illinois' death row inmates pictures

117) Cecil Sutherland, 32. In a series of killings spanning between 1972 and 1983, the majority of his crimes were committed in California. 85) Paul West, 30. Jenkins, who was detained at a mental hospital in California for four rapes committed during the 1970s, was linked to the crime via DNA. 113) Howard Wiley, 44. The fire caused at least $1.2 billion in damages. Roberts is the only woman on Ohio's death row. Convicted of 33 counts of murder after authorities discovered 29 bodies of young men and boys buried in the crawl space of his Norwood Park Township home in 1978. Governor Pat Quinn signed legislation on March 9, 2011, to abolish the death penalty in Illinois. 111) Robert Melock, 24. Stabbed fellow inmate, Lonnie Blackmon, 67 times on July 6, 1994. [1] The number of death row inmates changes frequently with new convictions, appellate decisions overturning conviction or sentence alone, commutations, or deaths (through execution or otherwise). Raped and murdered Armanda Kay Burns, 25, April 22, 1983, in her Peoria apartment. Shot and killed a police officer in August 1983. Ex-inmate sues Daley and Burge. Ng is believed to have raped, tortured and murdered between 11 and 25 victims with his accomplice, Raped and murdered 13-year-old Tammy Jarschke and 14-year-old Tanya Jones in 1981, and 15-year-old Kathy Graves in 1989. 69.75% have less than a high school diploma or GED. Williams was scheduled to be executed by lethal injection on August 22, 2017, but a last minute, Kidnapped, raped, and murdered 10-year-old, Murder by bludgeoning of an inmate during a. Kidnap and murder by shooting of two Native American men in the fall of 1982. Murdered his parents, two of his cousins, and his 2-year-old nephew. A full list is externally linked: Due to the high number of Texas death row inmates, only prisoners with Wikipedia pages or part of a criminal enterprise with a separate Wikipedia page are listed in this article. CHICAGO A former death row inmate whose wrongful murder conviction helped bring about the end of Illinois' death penalty said life recently has been more difficult with renewed questions States and the date of abolition of capital punishment: Language links are at the top of the page across from the title. Kidnapped, raped and murdered a teenage girl. Kidnapped and murdered the wife of a bank executive. While in custody, Kidd was sentenced to death a second time after confessing to setting a fire Oct. 28, 1980, at a South Side apartment building in which 10 children, ages 7 months to 17 years, were killed. Stabbed and mutilated newlyweds Dyke and Karen Rhoads July 6, 1986, in Paris, Ill. 88) Willie Pugh, 25. Reece, a convicted kidnapper, was connected to her murder in 2015 on the basis of DNA evidence. He is suspected in the murders of at least three other women and he was found guilty of two additional murders. First sentenced when he admitted to committing the. 83) Alton Coleman, 34. 31) Johnny Neal Jr., 44. 13) Dennis Emerson, 38. RM2D49CW4 - Exonerated death row inmate Albert Ronnie Burrell (L) walks with death penalty activist Roberto Ramerez as they carry a letter to Illinois Governor George Ryan asking that he commute the sentences of all Illinois death row inmates to life without parole, in Chicago, December 16, 2002. Shot and killed seven people and wounded four others. Marlow sexually assaulted two of their victims. Scheduled to be executed on June 6, 2023. Bean, disguised as a priest, entered Polulach`s home, handcuffed her and shot her. Willard's DNA was found on the latter, which pointed out Bomar's culpability. 53 and 54) Leroy Orange, 39, and his half-brother, Leonard Kidd, 31. Raped and fatally stabbed Lisa Ferguson, 17, March 17, 1987, as she was baby-sitting on the Southwest Side. 118) Mark Johnson, 32. Ford was arrested after he walked into the. A Missouri prison escapee serving a life sentence for a murder, Guest was caught Feb. 5, 1982, shoplifting a toothbrush and toothpaste from a West Side grocery store. March 9, 2011. . Kidnapped, murdered and mutilated Linda Sutton, 26, of the West Side, on May 23, 1981. man executed for killing deputy, two others", "Pace of Missouri executions is expected to slow sharply", "Richard Emery formally sentenced to death by St. Charles judge", "Trail sentenced to die for killing Sydney Loofe; becomes 12th inmate on Nebraska's death row", "NEBRASKA INMATES SENTENCED TO DEATH (ISDP)", "Gov. 43) Donald Lego, 58. McKnight had previously served seven years in a juvenile detention center for shooting and killing a man in 1992. Merritt was convicted of torturing and murdering his business partner, Joseph McStay, Joseph's wife Summer, and their two young sons. Kidnapped, robbed, murdered and dismembered Cheryl Dunlap at, He was also sentenced to life in prison in Georgia