tuvalu flooding case study

The Open University is incorporated by Royal Charter (RC 000391), an exempt charity in England & Wales and a charity registered in Scotland (SC 038302). Its population density is higher than that of Japan at 379 people per km. ThoughtCo, Oct. 10, 2021, thoughtco.com/geography-and-history-of-tuvalu-1435673. Now it is every month. What media coverage has been done on Tuvalu's flooding? Tuvalu translates to "eight standing together" and refers to the eight traditional islands of Tuvalu (Nanumea, Niutao, Nanumaga, Nui, Vaitupu, Nukufetau, Funafuti, and Nukulaelae). Tuvalus official government policy is to stay on the island come what may. When I lived there I had never heard of such things as hurricanes or king tides. 32, 585602. The tidal software UTide (Codiga, 2011) was used both to estimate constituents from tide gauge observations and to calculate predictions for both the TPXO and tide gauge constituents. Fiji has repeatedly offered land to the Tuvaluan government to relocate their population 1,200km south, an offer the Sopoaga government has not accepted. Warmer temperatures and changing rainfall will make it harder to produce a reliable source of food to sustain a rising global population. Information on which island and atolls within Tuvalu and Kiribati were impacted (or were not), and types of impacts were collated from a number of sources, primarily disaster relief agencies. (n.d.) Tuvalu: Flooding, Global Warming, and Media Coverage, http://www.moyak.com/papers/tuvalu-climate-change.html, https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2019/oct/23/former-tuvalu-pm-says-he-was-stunned-by-scott-morrisons-behaviour-at-pacific-islands-forum Accessed 7th February 2020, https://www.adaptation-undp.org/explore/polynesia/tuvalu. This short research overview on Tuvalu looked at the following questions and tried to answer them: Tuvalu is one of the smallest countries in the world, after the Vatican, Monaco, and Nauru. doi: 10.1029/1999GL010485, Nicholls, R. J., Marinova, N., Lowe, J. Central Intelligence Agency. The air ripe, over-cooked pushes people into the dark interiors of their homes in the middle of the day, sticky and cloying. Figure 7. To do this the industrialised countries should cover more of the cost of adaption measures to help deal with the effects of climate change. "This is the best island I know, and I think it's going to end up under the sea. Subsistence farming is practiced in Tuvalu and to produce the largest agricultural yield possible, pits are dug out of the coral. This indicates that all large events (AEP > 10 years) are from the west in Kiribati, but not in Tuvalu. Sci. Typhoon Haiyan 2013. As the fourth smallest country in the world, Tuvalu is a nation made up of several widely dispersed low-lying islands which are located between Australia and Hawaii in the Pacific Ocean. I think they hate us, says Soseala Tinilau (below), the director of the Environment ministry. Some Tuvalu residents have been forced to evacuate parts of the country because of rising sea levels. The exceptional duration of the event (greater again in the Gilberts than in Tuvalu, Figures 4, 5) undoubtedly also played a role. Salt water has seeped into the island's pulaka pits, which are used to grow the food crop, making the pits unfit for further cultivation. CAMPAIGN for the international community to tackle global warming by reducing carbon emissions. Trees are tilted due to the land being slopped down the ocean. Initially a non-believer in climate change, like many older people on the island, Setani has slowly become convinced of the science as her daily life becomes tougher with every erratic movement of the sea. Severe Flooding in the Atoll Nations of Tuvalu and Kiribati Triggered Here, we focus on the remote impacts to Tuvalu and Kiribati, which were poorly forecast or otherwise anticipated (Taupo and Noy, 2017). In this study, we use a total water level (TWL) approach to estimate the climatological conditions and factors contributing to recorded impacts at islands in Tuvalu and Kiribati. doi: 10.1126/science.181.4105.1161, Merrifield, M. A., Becker, J. M., Ford, M., and Yao, Y. New York Coastal Flood Risk Management Case Study It is a plan that would cost US$300m (233m), and that so far has no funding. Tuvalu (02/10). Other sets by this creator. Finally, it should be reiterated that at all locations, background sea levels (SL) were the highest or among the highest on record (+0.1 m) during the TC Pam events. Netherhall School GCSE Geography Case Studies. All rights reserved. Kopp, R. E., Horton, R. M., Little, C. M., Mitrovica, J. X., Oppenheimer, M., Rasmussen, D. J., Strauss, B. H. & Tebaldi, C. (2014). Her father, Tuaga Petelu, says the climate is rapidly changing. Region and locations indicated in Table 1. Climate change 1. This narrated slideshow describes the impact of