tufts political science major

Student teams conduct an original empirical study of the media. 141 Political Science Degrees Awarded. Commencement Spotlight: Mark Lannigan, A23 | Tufts Now The competing values of responsiveness, efficiency, and equity at the national level. The structure of fascism and fascist iconography. Sample, The minor in geology is available to students in the School of Engineering. By paying close attention to the subtleties and power of language, to what, With an increased demand for training in entrepreneurial skills, Derby Entrepreneurship Center fosters a hands-on learning experience, creating future innovators and leaders. Readings from classic and contemporary thinkers. U.S. attitudes towards immigration. Basic American interests in the region, and how the U.S. has pursued those interests in connection with issues such as conflicting nationalisms (including the Arab-Israeli conflict), the role of Turkey and Iran in the regional balance of power, and the Islamist revival. Department of Political Science Instagram LinkedIn YouTube. As an EE you have the opportunity to be at the forefront of the Internet of Things, develop next generation solar cells or build the, The engineering education minor requires focused coursework to provide a foundation in human development and learning, social and cultural analysis, education through engineering, and field studies. PS0195 Seminar on US Elections. Contact Us. Tufts University It is an essential discipline for examining the earliest phases of human history as well as new world civilizations that, A minor in architecture can be earned through the School of Engineering or as a designed minor through the Department of the History of Art and Architecture. Please see departmental website for specific details. A methodologically focused sophomore seminar. Examination of alternative visions of art and politics that aim to establish an autonomous and moral existence. PS 0021 Introduction To Comparative Politics. The Bachelor of Science in Data Science (B.S.D.S. Assignments include two short papers, one research paper, a midterm, and weekly discussions. Fax: 617-627-3660Email Department, Opportunities for Funding for Student Research. Inherently interdisciplinary, the program draws faculty and courses from the social sciences, humanities, arts, and natural sciences, Humanities, Foreign Language, Social Sciences, The study of Italian language provides access to Italy's profoundly distinctive culture which includes a deeply engaging literature and civilization, world renown art, music, cinema, cuisine, and its famous trade marks in, The civilization of Japan is an extraordinarily rich one, encompassing the worlds first psychological novel, the warrior ethos of the samurai, the most successful modernization trajectory of any non-Western country, and, The Judaic Studies program provides an opportunity to explore the complex and fascinating texts, politics, language, and traditions of Judaism. Homepage | Department of Political Science - Tufts University Visit the undergraduate page for course requirements for specific programs. No prerequisites. Sophomore Seminar in Comparative Politics. Consideration of values (ethics), facts (empirical evidence), and strategies. Brief consideration of foreign policy. Recommendations: Sophomore standing or permission of instructor. A political science major might use his natural sciences requirement to explore the political aspects of plants and agriculture . Written assignments, with supporting readings, on organizational structure, goals and strategies, and occupational socialization. No description at this time. PS 0150 Plato's Socrates. Best Colleges for Political Science in America. Advanced seminar on sources of political power and resistance in post-Mao Chinese politics. A methodologically focused course. For over 85 years, the Fletcher School at Tufts University has prepared students for positions of national and international leadership and influence. Department of Political Science Please see departmental website for detailed course descriptions. Examination of various theoretical approaches (defensive realism, offensive realism, and liberal peace theory) to understanding the sources, goals, and tools of U.S. foreign policy. Topics in political psychology: the transmission and structure of political attitudes, ideological thought, the relationship of political attitudes to political behavior, the effect of the media on political attitudes, extremisms, tolerance, and prejudice. PS 0137 Democracy and Dictatorship in Europe. It fosters critical thinking and imaginative challenges,, The Minor in Urban Studies provides students with an opportunity to pursue their love of cities and communities and to study urban issues in depth. One-fifth of the world's population lives in South Asia, a region of the world of increasing change, strife, and importance. Assessment of the qualities that must exist--in both the individual and society--for human creativity to regenerate. Examination of these and other pressing political questions through a survey of contemporary political theory, from the mid-20th century to the present. Focus on the various factors that have helped shape the emergence of political institutions in those countries: history, economics, culture, religion, and foreign intervention. PS 0173 International Environmental Politics. Internship placements with such employers as legislators, campaigns, news media, lobbies, law firms, and administrative agencies. Tufts University Home: Any tight-knit community, . . Since 1945, the vast majority of conflicts have been within states rather than between them. Allows students to explore basic concepts, Tufts offers its students the research opportunities of a major research university and the attention to the undergraduate experience usually associated with a liberal arts college. Recommendations: Sophomore standing or permission of instructor. Particular attention to the role women, religion, and war have played in cultivating morality and virtue and whether new sources of ethics will be required if the liberal commitments to the emancipation of women, freedom of religion, and peace are realized. The department's relatively, For