for the. 122) Rolando Cruz, 27. Burglarized several homes and murdered six women, one of whom he raped. Stabbed his father, mother, two brothers and a sister to death Nov. 8, 1985, in Mt. Djerf and Albert Luna Jr. met and became friends while working at a Safeway supermarket. Murders of four women from October to November of 1986 during robberies. He was paroled in 2001 and rearrested for violating his parole in 2006, when he was linked via DNA to Armstrong's killing. He was given six death sentences for each murder. Although the capacity of the prison is . Lisa Ann Coleman, left, and Wendi Andriano, right, are two notable women who have served on death row. 92) Tyrone Strickland, 25. Murder by shooting of on-duty police officer. 58) Johnnie Evans, 39. Morales's original execution date of February 21, 2006, was postponed as a result of two court-appointed. 50) Keith Shum, 30. The victim was struck with a hammer and stabbed nearly sixty times. While in Pontiac state prison for robbery, he fatally stabbed prison cook Frieda King, 50, Feb. 8, 1983. List of death row inmates in the United States, List of death row inmates by jurisdiction. Used a pipe to fatally beat Lillian Waid, 63, a Waukegan widow, in an Aug. 19, 1982, robbery. Mosley, who murdered Back, was sentenced to life in prison. Robbie was a brother, son, and a good friend to those who knew him. Wardrip was sentenced to 35 years in prison in 1986. Median time, in years, a death row prisoner has been awaiting execution: 7, Average time, in years, between imposition of a death sentence and execution: 12. Murdered his wife, mother-in-law and three children. Kidnapped, sexually assaulted and slashed the throat of Amy Schulz, 10, of Kell, July 1, 1987. He is a suspect in at least ten other homicides, rapes and disappearances. Murder of his wife and five children at their home. Copyright 2023. While serving a life term for murder, he murdered fellow Menard inmate Lucas Gonzales, 37, Nov. 6, 1988, in a gang dispute. Murder of her husband Joseph "Joe" Andriano. 39) Anthony Porter, 32. Photo: Lucinda Devlin/Galerie m Bochum. 6: July 11, 2005 Joseph Bannister, after conviction for shooting his ex-girlfriend and killing her sister. Killed his estranged wife Judy Robird Smith and her two sons, Chad and Jason Burnett. George Ryan cleared death row in January 2003. Taylor's cousin, George Wade, was sentenced to life imprisonment. Fatally shot Elgin Evans, 25, of Chicago Heights on Feb. 6, 1980, in revenge for a robbery. Prosecutors attributed the killing of Miley, who was gay, to Nitz`s obsessive hatred of homosexuals. His execution was later suspended due to an oversight in the preparation for lethal injection in another execution. Shot his lover's ex-husband in order to collect his life insurance. Both men are also accused in the murder of a fifth victim, but neither has been charged. Death row executions for females are quite rare. Williams was the believed prime suspect in multiple murders across the Raleigh area. Autopsies revealed the children were alive when the fire was set. March 9, 2011. 108) Joseph Burrows, 36. A 32-year-old Rowland Heights woman has been sentenced to death for the brutal 2007 murders of her husband and two young sons. Pat Quinn signed a bill Wednesday abolishing the death penalty and he commuted their sentences to life in prison without parole. Whitis was a family friend who had come to his. Fatally shot and decapitated Michael David Miley, 23, of Murphysboro, April 6, 1988. The weapons used were a paring knife, a butcher knife, a grapefruit knife, and a fork. Both defendants were judged separately, Deleon was also charged with the murder of John Jarvi, a resident of Anaheim, California. Jordan is Mississippi's longest-serving death row inmate. Real Times Media. John Wayne Gacy. Kidnapped and strangled gas station attendant, 26-year-old Maurine Hunsaker, in. 1.6% of death row prisoners since 1972 have been formally exonerated and released. He is suspected of having raped and murdered 51 other boys and young men. Take a look at the gallery above to see some of the notable, rare female inmates serving death row sentences in the United States. He later confessed to three unrelated murders connected to the. Two murders during a shooting spree in 1999. Eddie Williams is serving 20 years, and Javier Cortez, Raul's brother, was sentenced to four years in prison. 4) Kenneth Allen, 48. 76) Clarence Hayes, 38. 