sea level rise on Tuvalu, one of the low-lying island nations in the South Pacific. We evaluated three global gridded sea level products, all available from publicly accessible data repositories, which meet this time span requirement: 1. However, in order to determine local sea level rise (SLR), one has to take into account local coastal flood levels which could be 2.8m above Mean Higher-High Water (MHHW) at extreme forecasts. Both applications would require further investigation to determine the reliability of existing global or regional wave forecast products to adequately predict TC- or mid-latitude storm generated waves and their subsequent propagation thousands of kilometers away: the wave hindcast used (and verified for TC Pam) in this study is approximately an order of magnitude higher spatial resolution than wave products available from the major numerical weather prediction centers for the region of this study. Other than the swell generated by it, meteorological phenomena directly associated with TC Pam, e.g., local wind setup and inverse barometer effect, appear to have played little, if any, role. They can provide additional protection from storms as sea levels rise. including the Maldives, Kiribati and Tuvalu, are already grappling with the effects of sea level rise. and/or local in situ observations of water levels and waves, which are currently available only in very few locations. Kulp, Scott A., and Benjamin H. Strauss. o_lewis15. It then moved along a southerly track between Fiji and New Caledonia, exiting the region around March 15th. 3. When I came back I immediately noticed the difference. It has a heavy rain season with westerly winds from November to March and although tropical storms are rare, the islands are prone to flooding with high tides and changes in sea level. Tuvalu is made up of nine tiny islands in the southwest Pacific, with a total landmass of just 10 square miles and highest point of 4.5 metres above sea level. (2010). Authorities could issue mandatory evacuation orders for flood-prone communities over the coming days. Not ready for formal university study? "Climate Tragedy: If We Drown Tuvalu, We Drown the Entire World" They also want their way of life captured for future generations, before the old ways are gone forever. This precludes using sea surface heights measured by satellite altimetry, which only start around 1992. "It's limp. In the southern islands, the aforementioned later onset of elevated Hb, closer to neap tides, lead to lower TWL empirical AEP values relative to that of Hb. Event duration at Nui (Figure 5) was also among the top three events, and likely contributed to the extensive erosion recorded at many of the locations in Tuvalu, as in Kiribati. Glasgow 2021 (COP26) - Residents are at risk of becoming environmental refugees. In this new study, researchers looked at daily satellite imagery to estimate both the extent of flooding and the number of people exposed to over 900 large flood events between 2000 and 2018 . Data 6:77. doi: 10.1038/s41597-019-0083-9, Rueda, A., Cagigal, L., Pearson, S., Antolnez, J. Geophys. 7 terms. Some coastal countries are now disappearing such as the Maldives in the Indian Ocean. Explanations. 806 8067 22, Registered office: International House, Queens Road, Brighton, BN1 3XE, A Level Geography Edexcel 18/20/24 markers , I have a gcse geography mock tomorrow and I haven't memorised specific place detail? Tuvalu is made up of nine tiny islands in the southwest Pacific, with a total landmass of just 10 square miles and highest point of 4.5 metres above sea level. During COP [climate] negotiations we had to stay up till 7am to ensure we were listened too, says Tinilau. To better examine the relative contribution of CgE, tides (tide), background sea level (SL), other multivariate aspects of this event and its relation to other TWL extreme events, Figures 4, 5 present scatterplot matrix diagrams for Tamana and Nui, which were selected as representative of impacted locations within Kiribati and Tuvalu, respectively. The note expands on the lessons learned from this case study, which has been written to help students learn from a real-world disaster recovery experience. coral bleaching. Education and employment prospects on the island are limited, and the majority of young people whose families can afford it leave to study in Fiji, Australia or New Zealand a brain drain that has been extensively documented. What are the ways (if any) that the people of Tuvalu know the land is flooding? Kulp, S. A. It's some of it's nearby neighbors are Fiji and Samoa. 