yuriko edh primer

Edric is cheap, and his access to blue means that we still get many of the better evasive creatures. Of course, to use the ninja in the first place we need an unblocked creature, which points us to cheap evasive creatures. In my old casual days I used Dauthi Slayer and other creatures with Shadow to achieve this, but today we have better options, like Triton Shorestalker for instance. 0 0 31. At the time we only had seventeen ninjas, so in addition to a little help from Arcane Adaptation and its functional equivalents we ran Mirror Gallery and a tons of Clone cards with the profligate goal of copying Yuriko herself for fun and profit. I also realized that the leaner the curve became, the more likely it would be that we could frequently have Yuriko on board and also have a party of Ninjas to brawl with. We also have 12 cards, not including Yuriko, that can let us draw through our deck. This card definitely belongs in the deck, and I even know what to cut for it. I'll find another good home for the best artifact tutor there is. Xenograft is included in this deck for redundancy. There was just one problem: Vela is really expensive to cast. So not running it makes a lot of sense as it plays out very clunky. It's another copy of the original Sakashima the Impostor and Spark Double, but it also let's Sakashima's Student become a Yuriko clone, and thus has an additional upside. We're playing the typical suite of 2-mana rocks that any non-green deck would play, but our best pieces our. HOW GOOD IS YURIKO IN cEDH? - Play to Win Deck Tech - YouTube By the way, please don't be intimidated by the cost! Twilight Prophet seemed like a natural inclusion in this deck, given its evasiveness and the fact that it draws us a card every turn. It hurts myself to see that, but I trust the processThat's the first time I dip my toe into cEDH territory, so I'm quite helpless with everything going on there, hence every help would be highly appreciated. That being said, we will play 2+cmc enablers only when they have other advantages that make them too good to pass up. While its a great win con, there are a lot of good uses to this card, and that is why its the best card in the deck. This annoying message will go away once you do! If you have any questions/comments/suggestions feel free to leave a comment! Help | Scan this QR code to download the app now. We have to remember that evasive one drops also do terrible damage with Yuriko triggers, so we don't want more than we need. Yuriko (Optimized) Primer (Commander / EDH MTG Deck) - TappedOut Thirdly, ninjas have great toolbox properties, so employing a variety of tutors helps us to make sure that we have the ninja we need to deal with the problem we have. It is yuriko but with lots of Ninjas. In a deck where everything is evasive, any amount of extra buff is worth our attention, and this is one of our better options. This was great until Maskwood Nexus was printed. Morrison103 1 minute ago. Yuriko doesn't need a lot to be really really good - I've got a deck tech and primer here on a lower-budget build. Mana negative ramp, aka all 2-mana rocks, just doesn't fit the decks natural curve of T1 dude T2 Yuriko. I still think Skulker will be a reasonable include because it can become a 4/4 unblockable creature on its own (and can grant Yuriko unblockable) but I also wouldn't be surprised if this card is one of the first cards on the chopping block in favor of more efficient options. Fourthly, any ninja gets us a Yuriko trigger regardless of any other abilities, so Arcane Adaptation effects that make all of our creatures ninjas can win the game in a moment. After looking at this deck, I know what you're all thinking: "Most of those creatures suck!" We've addressed the creatures and the Ninja enchantments, so we turn now to the supporting cast. Unless it's an emergency, we're probably not using any of our creature lands to cheat Yuriko into play, but once we have a Ninja enchantment on board, they each represent more card draw. Thank you so much for reading through my Yuriko, the Tiger's Shadow deck and primer! The first was called Unblockable, which included creatures such as Gudul Lurker and Mist-Cloaked Herald. Firstly, there were no legendary ninjas in both blue and black, and thus while Higure, the Still Wind might seem like a great general there wasn't really enough support to field a full deck. Ertai Planeswalker. I'm happy that most of the cards that I tested worked out, but having to cut many Yuriko staples to make room for them was definitely bittersweet. The compromise was to let our opponents keep their creatures, as