students with a dual interest in physical chemistry and computer science, the "Computational Chemistry" track offers an opportunity to delve deeper into the state-of-the-art computational methods for the study of molecular, Computing has become an essential building block of modern life, from smartphones to mobile healthcare, self-driving cars and unmanned aerial vehicles to high-performance data centers. First it offers students a grounding in contemporary linguistic theory and its constituent domains of phonology (sound structure), morphology (word structure), syntax (grammatical, Every branch of science draws upon mathematics; It forms the foundation for all technical scientific work. Analysis of the causes and consequences of modern population movements that have occurred around the world since the late twentieth century, and recipient states' reactions to it. Most Republicans Say They Doubt the Election. No description at this time. How cultural meanings and practices shape political struggles and institutions. 160 Packard Avenue. Topics include the political, economic, social, and security determinants of refugee and migration flows; the political and social responses of receiving governments and societies; the security and crime-related issues and concerns engendered by international migration; changing conceptions of citizenship and nationality in receiving states; the role played by the international institutions in influencing state policies towards refugees and immigrants, and the moral and ethical issues for public policy posed by international population movements. It will also provide a forum for discussing students' draft thesis chapters. Inquiry into the nature and extent of justice, and of its implications for the conduct of individual citizens and states, with a focus on whether fellow citizens have special rights. Role of intelligence in counterterrorism, WMD nonproliferation, cyber-espionage, and cyber-warfare. Prospects for future change (socioeconomic development, political liberalization, war and peace) in the Middle East. Academic majors and degree programs offer opportunities for Tufts students to pursue a field of study that touches on global issues across a wide range of disciplines. No description at this time. Restrictions: Not open to students who have taken PS 62. PS 0422 Intl Bus& Trad Rsrch Prac. Consisting of 11 classes, a required internship, and a capstone seminar, Civil engineering is one of the most diverse engineering disciplines. To achieve these goals, the seminar consists of lectures, class discussions, class simulations, and presentations (on and off campus) by public officials and private individuals involved in U.S. foreign policy. In the most recent graduating class for which data is available, 68% of students . PS 0019 Sophomore Seminar In American Politics. Tufts Political Science & Government Bachelor's Program. It can be a wonderful complement to undergraduate students' studies in their primary majors, through a course or two, a minor, or a co-major, Electrical engineering is a field that touches nearly every aspect of modern day life. See Classical Studies. A methodologically focused course. For up-to-date information on course offerings, schedules, room locations, and registration, please visit the Student Information System (SIS). PS 0166 Seminar: Causes of Modern War. Please see departmental website for specific details. PS 0175 Politics of the World Economy. (Cross-listed as CVS 121 and PJS 121). An introduction to the central concepts and problems in the foundations of political order, including the nature of the state, rights, justice, equality, representation, property, law, and coercion. Survey of the domestic politics of the People's Republic of China. The program is administered jointly through the chemistry and biology departments. Central concepts of ancient, medieval, and early modern political thought. (Cross-listed as CLS 145). PS 0112 US Elections: Rules, Strategies, and Outcomes. Introduction to world politics through in-depth study of a set of theoretical approaches used to explain phenomena such as democratization, political economy, political violence, or state building. (Cross-listed as CVS 20 and PHIL 20) Exploration of contrasting conceptions of active citizenship with roots in philosophy and practical experimentation. I previously worked as a teaching assistant for the course International Cyber Conflict . Topics include the Puritan origins of America, the meaning of and the relationship between our founding documents, the challenges posed by the Anti-Federalists, the defense of the large republic in The Federalist, the role of religion in American life, the problems presented by slavery, the proper role of a democratic statesman, and Tocqueville's hopes and worries about liberal democratic society and government (especially its American variant).. School: School of Arts and Sciences. Coverage of relevant public policies and their legal challenges such as Voting Rights Act. Political Science studentsare committed to enhancing the understanding of our domestic and international political landscape through the four subfields of American Politics, Comparative Politics, International Relations, Political Theory and Philosophy. The Political Science Major at Tufts University - College Factual (Cross listed w/ TCS 159) No description at this time. Most Liberal Colleges in America. Recommendations: Sophomore standing or permission of instructor. Recommendations: Sophomore standing or permission of instructor. The Computer Science major in the School of Arts and Sciences includes ten courses: eight in computer science and two in mathematics. The minor is designed to give engineering majors greater exposure to natural and social sciences, and thereby deepening, The Environmental Studies major requires the completion of five core courses, plus five courses in any one track, and an internship. Sample Classes: PS 0106 Racial and Ethnic Politics in the United States. Tufts is a medium-sized research and liberal arts university of ~6,000 undergraduate students, located in the greater Boston area. Experimental Psychology Advanced seminar examining several aspects of political representation in the United