32 & 30 & 34 & 32 & 30 \\ Physical aspects of urban flooding (built and natural environment), Social aspects of urban flooding (people and institutions), Data and informational aspects of urban flooding (forecasts, maps, demographics), and Actions and decision-making aspects of urban flooding. Differentiate. Why does planning for economic growth, stability, full employment, and efficiency involve both risks and sacrifices? Many people intend to migrate in response to climate change, says Iona, sitting inside his squat, concrete office, designed to stay upright and continue broadcasting during cyclone season, which is intensifying year on year. Funafuti Conservation Area Officer Semese Alefaio reminisces about better times before the storms became more frequent and the sea was not so menacing. Ciavola, P and Coco, G, 12749. Sci. Disagreements continue internationally with some big polluters, such as the US, being reluctant to take action to curb their emissions. Lett. 1. 1. Salvilivili has already been abandoned due to the rapidly rising sea levels Home. Most of the islands sit barely three metres above sea level, and at its narrowest point, Fongafale stretches just 20m across. I am from a small country. A global wave hindcast focussed on the central and south pacific. J. Clim. Wadey, M., Brown, S., Nicholls, R. J., and Haigh, I. Edwards, T. (2017) Future of the Sea: Current and Future Impacts of Sea Level Rise in the UK, FORESIGHT, Government Office for Science, https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/663885/Future_of_the_sea_-_sea_level_rise.pdf, Humphreys, D. (2019) Climate Change: an introduction to a heated debate, Chapter 1, in Jehlicka, P. and D. Humphreys, D. (Eds) Environmental Policy in an International Context, Milton Keynes, The Open University, Jehlicka, P. and D. Humphreys, D. (Eds) (2019 Glossary, in Environmental Policy in an International Context, Milton Keynes, The Open University, Mason, M.K. The name Tuvalu means "eight islands" and although there are nine islands comprising the country today, only eight were initially inhabited so the ninth is not included in its name. In order to better understand how these variables (CgE, Dp, SL, and tide) combine to create extreme sea level events, we follow a total water level (TWL) approach (Dodet et al., 2019), and calculate a further variable (2), defined as the 2% exceedance water level at the shoreline above the still water level, as a function of wave setup and variable swash (runup) due to both wind-waves and infra-gravity/longwave dynamics associated with shoaling and breaking of wave groups at the reef edge. About a of animals and plants on Earth could become extinct. Amanda Briney, M.A., is a professional geographer. Boost this article Explore the overview for a general context of how climate change is affecting Tuvalu. Sci. He is also determined to see that the people he left behind have a chance for a new life some place else. Scientists from all over the world collaborated and shared their research. Such discrepancies may of course be attributable to inaccuracies associated with the wave and/or sea level hindcasts. Farmlands may experience droughts, while deserts could become vast stretches of oases. On the hottest days, Leitu Frank feels like she cant breathe any more. Therefore, the country has no known mineral exports and it is largely unable to produce agricultural exports, making it dependent on imported goods. The residents explain what the rising water means to them and chronicle the changes they have witnessed over time. Allows choosing the RCP, the greenhouse gas concentration trajectory defined by the IPCC. This offers an opportunity to timely, easily understood information toward an increased efficiency of post disaster emergency efforts, and also provide a pathway for the development of a simple regional coastal inundation forecasting (or warning) system for locations where heights and datums of local coastal defenses may not be well know, and with computational need tailored to the current local resources. Knapp, K. R., Kruk, M. C., Levinson, D. H., Diamond, H. J., Neumann, C. J., Knapp, K. R., et al. United States Department of State. This is because the coral atolls on which its people are populated have extremely poor soils. "It used to be puddles. Front. Geology 47, 803806. Storms Process. Generally the local population does not see the link between climate change and health. doi: 10.1007/s11069-017-2957-5, Wandres, M., Aucan, J., Espejo, A., Jackson, N., De Ramon NYeurt, A., and Damlamian, H. (2020). Technical Report 2011-01. It reached a category 5 severity and made landfall or otherwise directly impacted several islands in Vanuatu, causing widespread damage and loss of life. Flooding study reveals factors NOAA forecasts don't include But there is always a sense of fear about what is happening to our home.. Sitting on a slayed coconut tree, Siones eyes are troubled as she stares at the ocean, beating its relentless path against her home. 26, 33173320. The maximum hindcast significant wave height (Hx) during TC Pams passage (March 617, 2015) is shown in subplot (a), which is normalized by the local 1-in-20 year annual exceedance probability (AEP) shown in subplot (b). Delivering a Powerful Climate Message to the World | Accenture The Frank family spend around AU$200 (105) a fortnight on groceries, a bill that keeps rising as the fruit on the trees that ring their modest home breadfruit, bananas and pandanus fail to ripen, and fall to the sandy ground, inedible and rotten. There has been some debate on the nature and timing of these impacts, however. 