long as they can't attack us. For this reason, I chose Arena as my draw spell, but if your meta is more forgiving of Rhystic Study definitely make the swap. If you can't see my ninjas, you may only be a few extra turns away from death!". During the mid game, we mostly want to put our "high cmc but still interactive" cards on top, such as Submerge or Force of Will. The changelings are obviously good because they are also ninjas, the merfolk are good because they are 2cmc and unblockable, and Wingcrafter is great because it can later give evasion to your ninjas who are on the board. We can play them at any point in the game without losing tempo, and if we play one on turn 2 it will actually save us from needing to discard a card to max hand size! While this guy has ninjutsu and can actually dish out respectable damage on his own, he doesn't have any other abilities, making him suboptimal here. Sometimes it isn't though, and there is a risk of being blown out and having to rebuild. Articles and comments are user-submitted and do not represent official endorsements of this site. Vampiric Tutor, Lim-Dul's Vault, and Long-Term Plans each let us effectively stack our deck, which means we can tutor up extra damage for our Yuriko triggers. Primer edh1.10 ~ Yuriko, the Tiger's Shadow ~ Ninja ~ Budget EDH Yuriko is an interactive commander whose ability allows us to circumvent the commander tax. For this reason the only high cmc cards I am playing generally are those that like Commit / Memory, Temporal Trespass, Temporal Mastery, and Alrund's Epiphany that we'll ultimate cast for cheaper. Also: No ramp at all? Whenever I'm deciding on a new commander to build around, I look for three things: Yuriko fits this criteria to a tee, so it's no surprise that she's my all-time favourite commander. Ninjutsu is one of those rare activated abilities that function from your hand, in this case during combat whenever you have an unblocked attacker. The goal is to start the game with one of these 12 on the board so that we can curve nicely into Yuriko. The three creatures lacking evasion can copy our evasive creatures to become evasive themselves. I never have enough to feel comfortable about activating the top, then leaving enough to recast the bounced creatures, or having to discard the excess cards (hence the [[reliquary tower]] and [[library of leng]]). Scan this QR code to download the app now, https://archidekt.com/decks/711488#Yuriko's_Rack, https://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/yurikos-rack/. Not everything we are playing is a haymaker and our lands will deal no damage, so these cards take the uncertainty out of our game. I often swap it out for Dismember instead. If our opponents have beat each other up enough over the course of the game, we can often win with even a couple of triggers perhaps helped by a timely, Profile of a Ninja: Understanding Yuriko and Ninjutsu, Our Secret Weapon: The Best Card in the Deck, Potential Recruits (Cards I'm considering), Retired Ninjas (Cards I'm not playing and Why). Cutting one of the original ninja legends was a sad thing indeed. I played this for awhile because he is low cmc, and lifelink is underrated in commander, particularly when you are playing card:Bolas' Citadel for value. That being said, he makes two thopters that can either make him (or another ninja) evasive, and can enable ninjas themselves. This is the most challenging part of playing Yuriko. She also draws cards without "drawing" them (thus avoiding any draw hate), and uses the cmc of the cards she draws to damage all of our opponents. Let's get something out of the way now: Yuriko wants us to build a deck based around Ninjas, but of the ~10 available Ninjas, quality is limited. A consideration I made while building this deck was how to keep opponents from simply "cracking back" and killing us with their own dudes after we've attacked. The gravity of Ninjutsu on Yuriko cannot be overstated, as it almost guarantees that we will be able to have her on board at any time as long as one of our little creatures can make it through (they don't even need to be a Ninja). Whisper lets us dig two cards deeper on demand, while Arena will help us slowly accrue more value as the game goes on. That's not a cEDH thing, mostly a Yuriko thing. A lot of Ninja decks are interested in reusing their Ninjutsu abilities, so cards like Crystal Shard, Cavern Harpy, and Thalakos Seer make a lot of sense. I really like this card, and might put it back in if some of the newer ninjas don't perform as I hope they will. Commander / EDH Of course Force of Will is the best of the