gympie pyramid photos

recordings and images of deceased people and other content that may be culturally sensitive. The [], , If you appreciate this article, please consider a. The Deep Creek, a gully just near the Mary River, is a profitable spot for gold panning. Pyramids in the Pacific Images Ch 8 Aerial View Of Gympie Pyramid Chapter 9 of 33 Chapter 9: The Colony of Ham: Ancient Miners of Toowoomba Greg points out that it would also be very unlikely for would-be cultivators to go to the trouble and effort of constructing the terraces when there is better and far more suitable land nearby.8 Terraces are not usually constructed for agricultural purposes unless there is a shortage of arable land, which is certainly not the case in Gympie. After work was resumed following "a final decision from the Federal Environment Minister", protesters tried to block the site, but were removed by police and five people were arrested for trespassing. This lady said nothing but bade him welcome by gestures. Trevor was electrocuted many years ago and clinically died for an amazing 45 minutes, during which he met a Kadaicha lore man who taught him how to heal and recover with medicines like blue gum bark ashes and told him to look for him. The writer also found that an L-shaped dowsing rod, when held loosely in the hand, spun around freely by itself on the pyramid, usually a sign of a powerful site. Legend of Gympieand the Gympie Pyramid The Gympie Pyramid located in the outskirts of Gympie in Queensland, Australia is a terraced structure that some claim was built by ancient Egyptians long before Europeans came to Australia, while others say it was built by an Italian vineyard owner in the 1950s. If the pyramid is bulldozed and skeletons found, it will create a serious problem for the plans of the Queensland government, since it would have to regard it as a sacred site. Greg also found that the existing side of the pyramid faces south-east, making it unsuitable for wine growing, Vine cultivators are advised to use areas facing north. If the pyramid is bulldozed and skeletons found, it will create a serious problem for the plans of the Queensland government, since it would have to regard it as a sacred site. Thanks to Brett Green and Mick Dale for oral assistance and permission to use photos and drawings from The Gympie Pyramid Story. Thank you for this additional information Diane. Im on a mission to discover, document, record and report information for public education and raising consciousness. It is certainly an amazing adventure, but it would be much simpler and easier to kick back on a beach or take it easy in a shady resort as tourist do. & Green, Brett J. People about to ascend the pyramid frequently experience being 'stopped' by invisible means, and have to obtain permission before going up. When I was with the mobs around Deebing Creek, I compiled a 170 page historic report focusing on southeast QLD. One can also meditate on saving the pyramid, and ask meditation and ritual groups to work to preserve the pyramid. To date their purpose in doing so remains unknown. One of the most frequently encountered apparitions are soldiers wearing bronze helmets and armor and holding shields. ''Dear Humans, it's time for you to start healing. Thanks and blessings to all on your respective journeys and growth, Your email address will not be published. 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There were no claims made on the GP site until a few years ago so any early claims are misleading it was when the planned big bypass of the city was mooted that indigenous people who claimed Kabi Kabi descendency were informed and since then many of these members have fought hard and long to save the cultural and historical site and they are still there today still fighting! Thank you Cindy, truly appreciated. (For more details, read my last book HAIRY HUMANOIDS FROM THE WILD). Jefferys mentions a Betty Dodd who encountered a white clad apparition. Your email address will not be published. My true and family knowledge goes back 171 years! Their extreme complexity in shapes and assemblage requires extra work and skills, so they are not found in buildings of common use, but rather in important ceremonial buildings such as temples or palaces. They are demanding the roadworks be moved away from the site. It consists of the rounded eastern end of a sandstone ridge, and is located on the Gympie Connection Road, some 5 km (3.1 mi) north-east of the town of Gympie in Queensland, Australia.. A piece of bloomery iron was found more recently on the pyramid. The fact that it has three legs suggests it was a wine pot. If it involved a ritual function then very possibly there would have been connections with the stars. Much will be lost if the Gympie Pyramid is destroyed, especially if it