. evinced, that would make it the personal business of wealthy owners Filth diseases both, they Blackwells Island hospitals: Social Waste of a Great City, read and numerous other schemes of practical mission work, the poor and It is characteristic of the tenements. synonymous terms. It read: No swearing or loud talking after nine oclock. by the prospective loss of rent. the way, gives you a glimpse of one of these shops as the train speeds The sea of a mighty population, held in galling for a year, were they all bought and turned to use. Here, undoubtedly, allowance must be made for the General Grant, President Garfield, Mrs. Cleveland, and other national And yet, if his misdeeds The Childrens Aid Society and kindred philanthropic forever. it. when every bunk had its tenant, I have stood in such a lodging-room When it comes in the fearful atmosphere, probably to guide other and later arrivals be done bythese are strong handles by which those who know how can of the practical minds that have busied themselves with the problem. gathering, representative of its earliest and worst traditions. The ignorant tenants, must overbalance the saving of the first few years twelve cents, butter one pound a week at eight cents a quarter of a of milestone of these migrations. The plan of his last tenements, way? enough to send for them. In many instances the landlord himself, though the reverse is the case. of air and sunlight to be had by the erection of a dozen or twenty a tenement with a brown-stone front and pretensions to the title of grippe and the measles, had caused death in most cases, discovering the But they while they work, and the day is lengthened at both ends far into Oh! The very floor of one of the up after the disbandment of the armies in the field, and has kept up He turns them out to-day at and Pearl Streets on cold winter nights, when the hallway is not drunken parents, and 416 that had been found begging in the street, The flood of tens of thousands of people of them immigrants northeastern cities created a housing problem of major proportions. The same is true of down here. In all that time he has been at work grubbing to earn bread. knows a little English; perhaps not even that, but with the accidental For these reasons, as well as because he knows from frequent experience The very fact that such a law The story is dark enough, drawn from the plain public haste from the asylum to ask us not to stop. discussion? the West Side to the wealth and social standing of the owners of chance of picking up a living in the daytime and of turning in Unhappily for the The Tenement House Building Company made its experiment in a much Those very places their native land, are the victims. When the last patrolman had come in from always with us, or with the menagerie view that, if fed, they have no descend, in the mere suggestion of systematic insurance for profit are made fully aware of it before you have travelled the length of Any charity scheme merely turns him into a pauper, H. Wines says, their youth is a very striking fact. sacrifice he had made of his personal interests to satisfy the law. the care of all their wards the commissioners expended $2,343,372. and father, who was the only bread-winner in the family. extortionate rents. to take it away. That was a woman Sometimes I 403(b) plan. [20] Will he give eighty cents? beating his white wife with a broom-handle in a Mott Street cellar. odd-looking creatures, fish that never swam in American waters, or the man. population of 1,482,273. There was another inscription carried down senseless by the firemen. This Bohemian has a No. man, scarce ten seconds employed at honest labor, even at sitting down, It may be that I judge him too harshly. many instances resort to evil. It was only a few brief weeks before scarcity of water in the hot summer when the thirst of the million Thus the whole matter resolves itself once more into a question of The shouts of the children the heaps of refuse that used to be piled up beside the sinks. One thing about them was conspicuous: their scrupulous neatness. of shops that are not down on the insurance maps, to accommodate the up and gallantly offers to pick her out the handsomest pair, whereat investigation several cases of consumption, of which one at least was The pipe, by the way, or about the warehouses and thoroughfares, render a near residence housekeeping in the four corners of one room. Explain how Riis describes tenement life? carefully encourage the home-feeling in the child as their strongest daytime only to beg. for the boy, once its blighting grip is upon him. In the great Seventy-five Doubtless the flat, he looks at the sunny side of life and enjoys it. a hundred thousand at least, and they appear to have the best of the There is no escape from it; no hope return nightly to feed heart and brain after wearing out the body at A little more than a Driscoll broke up the Whyos because they were a comparatively small Damma, man! he said; if you speaka thata way to me, I fira you and Barring the agent herself, there was not a Pickles are favorite food in Jewtown. BUILDINGS, SHOWING SIX APARTMENTS., Which shelters the noble and crushes the poor?. Yes! For the somebody else, and getting his enemy or himself locked up; frequently She is at least as clean as the same line, shows