124) Andrew Maxwell, 23. Pat Quinn signed legislation abolishing the death penalty in Illinois at the Illinois State Capitol in Springfield, Wednesday, March 9, 2011. A full list is externally linked: Due to the high number of California death row inmates, only prisoners with Wikipedia pages are listed in this article. He was released on December 11, 1997, but was sentenced to death on November 9, 1999, after he confessed to murdering Terry Sims. Initially sentenced to death for three murders, but the death sentences for the first two murders were later changed to life sentences. Wesson's victims were his own children, fathered by. On Dec. 22, 1980, shot Gerald Holton, 31, and Arthur Sheppard, 39, two Markham drug dealers who had been infringing on the territory of a drug-selling gang with which Thompkins was affiliated. He was about to be released by the police when he admitted to committing the crime. A full list is externally linked: Due to the high number of South Carolina death row inmates, only prisoners with Wikipedia pages are listed in this article. Previously on Idaho's death row; in 1977 the. 47) Milton Johnson, 40. Joseph Burrows (1988, 1994) Perry Cobb (1977, 1986) Rolando Cruz (1983, 1995) Nathson Fields (1986, 2009) Gary Gauger (1994, 1996) Alejandro Hernandez (1983, 1995) Madison Hobley (1987, 2003) Stanley Howard (1984, 2003) Verneal Jimerson (1985, 1996) Ronald Jones (1985, 1999) Ronald Kitchen (1990, 2009) Carl Lawson (1989, 1996) Leroy Orange (1984, 2003) Aaron Patterson (1986, 2003) Anthony Porter (1982, 1999) Steven Smith(1985, 1999)Gabriel Solache, (1998, 2017) Gordon (Randy) Steidl (1987, 2004) Darby Tillis (1977, 1986) Dennis Williams (1978, 1996), Bluhm Legal Clinic Northwestern Pritzker School of Law 375 East Chicago Avenue, Chicago, IL 60611-3069 Phone: 312.503.8576. Murdered two people in separate burglaries. On average, these inmates have spent 17 years, 11 months on death row. Legal experts say that Gaines, convicted in 1979 of killing two South Side men in a robbery that netted him $2 and a pair of boots, is No. 71) Stanley BoClair, 32. Two of Pike's accomplices were also sentenced; Tadaryl Shipp was given life without parole plus 25 years, while Shadolla Peterson was sentenced to. Thirty-eight-year-old Lisa Ann Coleman was executed in Texas today, 10 years following her conviction for the murder of her girlfriend's son, 9-year-old Davontae Williams. 14: Dec. 16, 2009 Brian Dugan, for the kidnapping, rape and murder of a 10-year-old suburban Chicago girl. Two of Cole's companions, Michael James Jackson and Alan Wade, were also sentenced to death. 101) Harry Gosier, 29. Stabbed Margaret Dare to death during a Jan. 25, 1982, burglary of the elderly woman`s rural Jefferson County home. Kidnapping, rape, torture and murders of Thelma Davila and Katherine Powell in 1994 and 1995, respectively. They also shot Tiede's husband, who survived, and attempted to set him on fire. Times Staff Writers. Has selected firing squad as his method of execution. 7 and 8) Juan Caballero, 29, and Luis Ruiz, 30. 57) Dewayne Britz, 28. Conahan is also a suspect in the deaths of twelve other men. 64) James Ashford, 36. 33) Samuel Morgan, 43. 52) Ronald Barrow, 31. Feb. 5, 2014, at 8:26 p.m. View all 13 Photos. Raped, strangled and shot 18-year-old Kelly Eckart. One of these convictions was overturned but he remains on death row for the other one. Originally sentenced to death for the murder of Harvey Horne II in 1996, the. After numerous trial delays, a jury convicted Merritt in June 2019. Comparatively, 50.8% of the U.S. population is female, and 49.2% is male (USCB 2018). Middlebrooks was scheduled to be executed on December 8, 2022. Murdered a woman and hid her body in his trailer in 2000. Here is a look at the 184 inmates currently on Texas' death row. 69) Derrick House, 25. 28) Willie Thompkins, 40. Fatally shot Bryan Douglas, 19, a South Chicago Heights gas station attendant, during a robbery Dec. 16, 1986. Murdered Charles Biebel, 89, Dec. 22, 1978, and Esther Sepmeyer, 83, July 13, 1979, during robberies of their homes near East St. Louis. Twice convicted of murder and twice released from prison, he fatally shot Virdeen Willis Jr., 45, an assistant warden at Pontiac state prison, June 30, 1985, outside a South Side bar. Sexual assault and murder of 20-year-old Sheryl Norris at her apartment in. Edward Deli, his co-defendant, was sentenced to life in prison. Lured three men using a Craigslist ad for a non-existent job and shot them in 2011. Murder by beating of a fellow inmate on May 13, 1981. The restaurant managers, Theresa Blosl and Charles Ervin, died; Foshee survived. 4: June 16, 2004 Cecil Sutherland, for sexually assaulting and killing a 10-year-old Marion County girl. Raped and strangled Moody Bible Institute student Kristen Kent, 24, Aug. 4, 1984, on the North Side. Prior to 1970, this facility was known as the Southern Illinois Penitentiary, and it once housed Illinois' death row. Fatally shot Valerie McDonald, 37, outside her North Side apartment June 23, 1987, in exchange for $400 from the girlfriend of McDonald`s husband. 61 and 62) Verneal Jimerson, 38, and Dennis Williams, 33. 