according to symbolic interactionists, gender is quizlet

According to interactionists, gender stratification exists because people act toward each other on the basis of the meanings they have for one another. d. die about five years earlier than women. Christina was not hired for the job when her potential employers found out she had three small children. In the 115th Congress of the United States, what percentage of the elected officials were women? Check out this video of Kimberl Crenshaw explaining the premise of intersectionality: Video \(\PageIndex{4}\): Professor Kimberl Crenshaw Defines the Urgency of Intersectionality. Legal. d. human capital hypothesis. Race prejudice as a sense of group position. 1. c. 65% b. pastoral Being married is related to b. the continuation of cultural beliefs. 1. d. Females are less likely to be unemployed than males. Because he was a man entering the traditionally female field of elementary school teaching, Edward was promoted to school principal over his female counterparts who had more experience. a. the idea that women can achieve as much success as men if they work hard enough. a. women make up the majority of minimum wage workers. The documentary, So Sexy So Soon shows ____________ in the media. Rather than colorblind solutions, critical race theorists advocate for race-conscious solutions to race-based social ills. Symbolic interactionism aims to understand human behavior by analyzing the critical role of symbols in human interaction. (1958, Spring). For example, Ibram X. Kendi (2020) writes of an opportunity gap that exists in education whereas predominantly white instituitons frame this as an achievement gap; where the former places the problem with society, the latter frames the problem as people of color themselves. b. unfair treatment of employees on the basis of their sex . 1. Another way to apply the functionalist perspective to racism is to discuss the way racism can contribute positively to the functioning of society by strengthening bonds between in-groups members through the ostracism of out-group members. b. gender role ideology d. All of these. For symbolic interactionists, race and ethnicity provide strong symbols as sources of identity. 1999-2023, Rice University. b. emotion work. d. 1945, 1. a. Income before tax Income tax rate. b. In the ______ , the United States made it illegal to discriminate in wages or employment on the basis of sex. By the end of this section, you should be able to: We can examine race and ethnicity through three major sociological perspectives: functionalism, conflict theory, and symbolic interactionism. The belief that laws that make sex work illegal are created by people with power, influence, and the ability to institutionalize their conceptualizations of particular morals and values is most closely associated with which of the following sociological perspectives? b. little job security. c. occupational sex segregation Its worth noting that race, in this sense, is also a system of labeling that provides a source of identity; specific labels fall in and out of favor during different social eras. Occupational sex segregation has continued to increase in recent years. a. had more education. 1. The __________refers to a set of societal expectations that discourages males from expressing emotion, In fact, some interactionists propose that the symbols of race, not race itself, are what lead to racism. Globally, women made up______ percent of the total work force in 2012. We also acknowledge previous National Science Foundation support under grant numbers 1246120, 1525057, and 1413739. a. education. For example, while it is not an intended outcome, schools in an urban community may lead to an increase in interracial friendships and relationships, which is a beneficial outcome for the larger community and society. Delgado and Stefancic (2001) provided a foundational understanding of critical race theory by considering the following six elements: 1. Hence, we can observe people from various racial and ethnic backgrounds interacting harmoniously in a state of social balance. The goal of social interaction is to communicate with others. a. authenticity c. explores male identity through the use of stories, dance, music, and discussion. b. accountability b. This concept, sometimes, can be problematic. What percent of the religious clergy in the United States are male? Occupational sex segregation continues for all of the following reasons EXCEPT In response to this phenomena, the sociologist Charles H. Cooleys developed the theory of the looking-glass self (1902). 1,6991,6991,699 funds. This book uses the d. 71, 1. Some people who claim a White identity have a greater amount of skin pigmentation than some people who claim a Black identity; how did they come to define themselves as Black or White? c. higher pay for female politicians a. 1. b. two-parent households a. c. men equally shared responsibility with the women for caring for children. Creative Commons Attribution License d. 90 percent. d. Sex stereotypes are reinforced and created in schools. d. manual labor. A corporations income tax payable is computed as c. an employee who "accidentally" fondles a coworker c. genderized poverty. Rist, R. (1970). Intersectional theory reminds us to consider how race, gender, and social class not only impact our social structures and our social interactions but are also engrained within our social institutions. then you must include on every physical page the following attribution: If you are redistributing all or part of this book in a digital format, Why or why not? This perspective argues that the best way to understand gender relations is to see women as an oppressed social class. 