14. Mapping and methodology by Braundt Lau. When you consider the flooding, the erosion, gigantic freaky waves, and high tides, perhaps it is not surprising that many more of Tuvalu's people are considering leaving. Geophys. The mid-range scenario projected 0.5-1.2m of SLR based on different representative concentration pathways (RCP) defined by the IPCC. Tuvalu is a tiny island country located in Oceania about halfway between the state of Hawaii and the nation of Australia. Hourly significant wave height (Hs), integrated wave energy flux (CgE), peak wave period (Tp) and peak wave direction (Dp) for years 19792019 were extracted from the CAWCR Wave Hindcast, a validated global wind-wave hindcast with increased (approximately 7 km) spatial resolution around the Pacific island nations (Durrant et al., 2014)2 and related collections. The local town council has a plan to dredge and reclaim land at the south of Fongafale, raise the land 10 metres above sea level, and build high-density housing. "Now it's any time of the year." doi: 10.1016/j.geomorph.2014.03.042, Storlazzi, C. D. (2018). Tackling Coastal Depositional Features Exam Questi Tackling Coastal Erosion Question (Retry), Success Criteria About Tropical Rainforests(17/5/12), Holderness Case Study (Coastal Management). \end{array} Some people believed their religion instead of the scientific explanations even though evidences are around them. What have the social effects of climate change been in Tuvalu? The fish too, the stuff of life here, have become suspect. Sea-level rise from the late 19th to the early 21st century. I feel like this is a part of who I am and I shouldnt just run away from it, even though its disappearing. Tuvalu: Tropical Cyclone Pam Situation Report No. The relative severity of the flooding and erosion impacts amongst the islands and atolls included does not appear to be simply linked to the local values of TWL or breaking wave heights (Hb): e.g., maximum TWLs and Hb heights were significantly smaller (approximately 1.5 m and 30 cm smaller, respectively) in the southern Gilbert Islands (Kiribati) than in Tuvalu (Table 1 and Figure 6), but reported impacts in the affected Gilbert Islands appear to be nearly as bad, perhaps worse in some cases. Tuvalu is often described as a canary in a mine, with predictions that it will become the first country to follow Atlantis into the ocean. Geophys. Tuvalu Explore historical and projected climate data, climate data by sector, impacts, key vulnerabilities and what adaptation measures are being taken. Disast. J. Geophys. Salt water is flooding the shores and killing coconut palms. Note that (hand drawn) inundation and erosion maps, and notes provided by the Tuvalu Public Works Department to the authors are provided in this articles Supplementary Material section. Figure 5. Come what may, locals say again and again, quoting the prime minister, God will save us.. the intrusion of saltwater, this leads to diminish in food supply. a case study on Tuvalu Shafi Noor Islam; Sandra . Family burial plots are sinking into the ocean or being moved to higher ground. (2014), viz: Where Hb is breaking wave height, calculated using a simplified relation to account for wave refraction and shoaling to breaking depth from the (deep water) Hs provided by the wave hindcasts: In Equation 2, the two empirical coefficients b1 and b0 are assumed a value of 0.3 and 0.1, both near the mean value and within the 95% confidence limits for the two study sites examined in Merrifield et al. (2013). This includes mitigation such as a programme of tree planting and adaption: community water tank projects, seawall construction (UNDP, 2020) and new housing built on stilts (Mason, n.d.). Copyright 2021 Hoeke, Damlamian, Aucan and Wandres. CAWCR Tech. The datasets used in this study can be found in online repositories. Tuvalu Flooding Case Study | Top Writers Planet. This probably contributed to the noted erosion at Tarawa, in addition to recorded severity of inundation at the impacted islands in Kiribati. Res. Hazards 91, 12731297. Sea-level rise at tropical pacific and Indian ocean islands. Phys. Water contamination. The international best track archive for climate stewardship (IBTrACS). Formerly known as the Ellice Islands, the nation achieved independence from Great Britain in 1979. doi: 10.1007/s11625-013-0205-9, Egbert, G. D., and Erofeeva, S. Y. What have the economic effects