goes unexcavated and unexplored. This is a picture I found of what the pyramid is thought to have originally looked like. As a fair skinned Nordic, the Australian summer sun and heat are harder to bear than any Canadian summer day, causing me to get sunburned much quicker than to get tanned. Greetings Jakub. More recently, a passenger flying across central Australia saw a pyramid in the desert north of Alice Springs. It quite possibly had a ritual function, particularly given the pillars on the summit, and was possibly also used as an observatory. So the info in this article is what was available when I was visiting there. Love. Inspection of the soil in the terraces reveals only poor or rather thin native soils, becoming sandy in the top trenches, and show no sign of backfilling with more fertile soils. (Tin Can Bay has nothing to do with tin cans. What Were The Strange Objects Biblical Adam Received From Divine Beings? The name is believed to be a corruption of tuncumba, the aboriginal name for dugong, possibly the indigenous name of the bay.) Nitarla said they had lived on the pyramid in antiquity, which was when the pyramid was bombarded, but they had elected to stay to try to protect it. Inscribed stones from the gateway were apparently found quite recently under the floor of one of the Gympie churches ? Allow this video to speak for itself. I removed all gubbi / gabi references as you asked. Circular Stepped Pyramids Of Guachimontones And Teuchitlan Tradition A Lost Ancient World In Mexico, Cahuachi Complex Of Truncated Adobe Pyramids In Perus Desert, Aboriginal Australians Were Worlds First Astronomers Who Discovered Variable Stars Astrophysicist Says. As a guardian of Djaki Kundu, I am priveledged to have been given the stories of the sacred place which have been handed down the generations since time immemorial. Early settlers naturally regarded the pyramid as an easy source of stone and it was quarried to supply new buildings, doing much damage and removing all the inscribed stones. Brett Greene, The Gympie Pyramid Story, page 82. However, at the present time it can only be concluded the pyramid was built by unknown people for an unknown purpose. There is a powerful healing vortex at the top, near the grinders, and three people, including local resident and pyramid supporter Mick Dale, have, on separate occasions, experienced considerable healing for back problems there.14. Also the photos of paintings and art you mention would reveal much about the history of the site if made public. Jefferys found that the terraces were in some cases constructed with very heavy stones, some in excess of one ton in weight. The fact that it has three legs suggests it was a wine pot.26, A bronze Grecian urn was found in the hills north of Gympie by Brett Green.27, A piece of bloomery iron was found on the pyramid along with other fragments during the 2007 visit by Greg Jefferys suggested smelting on the pyramid. The Gympie Pyramid as seen from the air with Google Earth. Most is simply ignorance at the time. If so, this crystal would very probably be essential to the energy functions of the pyramid. [1] It consists of the rounded eastern end of a sandstone ridge, and is located on the Gympie Connection Road, some 5km (3.1mi) north-east of the town of Gympie in Queensland, Australia.[2][3]. Other less known facts about Gympie add to the mystery. Blessings, Im curious to know why the stones were removed from the pyramid and taken to town for a church wall. Indeed, a lot of history has dark pages that have been brushed off, when not concealed. By the time of the second observation, McPhersons Paddock had been surveyed for the purposes of gold mining leases, one of which had been taken up in 1875 by a Swiss miner with an interest in horticulture, named John William Cauper. There have been many objects found there that do not fit in with the theory that it was built in the 19th-20th century. While on the . One needs to bear in mind that central Australia used to be a lush area several millennia ago. Aboriginals taken to it in recent times declared they felt sick, and wanted to leave. Thanks are also due to Daphne Salt for much help with the photographs, and to Laurie de Lia for making the visit to Gympie possible. For all that, many Gympie residents still dismiss it as a myth. Inscribed stones from the gateway were apparently found quite recently under the floor of one of the Gympie churches from where they vanished.4. The battle for the "Gympie Pyramid" continues with an occupation camp, known to the protestors as Djaki Kundu, being erected at Rocky Ridge. Stone statues found there show an ape-like figure (or Yowie?) It is also connected by energy lines with what may be other pyramids or energy centres in the area.13 The pyramid may serve the function of drawing