100) Jimmy Pitsonbarger, 27. Coleman was executed Wednesday night in Texas. Code had also been responsible for at least four other murders, and investigators believe his murder count could be as high as twelve. 34) Domingo Perez, 30. 51) Jerry Mahaffey, 33. His original death sentence was overturned, but he was found guilty in a second trial in 2015. Murdered two brothers at a family restaurant in, Previously convicted in 1986 by the State of North Carolina, retried and acquitted in 1989, and widely reported as exonerated; recalled to active duty for military. A full list is externally linked: Owing to the high number of Pennsylvania death row inmates, only prisoners with Wikipedia pages are listed in this article. Kidnapped and strangled 5-year-old Alexandra Flores. The prisoners below, listed with their current ages and in order of their sentencings, are in various stages of appealing their cases. Raped, hammered and stabbed Terri Winchell. Wood is also a suspect in the disappearances of three other young girls and women. Convicted in the ''Good Samaritan'' slaying of Mimi Covert, 30, of Petersburg, Jan. 16, 1985. Times Staff Writer. Abduction, rape, and murder of 15-year-old Susan Louise Jordan. "Quinn signs death penalty ban, commutes 15 death row sentences to life",, Charles Biebel, John Oertel, Frank Cash, and Esther Sepmeyer, Michael Albanese, Marion Mueller, and Mary Lambert, This page was last edited on 20 March 2023, at 09:05. Rape and murder of 31-year-old Miguela Burhans in her. [2] Due to this fluctuation as well as lag and inconsistencies in inmate reporting procedures across jurisdictions, the information in this article may present inaccuracies. John Wayne Gacy was put to death in Illinois by lethal injection at the age of 52. Also sentenced in Ohio for murdering his girlfriend. Murder by arson of her husband and their two children in February 1992. A drifter from Texas, he smothered and stabbed Roy Pendleton, 68, of Troy, Feb. 8, 1990, after appearing at Pendleton`s apartment and asking to use the bathroom. Pettigrew, 41; and Richard Holliman, 28, Nov. 12, 1980, in a South Side viaduct in a dispute over money the victims owed. Total number executed: 135 (1916 to present), On death row: 109 (as of November16, 2022, On death row: 30 (as of November21, 2020, On death row: 64 (as of September30, 2021, On death row: 15 (as of February21, 2023, This page was last edited on 29 April 2023, at 14:57. Calculated from the admission date (04/01/2010) given by the Ohio Department of Rehabilitation & Correction's official website: Calculated from the admission date (02/27/2001) given by the Ohio Department of Rehabilitation & Correction's official website: Calculated from the admission date (06/01/2018) given by the Ohio Department of Rehabilitation & Correction's official website: Calculated from the admission date (06/13/2016) given by the Ohio Department of Rehabilitation & Correction's official website: Calculated from the admission date (10/30/2002) given by the Ohio Department of Rehabilitation & Correction's official website: Calculated from the admission date (10/17/2014) given by the Ohio Department of Rehabilitation & Correction's official website: Calculated from the admission date (06/26/2003) given by the Ohio Department of Rehabilitation & Correction's official website: Calculated from the admission date (10/21/1999) given by the Ohio Department of Rehabilitation & Correction's official website: Calculated from the admission date (04/12/1993) given by the Ohio Department of Rehabilitation & Correction's official website: Calculated from the admission date (03/28/2018) given by the Ohio Department of Rehabilitation & Correction's official website: Calculated from the admission date (04/19/2018) given by the Ohio Department of Rehabilitation & Correction's official website: List of women on death row in the United States, Capital punishment by the United States federal government, Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church, Capital punishment by the United States military, unincorporated territory of the United States, Murder of Jan Pawel and Quiana Jenkins Pietrzak, Capital punishment in Georgia (U.S. state), life sentences without possibility of parole, List of death row inmates in North Carolina, List of death row inmates in Pennsylvania, List of death row inmates in South Carolina, List of people executed in the United States in 2023, List of people scheduled to be executed in the United States, List of most recent executions by jurisdiction, "Encyclopedia of prisons and Correctional facilities", "Position Statement 54: Death Penalty and People with Mental Illnesses", "Serious Mental Illness Among U.S. The most recent blanket clemency came in 1986 when Toney Anaya, the governor of New Mexico, commuted the death sentences of the state's five death row inmates, according to the Associated Press. Strong was already serving a life sentence for murdering a physician when he was sentenced to death. Richard Glossip needs our help, urgently! He then barricaded himself in the family's apartment and shot at police officers attempting to take him into custody. There are now 17 people on Missouri's death row", "Mo. Henderson stabbed Boyd 37 times and ran over her three times in a car. Illinois Death Penalty Exonerations. Shot and killed Chicago police officers William Bosak, 33, and Roger Van Schaik, 31, March 3, 1979, in retaliation for police confiscating weapons from his home three months earlier. 