1. 1. will engage in the traditional division of household labor? 1940s a. poor diets The term "glass ceiling" refers to which of the following? 1. d. Both females and males believe that women are superior at details and nurturing, thus, the females should be responsible for the home and children. and you must attribute OpenStax. b. women equally shared responsibility with the men for providing food, clothing, and shelter for their families. d. biological differences in capability. 1. This is certainly relevant to the discussion of masculinity and femininity, because the characteristics and practices of both are socially constructed, reproduced, and reinforced through daily interactions. Feminists argue that conceptions of gender are d. health. a. cirrhosis of the liver. c. 1. Interactionists see race and ethnicity as important sources of individual identity and social symbolism. The years since the Civil War have showed a pattern of attempted disenfranchisement, with gerrymandering and voter suppression efforts aimed at predominantly minority neighborhoods. b. d. 70. Nash (1964) focused his argument on the way racism is functional for the dominant group, for example, suggesting that racism morally justifies a racially unequal society. a. c. gaining access to birth control and abortion. From a symbolic interactionist perspective, gender is produced and reinforced through daily interactions and the use of symbols. a. gender deviance hypothesis a. mother ceiling. Misogyny is: A certain kind if spa treatment One's biological sex How we know our gender roles Within the institution of higher education, Ladson-Billings and Tate (1995) noted that racialization and marginalization result in African American students coming to the university as "intruders" (p. 60). In addition to unfair racial harassment, latent dysfunction would also include a growing distrust in the police and racial minorities feeling unsafe in their own neighborhoods. a. women's career choices reflect limited options as a result of the structure of society. In this theory, Cooley argued that an individuals perception of himself or herself is based primarily how society views him or her. This type of approach would appeal to the sensitive and relational characteristics typically associated with femininity. b. nurturant Another way to apply the interactionist perspective is to look at how people define their race(s) and the race of others. This is consistent with According to proponents of critical race theory, race has been structured into the functions, systems and social institutions of our society. 1. racism is ordinary, not aberrational (p. 7) d. sexual norm. 3. the social construction of race a. number of fictional characters that are male or female b. men b. about one quarter 1. Worldwide, women tend to work jobs characterized by all of the following EXCEPT Consider how a community might increase solidarity by refusing to allow outsiders access. d. Gender norms dictate that men have more partners than women, which puts women at risk. b. language 1. All of the following are true in the U.S. b. . b. ________ prohibits sex discrimination in education programs and activities that receive federal financial assistance. Title IX of the 1972 Educational Amendments Act. A recent study of 1,000 adults found that two-thirds of the respondents thought that television advertisements pictured men as then you must include on every physical page the following attribution: If you are redistributing all or part of this book in a digital format, Which of the following contributes to health problems among men? a. a. number of female-headed households. Conflict theorists examine power disparities and struggles between various racial and ethnic groups. Which of these is part of the social movement working for men's rights? Jeff's statement is an example of a: Which of the following statements is true? Though actively involved in the social construction of race, society ignores or is not taught that racial categories are subjective, not fixed, and not based on facts, as explained in Chapter 1.2. In general, religious teachings have tended to promote d. 35. 1. Scholars of interactionism study how individuals act within society and believe that meaning is produced through interactions. desegregation of the transportation industry in 1056) have served the economic interests of the elite as well as the psychological interests of working class. d. higher self-esteem among boys than girls. a. We also acknowledge previous National Science Foundation support under grant numbers 1246120, 1525057, and 1413739. The idea that gender inequality comes from the division of labor fits with which Sociological theory? As discussed in Chapter 1.2 with regards to the social construction of race, since some people who claim a white identity have a greater amount of skin pigmentation than some people who claim a Black identity, how did they come to define themselves as Black or white?

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according to symbolic interactionists, gender is quizlet