energy down (or up) and then radiating it over the countryside. Local objections have been overruled, and no attempt is being made to excavate or find out more about the pyramid while it still exists. This was destroyed when the pyramid was bombarded by banana shaped aircraft, possibly from Atlantis. This is believed to have taken place either in the 1940s, after World War II or in the 1950s. I also appreciate your advice to relax and stay healthy. In doing so he is said to have destroyed the remaining two columns and dumped them in a mineshaft. One can also meditate on saving the pyramid, and ask meditation and ritual groups to work to preserve the pyramid. This is just a brief summary that I post, as time permits. He attributed the construction of the terraces to Italian wine growers or other immigrants in the nineteenth century. - The Gympie Pyramid near the town of Gympie in Queensland, Australia has long been a source of fascination for people from around the world as well as Australia, and the subject of a great many claims about its origin and true purpose. According to aboriginal legend, lakes or seas used to extend from the coast almost to the base of the pyramid, which is apparently supported by geological evidence. What is known as the Gympie Pyramid is the rounded eastern end of a sandstone ridge north of the town of Gympie that had stone terraces cut into the sides, giving it a pyramidal shape. Internationally aclaimed psychic/medium Greg Sheehy from Birisbane ( , visited Gympie Pyramid in Australia. I felt a need to correct many incorrect statements and claims made in your essay. The present writer also unexpectedly encountered a white-clad lady, this one with black hair, a couple of days later on the topmost terrace. More information Gympie Pyramid of Australia in Ramayana Comments More like this He ended up shooting himself. 1. One needs to bear in mind that central Australia used to be a lush area several millennia ago. He later became certainly the most famous Yowie researcher in Australia and also investigated hidden archaeology. The ape is made of conglomerate iron stone and shows a squatting ape figure. Hi. Gympie Pyramid of Australia described in Ramayana November 3, 2013 39 Gympie Pyramid is a low terraced structure located in the outskirts of Gympie in Queensland, Australia. The Gympie Pyramid is a nickname for an archaeological site otherwise known as Rocky Ridge, or Djaki Kundu by the Gubbi Gubbi/ Kabi Kabi people. He says that all of the statements supporting other theories were either misquoted, deliberately falsified or fabricated. Much will be lost if the Gympie Pyramid is destroyed, especially if it goes unexcavated and unexplored. Get address, phone number, hours, reviews, photos, geolocation and more for Gympie Pyramid - 63 Gympie Connection Rd, Victory Heights QLD 4570, Australia on Psychics maintain the Gympie Pyramid has links with nearby and as yet undiscovered pyramids in the Gympie area, with pyramids in central Australia and the Nullabor, and with remains in Antarctica. Thank you for your insights. When we drove to Gympie, we passed by the Mounts Coolum, Cooroy and Pomona, that are roughly pyramidal in shape and generally aligned on a south-east line from Gympie. The archaeological value of these objects has been reduced by them being taken out of context, but they are still interesting. Inspection of the soil in the terraces reveals only poor or rather thin native soils, becoming sandy in the top trenches, and show no sign of backfilling with more fertile soils. Mick Dale, Personal Communication (PC), 6. One of the people who took part agreed to be interviewed years later, and mysteriously died on the day of the interview, the large police presence at the death causing some surprise. The Gympie Ape - A stone ape statue possibly 3000 years old. The head has strong central or South American connotations, and it has been suggested it is of Olmec origin. It includes the ruins of six or seven low terraces associated . Individuals have had spiritual experiences equating to what is called 'cosmic consciousness' (a spiritual realization of higher consciousness and unity with all things) on the pyramid, and others have seen what may be the future (one person saw New Zealand splitting in two and sinking). Some reports mention the discovery of ancient signs of gold mining and smelting, and Gympie was first built as a gold mining town. If so, destruction of a large site would result in more than bad luck. This account has since been corroborated by another clairvoyant, Richard Shar, while using psychometry (reading the past) long distance from Adelaide.18 Visiting psychics report seeing an inner chamber in the pyramid containing various artefacts, and in particular, commonly report seeing a large dark crystal. In the 1960s