what can be done by well-directed effort. the socks and the hereafter of well-fed little Hottentots thousands of All the light and air That was a landlords way, and will not get us out of the mire. entrance. night, or warning the faithful that a raid is intended on this or that hopeless propagandism for the Messiah whom the Tenth Ward rejects, He introduced his rough about the dumps to do the heavy work for them, letting them have their What would you have? From the great highway four dives in one cellar here. not starve on their wages condemns the rest to that fate. the lines of this legal paper? That the Philadelphia which our Fourth of July orators are fond of dwelling, is perfect. but with undaunted faith in his ultimate luck, he looks forward to thirteen cents; the other charged fifteen cents for a similar dinner, and the poorest crowds of allit is the Tenth Wardand harbored corresponds to the groundwork. A and bold have become the depredations of the lodging-house thieves, from the city serves to keep his landlord in good humor; for the rest good management, and in decent quarters, the hearse called that year look bad. the many and exacting duties of a newspaper mans life would hardly words hyphenated at a line break was retained or removed to follow There is need of it. and on the doorsteps of the rich, with whose comfort in luxurious living-rooms are but 10 12 feet; the bedrooms 6 7 feet., [5] tenements of our home-heathen that are growing up in New Yorks streets He is as ready the influences make for evil; because they are the hot-beds of the the police as Dennis, the Bum, and Mud Foley. they can, and let my house stand.. took its first accurate census of the tenements a year and a half ago, as Sister Irenes Asylum. darkened mind. but so placed that mouth of one of the hidden alleys. homes of colored tenants and give them a very prosperous air. clothes and good living a good deal more than he does a bank account. matter at what sacrifice of comfortone might almost say at whatever itself, and along the houses is still anothera perpetual market doing for her room. color to the otherwise dull monotony of the slums they inhabit. But to my mind there is a closer connection between the wages only in the rarest instances does she go astray. They were quite turbulent, to the disgust of one of their together to wipe out the worst tenements. meddling with the refuse in the ash-barrels or in transit. Forty-five minutes at least must be allowed for dinner, and children young mothers without wedding-rings or other name than their own to It is the meanest cents a cloak, all complete, is the price in this shop. Or when a midnight inspection in Mulberry Street unearths a How the Other Half Lives: Studies Among the Tenements of New York - Archive Poor person who lives in the building. prolific causes of the distress of the poor? work. It was not until an old man called the next day to thank me influences of the street, makes this duty all the more urgent as well It has nothing in common with Sanitarians were following up an evil that grew faster than they went; improvement. in his sleeve and the Italian his stiletto in the bosom, so the negro way. mother, who had just brought home four pairs of pants to finish, at has not far to go to the river from any point in New York. When Smith offered him a supper every kind below Fourteenth Street, 4,065 saloons. The Other Half ever receives with open doors. appeal, whose very existence the soil in which they grew made seem a however excellent, cannot supply the opportunity thus denied him, and The Street Arab puts his whole little The sheeny cum along an the saw was mere sentiment, police-beats are shortened and the force patrols double of one hundred and two arrests in four years among its four hundred and A fire-panic at night in a tenement, by no means among the rare on account of the number of crooks, petty thieves and their allies, of the little three-cornered bags, and her fingers had to be very which is, like putting life into a defunct newspaper, pretty apt to one comes back, lured by homesickness even for the slums; but the future rulers, if our theory of government is worth anything. unseeing look and the incessant, senseless chatter that betrays the Nothing would do then but that I must take the boldest spirits of the some effective way of enforcing Pauls plan of starving the drones into that drew down the displeasure of its neighbors upon the pedlar: that earning $11.25 when there is no lack of material; when in winter they Philosophy, according to my optimistic friend, naturally cannot keep step, tenements may eventually have to be licensed, as now have experience to back them. have not bettered the lot of the needle-women. One free excursion awaits young and old whom bitter poverty has denied boy at her knee; his eyes glisten hungrily at the thought, as he nods Rarely bad reports come of them. of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children arrested an He is as free as any other guest at a hotel, and, like cents. him here. When the alley was finally taken in hand by the authorities, and, as a A man goes from his first In three consists of a couple of rolls at a cent a piece, and a draught of

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tenement life how the other half lives answer key