States, including debates about what constitutes "good" or "effective" representation and proposals for reform. The field studies component, The Tufts Gordon Institute offers a minor in engineering management that is available to all engineering undergraduate students at Tufts. Analysis of how premodern political thought helped structure future political debate. Office:617-627-3465 Paid Internship - Global Project Development and Implementation Topics include: immigration policy, public opinion, racial profiling, language policy, U.S. census, bilingual education, dual citizenship, redistricting, representation, and elections. The causes, processes, and outcomes of revolution. Included are citizenship, the commerce power, due process of law, and the equal protection of the laws. Commencement Spotlight: Waideen Wright, A23 | Tufts Now The program explores a wide range of issues, many of current concern such as, Latin was the principal language of educated communication in Europe for nearly 2,000 years. In general, the School of Engineering requires undergraduate students to specialize within the framework of, Understanding how imaginative literature works in its various forms is an invaluable resource for any professional, academic, or personal pursuit. Medford, MA 02155 Methodological approaches (surveys of public opinion, content analyses of media portrayals) to controversies surrounding immigrant assimilation and integration and the impact of immigration on the American economy, culture, and security. Recommendations: Sophomore standing or permission of instructor. General Genetics The research project offers a unique opportunity for students to conduct intensive analysis on a national political topic of interest to students. PS 0172 U.S. Foreign Policy in the Middle East. Three major problems in urban politics: the political economy of cities, especially issues involving community economic development; race and the city, emphasizing the problems facing the poorest residents of the inner city; and political empowerment, including analysis of neighborhood government. PS 0181 Public Opinion and Foreign Policy. The evolution of American foreign policy toward the Middle East since World War II. Students are exposed to top faculty and learn, Created in partnership between Tufts Entrepreneurship Center and Tisch College of Civic Life, the Entrepreneurship for Social Impact Minor provides students the opportunity to combine their interests in Civic Studies and, Environmental engineering is a special focus of Tufts School of Engineering, consistent with the universitys mission of preparing leaders to address pressing social concerns. In Colonialism Studies, students explore historical and present-day colonial formations, rule, governance, violence, Health Fields, Natural Sciences, Social Sciences, The Department of Community Health at Tufts is one of the oldest multidisciplinary programs at the university. This major, The Department of Religion at Tufts is dedicated to the exploration and critical analysis of religion as a central aspect of human history and culture. All of the other requirements of the majorthe two foundation courses, the course in each of the four major subfields, the methodologically-focused course, and the advanced seminarmust also be fulfilled in the Tufts Department of Political Science. Ranked in 2021, part of Best Social Sciences and Humanities Schools. Students in the Minor in Political Science choose an area of concentration around which they build their coursework. (Cross-listed with LAS 127) Introduces established and changing patterns in Latin American politics. Commencement Spotlight: Cora Evans, V23 | Tufts Now Directed Research International Relations. Information technologies both as inputs that affect political decisions and as outputs that result from political decisions. (Cross-listed with FMS 163 & TCS 104). Application and testing of theories of democratization, economic reforms, state and nation-building, ethnic conflicts, and international influences on domestic politics through the exploration of divergent paths taken by the formerly communist states of East-Central Europe and the former Soviet Union since the collapse of communism. The course combines theories from international relations and conflict resolution with case studies of recent and ongoing conflicts. Assessment of the advantages and disadvantages of the dominant interpretative methods through the study of specific cases in the reception and use of political theories. 66 of 798. Is the welfare state defensible? The department has provided guidance for Computer Science majors interested in focusing their studies in a particular area. Undergraduate Admissions Request Information, Department of Political Science This course explores the causes of interstate war, with a particular focus on preventable causes. A B.A. Tufts Eliot-Pearson Department, Chinese civilization is one of the oldest continuous civilizations in the world. Examination of Plato's theories of justice and knowledge, focusing especially on the origin and nature of political communities, and the relationship between the individual and the state. PS 0491 Washington Semester Internship. Africana Studies is an interdisciplinary field that focuses on the study of the people of the African continent and people, Interdisciplinary Programs, Social Sciences, The American Studies program is part of the Department of Studies in Race, Colonialism, and Diaspora. While the majority, Scientific investigators in the interstices of biology, chemistry, neuroscience, and physics all employ chemical principles and techniques to forge new paths and explore solutions to the most pressing scientific questions, Of all the great challenges in our society, none is more important than the challenge to provide the necessary supports for the health, well-being, and development of children, youth and families. Prerequisites: PS 0061 and senior standing. How do we know if a choice is ethical? Our work addresses social, cognitive, and neural levels, Quantitative economics is a mathematically-based economics program that is designed for students planning to go on to graduate school or directly into professional careers as economists. The median salary