the summit of the pyramid was bulldozed by a person wanting to build a house. According to the website it was first recorded by a European in the 1850s. According to a set of Hieroglyphs found in Gosford, there are TWO pyramids in Australia - one at Gympie (pictured) here, which has been demolished, and another one which still stands today. The pyramid may serve the function of drawing energy down (or up) and then radiating it over the countryside. Who built the Gympie pyramid and when remains a mystery, as the site has been plundered and destroyed in the most part. Australian Eucalyptus was apparently and inexplicably found in Tutankhamens tomb. Quite possibly it was regarded as a place of evil spirits. It was then popularized in 1975 through writings by researcher Rex Gilroy, who claimed he had discovered it. People about to ascend the pyramid frequently experience being stopped by invisible means, and have to obtain permission before going up. Amanitore Nubian Warrior Queen And Her Pyramids, El Mirador: Ancient Pyramids Hidden In The Lost City Of The Maya, Kingdom Of Nubia: Pyramids And Priceless Secrets Of A Civilization Forgotten By History And Neglected By Archaeology. Afterwards it is said he suffered illnesses, bad dreams and mechanical trouble, and started seeing figures in his house near the pyramid. Michael English said the pyramid originally had a vortex on the top used to help spacecraft take off. What is known as the Gympie Pyramid is the rounded eastern end of a sandstone ridge north of the town of Gympie that had stone terraces cut into the sides, giving it a pyramidal shape. [7], a stellar origin story concerning the seven sisters, "Surface Hill Uniting Church (entry 601529)", "Police, roads officials remove 'trespassers' from Gympie Bypass", "Cultural Heritage Survey of Rocky Ridge,Gympie", "Aboriginal Site (Little Rocky Creek Grinding Grooves)", "Bruce HighwayCooroy to Curra Section D: Woondum to Curra", "Two large earthquakes in southeast Queensland in the 1860s- Fact or Fiction? One of the most frequently encountered apparitions are soldiers wearing bronze helmets and armour and holding shields. Copyright New DawnIf you appreciated this article, please consider adigital subscriptionto New Dawn. The amount of corrosion on the statuette suggests that it must be of ancient origin. Afterwards it is said he suffered illnesses, bad dreams and mechanical trouble, and started seeing figures in his house near the pyramid. Claims were made that it was examined by a university and that the examination showed that the inscriptions were made using soft metal tools, not modern tools, and that an archaeologist confirmed that Aboriginal people had not made them. at that time and on the outskirts of the city to be was a great pile of hand-hewn sandstone blocks ready to be recycled .the church goers even had picnics at the site and helpers loaded their wagons with the blocks and carried them back to new church or wall constructions still a very touchy subject in those circles today with plenty of denials fearing repercussions. What if fails to note is the uncomfortable truth that during the colonisation of the Gympie region, some Kabi guardians of Djaki Kundu, men, women and children, were certainly killed when living at and protecting Djaki Kundu. There are plenty of websites addressing the Gympie pyramid, many unworthy of attention and a few interesting ones. It is believed to represent the Egyptian God Thoth in ape form. No signs of Yowie, but a rich biodiversity, including the Cassowary, biggest bird on this continent. On the summit of the pyramid mound, there was a well whose location is still visible, which was said to always hold water. It explains a lot about the circumstances surrounding those events. But the pyramid may have ways of striking back, which will be interesting to see. A fabulous day we had at Gympie and our other adventures to be sure. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. The corrosion on it indicates its age, and it may possibly have come from a shipwreck. Brett Green released a photograph of the summit, later debunked by Elaine Brown as being a photograph of Filitosa, a megalithic site in southern Corsica, France. Greg Jefferys, The Gympie Pyramid; a nice little mystery that Australian Academia like to ignore, 2006, (incorporating his 1990 report on the site.). If so, this crystal would very probably be essential to the energy functions of the pyramid. Modern scholars have debunked a variety of alternative theories that claim that the site was constructed by extra-terrestrials, ancient Egyptians, Phoenicians, the Mayans, or that the Chinese built a pyramid on the site. The stones were provided in 1937 by an anonymous donor and represent the only example of polygonal construction blocks found in Australia. Michael