best, but Misdirection and Force of Negation are super powerful too. We don't have much in the way of creature removal, barring Cyclonic Rift and Evacuation, and most Wraths pose a greater threat to us than our opponents. In my meta, if your deck relies heavily on your commander, and your commander is a primary target, you won't be doing much of anything. Other people can view your private deck by using this url, Uncategorized, slime, Deck EDH Examples, Yuriko, Uncategorized, Fave Primers, Cool decks, Commanders, Commander, Interesting decks, Commander, cEDH ideas, Favorites, cool decks, edh, Yuriko, MTG EDH, Favorite, ninja, New commander decks, Playtest Opponents, , Decks, optimised, decks, concept deck, dimir, Commander, Deck, Commander, B, Epic, to proxy, General Decks of other People, Commanders, Yuriko - Personal, Carla cEDH, Mono Blue + Dimir Decks, EDH, Commander Zone, DecksToPlay, EDH Primer, Nice, EDH Commander, Decks to create, Ninjitsu!, Fun Decks, Yuriko, Commander / EDH, Commander, competitive scene, Commander Decks, Commander Decks, Commander, EDH, Yuriko Improvement, EDH decks, commander decks, Yuriko, Intriguing Decks, definitely, Yuriko, To Buy, hh, adsasd, possibilities, Uncategorized, Copies, Favorite Decks, Interest, How to hopefully not die, CMDR, Deck Ideas, zIdeas, Decks I Like, EDH, EDH, Interesting, Ideias, #1 Inspirations / Ideas, Commander Decks, ? There are very few decks that could convince me to play Tormented Soul in Commander, but this is one of them. I don't have experience on higher tiers power levels, so I'm soliciting advice on deck construction and game theory/strategy. If you've read my primers you'll know that cEDH isn't my cup of tea and I prefer optimized commander decks instead, but if you've got 5 grand to throw into a cEDH deck and enjoy that style I'd recommend checking out the following primer- Yuriko Turn and Burn - cEDH. Let's go back in time and discuss the impetus for this deck. However, like we pointed out when assessing our protection options, we don't particularly care what our opponents are doing as long as they aren't disrupting our board or combo-ing out. These cards are great because they not only provide great value throughout the course of the game, but can help us to finish well also. . This isn't to say that Yuriko is merely a worse version of Edric. Yuriko Hishimi ( , Hishimi Yuriko, born June 10, 1947 in Tokyo, Japan) is a Japanese actress. Sometimes this will simply be the end of a war of attrition. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. People figure out pretty quickly that Yuriko is really not worth killing with a removal spell, so while I didn't draw Mox Amber in my games, there was basically no situation where drawing one . In many games, we can expect to have Yuriko attacking as early as turn two, and while playing a commander on turn two might be ill-advised for most decks, we don't care if Yuriko dies because we have the very real expectation of replaying her almost immediately. There are only five more creatures in the deck, and these are included for their particularly potent abilities. We'd also like a way to make all of our creatures, including enablers and tokens, into ninjas, which is why we are running Arcane Adaptation, Conspiracy, and Maskwood Nexus. It is a testament to Yuriko's power that she can and is played in cEDH. Ramp is one thing that Yuriko decks are not very good at. Privacy statement | The MVP of the extra turn category has to be Temporal Trespass: It has the third highest cmc in the whole deck, and I've found myself having enough cards in the graveyard to cast it easily in the late game. Given that one of my primary issues with Vela was her cost, I began searching around for other commanders that might be successful with a similar strategy. Contact | If we can do this we easily double three triggers to six or four to eight, and very often that alone will be enough to kill the table. Sometimes inspiration strikes like lightning, and other times it needs to be coaxed into existence. I think this is why I originally put in [[aminatou's augury]]). Its a great card and if you have and like it by all means play it. This is a low cost, evasive creature that is a repeatable tutor, being able to put beefy cards right on top of our deck where we want them. We've talked about most of these cards already, and for the most part, the cards we haven't talked about are standard fare. June 18, 2022, Lots of Testing! Even though a couple of these cards wouldn't ruin the function of the deck I'd personally rather not.

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