of political science students who receive their bachelor's degree at Tufts is $44,879. (Cross-listed as CVS 177) Introduction to new scholarship on what is now referred to as the Howard School of International Affairs. Requires the completion of any PS foundation course (PS 11, 21, 41, 42, or 61). Chekhov. PS 0015 Sophomore Seminar: Politics & The City. The program includes five classes from biology and five from psychology. Machiavelli and the transition from ancient to modern Western political philosophy. Please see departmental website for specific details. All courses must be taken as a graded course and students must receive a grade of C- or higher. Topics include the U.S. rise to great power status; World Wars I and II; the origins, conduct, and end of the cold war; and U.S. foreign policy in the post-cold war world. PS 0185 Seminar: Nuclear Weapons in International Politics. Please see Tufts Exam Equivalency Chart in Bulletin for detailed information. PS 0100 Seminar: Politics of U.S. Immigration Policy. Department of Political Science Tufts University Packard Hall Medford, MA 02155 Office: 617-627-3465 Fax: 617-627-3660 Email Department PS 0011 Introduction to American Politics. PS 0180 Regionalism In African International Relations. (Cross-listed with CVS 137) Election laws and political campaigns in the United States. No description at this time. Engineering Management Minor | Gordon Institute - Tufts University Consequences of new political developments such as mixed race identification and immigration. (Cross-listed as PHIL 42 and CVS 82.) Undergraduate | Department of Computer Science - Tufts University Examination of the question whether Shakespeare diverges from his classical sources to come to an independent judgment of Rome. Recommendations: Sophomore standing or permission of instructor. The reasons for Romes greatness and the causes of its decline; ancient Rome as a model of civic participation; the demands of Roman virtue; the role of women in a martial regime; the place of philosophy in the city; and the effect of the regime on the character of individuals. There aremore than 40 faculty affiliates across Tufts Universityincluding anthropology, The minor in Social Justice Anthropology allows students to focus their study of anthropology on writing, cultural production, activism, and other practices that promote social justice, for example in a feminist, democratic, Sociology will change the way you think. View Tufts University rankings for 2023 and see where it ranks among top colleges in the U.S. . Study of influential theories regarding whether it is permissible to kill even in defense of the state, whether human rights exist and, if so, the extent to which they must be protected, and the responsibility or lack thereof arising from poverty in other parts of the world. Examination of theories of political and economic integration, with primary application to the evolution of the European Community. NBR on Facebook Share Political and Security Affairs Intern - NBR on LinkedIn Share Political and Security . A limited number of Political Science majors are accepted into a five year BA-MA program with the Fletcher School to which students apply during their junior year. Close reading of Plato's Republic, a book that transformed philosophy in general and political thought in particular. Students focus on critical reflection, ethical thinking, and action for social change - within and between societies. A research project is required. Taking Socrates' distinction between words and deeds, and focusing on the relationship between the arguments and the action, we will study the Laches, Symposium, Meno, Protagoras, and Republic, as well as the works recounting his last days, in an attempt to understand Plato's Socrates and his views regarding knowledge, virtue, justice, courage, and the care of one's soul. (Cross-listed as ENV 135) Overview of environmental policy focusing initially on the United States experience, then linking to global environmental policy-making. Social and political incorporation of new immigrant populations. PS 0122 Soviet, Russian, & Post-Soviet Politics. Topics include the political systems of individual European states, political parties and ideologies, immigration and the integration of foreigners, the welfare state, and the relationship between the European Union and individual member state. Subsequent transformations of political philosophy related to the decline of the Roman empire and the origins and development of Christian political doctrine, and the new political outlook of those who challenged the hegemony of Christianity. Introduction to American Politics through in-depth study of a particular theme in the American political process. PS 0156 Seminar: Enlightenment Political Thought. The majority of bachelor's degree recipients in this major at Tufts are white. A comprehensive examination of Hobbes's political thought through detailed study of his theory of human nature and the main political works, The Elements of Law, De Cive, and Leviathan. PS 0126 Chinese Politics. Covers recent events and important European events-in-the-making, including the implementation of the Maastricht Treaty, the expansion of the European Union, and the EU-sponsored strategies to facilitate democratic transitions in Eastern Europe. (Cross-listed as PHIL 43.) Elections are studied as a core institution of contemporary African politics. At Tufts, students, Advances that improve the human experience would not be possible without the creative problem-solving skills of mechanical engineers. PS 0121 Seminar: Political Culture in Comparative Perspective. Pre-Doctoral Fellow - Political Economy of Progressive Property Tax The mission of the Department of Sociology is to cultivate the sociological imagination, a keen insight into the relationship between individual problems and the societies in which, Nearly 400 million people worldwide speak Spanish, including almost half the residents of the Western Hemisphere. PS 0009 Workshop in Political Science. Tufts provides its undergraduates the resources of a major research university and the attention of a liberal arts college.

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tufts political science major