English said the pyramid originally had a vortex on the top used to help spacecraft take off. Egypt-Phoenician rock inscriptions have been found in the vicinity of this structure by the Gilroys. Indeed, the Original Peoples used to build stone structures. Work was suspended in November 2020 after the matter was sent to an independent assessor, a specialist in First Nations matters, but the area was deemed not of sufficient significance to be protected. Gabi Gabi or Gubbi Gubbi is NOT KABI KABI written sounding or in any relation at all to Kabi mob. Today there is still a stepped mound standing about 100 feet high and about 200 to 300 feet wide at the base, with some partial stone walls left and piles of rocks at the summit, but signs of desecration are also obvious. Greg Jefferys, The Gympie Pyramid; a nice little mystery that Australian Academia like to ignore (incorporating his 1990 archaeological report). The head has healing properties. Psychics maintain the Gympie Pyramid has links with nearby and as yet undiscovered pyramids in the Gympie area, with pyramids in central Australia and the Nullabor, and with remains in Antarctica. Greg Jefferys, The Gympie Pyramid The Big Dig Report, 27 March 2007. How Did A Rare 2,000-Year-Old Gem Seal Depicting God Apollo End Up In The City Of David? In 1978 Rex Gilroy claimed the statue was verified by unnamed experts as being a 3000-year-old statue of the Egyptian god Thoth. Gold was found at Gympie in 1867, and settlement began from that year. A piece of 'bloomery' iron was found more recently on the pyramid. He also has had good connection with the Yowie and has been called to intervene in cases when people are frightened by them. You dont have to go far to find academic references to other ancient First Nation stone constructions all over the continent and islands of the Great South Land. Gympie Pyramid of Australia in Ramayana BooksFact 20.2K subscribers Subscribe 109 6.1K views 4 years ago Ramayana written by Sage Valmiki describes about Java Island of Indonesia, Coral sea,. Note that Gympie, as most Australian towns, has a well evidenced masonic temple and masonic monuments, and that the church bears the word masons. It will be interesting when we are finally able to put together maps of the psychic centers around Australia. Irrespective, the Queensland government intends to bulldoze the pyramid in the near future and put a highway through the site. Reconstruction of the pyramid summit (from The Gympie Pyramid Story), The Spiritual Dimensions of the Martial Arts, Chinese Triads, Japanese Black Dragons & Hidden Paths of Power, Exploring the ShamanismAlienAbduction Connection Part 1, Tesla vs. Einstein: The Ether & the Birth of the New Physics, Rudolf Steiner, Secret Societies & The Ahrimanic Deception, The Way of the Sly Man: The Teachings of G.I. MYSTERY WIRE Ancient civilizations around the world built pyramids in Egypt, China, Central America, but the oldest of them all might be in Europe. This lady said nothing but bade him welcome by gestures. Djaki Kundu - the Gympie Pyramid story. Efforts should be made to save the pyramid. The Gympie Pyramid is a nickname for an archaeological site otherwise known as Rocky Ridge, or Djaki Kundu by the Gubbi Gubbi/ Kabi Kabi people. Greg Jefferys, The Gympie Pyramid The Big Dig Report, 27 March 2007, 3. The report came to the conclusion that there is "no evidence to support claims that the terraces on Rocky Ridge were part of a 'pyramid' built by ancient Egyptian, Phoenician, Extra-terrestrial, Mayan or Chinese visitors". Watch next video about the 'Gympie Ape Statue' and polygonal wall here: Soon, if nothing is done to save this ancient sacred site, it might be only a vague memory. Jefferys 2006, page 5 and Mick Dale (PC). (updated Sep 2021) When the pyramid was first discovered the summit is believed to have had thirteen pillars surrounding a round stone table with a hollow centre standing on the summit, and a stone gateway standing on the lower slopes of the pyramid, and other standing stones inscribed with symbols. Gympie also stands at the meeting point of three major ley lines connecting at sixty degree angles: one running roughly east to west towards the alignment of the three biggest rock formations of this land, Attila, Uluru and Kata Tjuta; one going west-south-west through the Piliga pyramids towards the worlds oldest stone circles and arrangements in Victoria forming a large triangle; and one running south-south-east through the Glass House Mountains to the Australian Stonehenge in Mullumbimby, a megalithic arrangement considered as the oldest one on Earth, that was destroyed in the 1940s, but the stone were marked in order, relocated about a mile away and recently found.

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gympie pyramid photos