of climate change been in Tuvalu? Porous, salty soil has made the ground almost totally useless for planting, destroying staple pulaka crops and decreasing the yields of various fruits and vegetables. Scientists have done a lot of work in recent years in an attempt to make some sense of the numbers and scenarios that have flown out of various studies and joint projects. R. Soc. It's no good." Briney, Amanda. These are summarized in Table 1; these locations are also plotted in Figure 2. No use, distribution or reproduction is permitted which does not comply with these terms. Unit 4 Tectonic Report: Tsunami Case Studies. The researchers, who work together on the Sunny Day Flooding Project, used Beaufort's Front Street as a case study to test a new, real-time sensor framework for detecting and measuring coastal flooding. Contact information: Aishath Azza, UNDP Regional Technical Advisor for Climate Change Adaptation, aishath.azza@undp.org Will they disappear? Seneviratne, S. I., Nicholls, N., Easterling, D., Goodess, C. M., Kanae, S., Kossin, J., et al. All rights reserved. But this is the first time it's reached my doorstep," he explained, gesturing to the water still flowing down the island's main road. not? 4:eaa9741. Tuvalu was granted full independence on September 30, 1978, but is still a part of the British Commonwealth today. The accuracy of these TWL components were independently assessed using tide gauge and satellite altimetry observations; it also includes an empirical wave runup estimate. 4. Its population density is higher than that of Japan at 379 people per km2, and the low topology puts all of its 11,000 inhabitants at risk flooding from storm surges or even tsunamis. The Supplementary Material for this article can be found online at: https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fmars.2020.539646/full#supplementary-material, Albrecht, F., Pizarro, O., Montecinos, A., and Zhang, X. Sopoaga says there is no plan B for Tuvalu, and every government effort is concentrated on adapting to the changing weather patterns and staying put. Although many studies and . Groundwater is increasingly becoming undrinkable due to sea-water intrusion. Retired sea captain, Lotu Pasefika, wades knee-deep in front of his house as the floodwaters continue to rise and the ocean crashes onto the rock rampart 100 feet away. Planet. Coastal systems and low-lying areas, in Climate Change 2007: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability, eds M. L. Parry, O. F. Canziani, J. P. Palutikof, P. J. van der Linden, and C. E. Hanson (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press). Tuvalu, a dot on the globe, but home to 11,500 people and 1000 km away from the next ATM , face an existential threat. n the hottest days, Leitu Frank feels like she cant breathe any more. TC tracks in region of the Gilbert Islands (Kiribati) and Tuvalu (19792019). It examines the contests and conflicts that centre on the estuary in terms of managing the environment for human Test your knowledge about plastics in our oceans, and learn about how they impact the environment by clicking on the image below Liz Wright is a Staff Tutor in the Geography Department at the Open University. This definitely contributed to the overall severity of the event, particularly in Tuvalu. It is in Oceania south of Kiribati and halfway between Australia and Hawaii. J. Atmos. They can see and feel it for themselves, especially when the ocean crashes into their bedrooms more and more nights every year. They all also come with a low enough computational cost to be widely applied to the approach presented in this paper, e.g., by using the kind of long-term hindcast data presented here as boundary condition to establish much more locally relevant extreme value analysis-thresholding. To this end, an increase in in situ wave observations and monitoring is required, perhaps to at least the level currently provided for sea level monitoring via the tide gauge network. Over the period 1901-2010 global average sea levels rose 0.19 metres (IPCC, 2013). Erosion, combined with increased frequency of overwash flooding of island margins 4 is expected to render islands uninhabitable 9,10. . The largest city in Tuvalu is Funafuti with a population of 5,300 as of 2003. Rio vs Kolkata). 1. That is something new. (modern), 'One day we'll disappear': Tuvalu's sinking islands, Eleanor Ainge Roy in Tuvalu; photographs by. Then browse over 1000 free courses on OpenLearn. Young Tuvaluans are already being sent away to safer environs where they can get better educations and have more choices for the future. Vila-Concejo, A., and Kench, P. (2017). Multiple reports were collated (Table 1) and then a combination of astronomical tidal predictions and numerical wind-wave and sea level hindcasts, spanning from 1979 to the present, were combined using a total water level (TWL) approach (e.g., similar to Dodet et al., 2019), to estimate the climatological conditions and factors contributing to recorded impacts. Falealuga Apelamo, 77, a retired fisherman and farmer, says one small islet from the nearby atoll of Nukufetau has "drowned," another is almost gone and the sea is crashing through a third. Rising seas, immobilities, and translocality in small island states He dips a finger into the water that runs in a shallow drainage channel. Scientists predict Tuvalu could become uninhabitable in the next 50 to 100 years. iii)There's also the prospect of a 1 trillion dollar a year fund from 2025 Now the king tides go right up to the houses and they're becoming more frequent every year. PDF Flood: Case Studies Nausaleta Setani, Franks aunt, sleeps beside the lagoon at night in the wooden shack, using a float buoy as a pillow. doi: 10.1175/2009BAMS2755.1, Maragos, J., Baines, G., and Beveridge, P. (1973). 11. Spring tides have steadily gotten higher. The beaches surrounding the atolls are sinking due to erosion caused by waves and this is exacerbated by rising sea levels. GHSL Data Package 2019 Public Release. (2016). < 0.002 m, Supplementary Figure 2). Changing climate. The "52 [small island] nations, home to . constantly flooded, -Coconut plantations are being killed off, this is plantations, -The world would be alerted to global warming by using the Severe lowland flooding is regularly seen on Tuvalu. The fourth smallest nation in the world, Tuvalu is home to. (2011). Coastal Landscapes and Change Case Studies. We promise, no spam! (PDF) Severe Flooding in the Atoll Nations of Tuvalu and Kiribati Codiga, D. L. (2011). A Polynesian country situated in Oceania, Tuvalu is no more than a speck in the Pacific ocean, midway between Hawaii and Australia. "Even at high tide, that gun used to be 15 or 20 m from the shore," he says. Also required is improved consistency and detail in the reporting of flooding and erosion impacts; despite gathering reports from multiple sources in this study, local impacts at many islands is unclear because of inconsistencies in reporting (Table 1). The use, distribution or reproduction in other forums is permitted, provided the original author(s) and the copyright owner(s) are credited and that the original publication in this journal is cited, in accordance with accepted academic practice. It also makes sense from a coastal engineering perspective (coastal defenses are typically designed using wave and/or water level exceedance probabilities); and also with respect to traditional island settlement patterns, although inconsistent coastal management and contemporary changes in settlement patterns may cloud this picture somewhat (Duvat, 2013; Kench et al., 2018). (2012). 4. Try EssayBot which is your professional essay typer. The spotlight first fell on Tuvalu when then Tuvalu Prime Minister Koloa Talake addressed world leaders at the Kyoto conference in Japan in 1997. 8. "I think it would be better if my kids were somewhere else," said hospital worker Beia Fetau, 40, preparing to help with Sunday school in shirt, tie and traditional male "sulu," or skirt. In 2000, the country was involved in a climate change controversy. doi: 10.1007/s41885-017-0011-4, Tuck, M. E., Kench, P. S., Ford, M. R., and Masselink, G. (2019). When fish infected with these ciguatera toxins are consumed by humans, it causes an immediate and sometimes severe illness: vomiting, fevers and diarrhoea. Wearing a suit and tie, Kofe stood knee-deep in seawater and spoke about how Tuvalua small Pacific . This will be addressed in future studies. Hazards 89, 131159. It is expected that there will be more unpredictable and severe weather events including more frequent and powerful tropical storms; more extreme heatwaves and lasting droughts. A., and White, N. J. It can be expected that by 2100 many regions currently experiencing relative sea level fall will instead have a rising relative sea level. It is associated with the largest Hb and TWL at many of the southern Tuvalu islands in our analysis; severe flooding and destruction of homes were reported on Nanumea, Nanumaga, Niutao, Nui, and Vaitupu6. Nat. (2018). If we round up to the nearest whole rating point, show that we should employ a class length equal to 3.3.3. (2017). Indeed, over 30 years ago (in 1989) a United Nations report stated that Tuvalu would vanish in the twenty-first century unless global warming was drastically reduced (Mason, n.d.). Image 'Illustration of where Tuvalu is located on a globe' - Copyright: Image 'A demonstration in support of the islands of Tuvalu' -, Image 'People in the sea in Tuvalu, holding up a banner' -, Image 'Managing coastal environments' - Copyright: Used with permission, Image 'Sea level rise | Case studies in England' -. (2019).

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tuvalu flooding case study