46) Floyd Richardson, 35. Murdered a woman and attempted to murder her friend. Moore has also been linked to the deaths of her father, mother in law, and first husband. Raped, stabbed and strangled neighbor Lillian LaCrosse, 25, of Addison, April 18, 1985. A full list is externally linked: Due to the high number of Tennessee death row inmates, only prisoners with Wikipedia pages are listed in this article. Fatally shot Wheeling police officer Kenneth Dawson, 41, during a struggle Nov. 5, 1985. Lisa Ann Coleman, left, and Wendi Andriano, right, are two notable women who have served on death row. The murdered police officer was the mother of. At closing on the day of his firing, Holmes waited in the parking lot with Michael Vance. Carpenter is known as the Trailside Killer. None, however, has had his death sentence replaced, according to the Illinois Department of Corrections. His case prompted Ryan to call for a death penalty moratorium. Another companion, Bruce Nixon, was sentenced to 45 years after testifying against Cole and leading police to the couple's bodies. She is also suspected of suffocating her infant daughter with a. A former high school diving champion, he murdered Gilbert Perez, 21, Jan. 1, 1984, on the North Side in a gang dispute. Photos and SOP for death row inmates. Shot Tony Long, 18, to death May 29, 1983, on the South Side while stealing Long`s radio. A series of thirteen murders that lasted throughout the summer of 1987 in the. Prosecutors alleged that the murder was in retaliation for the couple reporting to police that one of St. Pierre`s friends had broken a window at their home. Murder of a woman during a home invasion. No executions have been imposed or performed since the territory gained self-governance in 1949; the last executions occurred in the late 1930s, when the island was under the control of the United States Navy.[17]. Police later found a gun in Hope`s apartment that they used to convict him for the Jan. 11, 1982, slaying of Lloyd Wickliffe (the name as published has been corrected in this text), 35, a guard at a South Side McDonald`s. Raped, beat, slashed and strangled his 72-year-old grandmother, Augustine Melock, Jan. 15, 1989, in her Waukegan home. Thompson alleges that his death penalty conviction is unjust, stating he acted in. Odle told police that he was tired of his parents ''comin` down on my case'' about alcohol and drug abuse. Still, the mandatory use of prolonged isolation for death row inmates is widespread in the U.S. Of the 2,802 state prisoners currently condemned to death, 61 percent are isolated for 20 hours or more a day, according to a Marshall Project survey of state corrections officials. 3: April 26, 2004 Teodoro Baez, for killing two people and dismembering their bodies with a sword after a drug dispute. Murdered his girlfriend Dennise Hayslip and her lover, Darren Cain. While on Death Row for that killing, he was sentenced to death again after confessing to the May 1984 stabbing and mutilation of Cherry Wilson, 36, in her West Side home. Brown then made numerous calls to the, Murder of four women and one man in 19791980 on hiking trails near. At the time, Kell was serving a life sentence in Nevada for the 1986 murder of 21-year-old. 9: May 23, 2007 Daniel Ramsey, after conviction for raping and killing a girl, shooting to death another girl and hurting three other people. George Ryan cleared death row in January 2003. Peraita was originally serving life without parole for his role in the. On January 11, 2003, Ryan blanket-commuted the sentences of all 167 inmates on death row to life in prison. Last week, Zeman mailed a $1,000 money order to a Joliet post office box as a . One half of the Speed Freak Killers along with. Edenfield is the oldest death row inmate in Georgia. Dawson had responded to a call of two men lurking near a Wheeling apartment complex. Dotson received six death sentences for the crime. 37) John Whitehead, 40. Shot and killed Joliet police officer Martin Murrin, 32, Sept. 12, 1984, as Murrin tried to arrest him for a shooting. Due to the high number of Arizona death row inmates, only prisoners with Wikipedia pages are listed in this article. Murders of his wife Karen, his two daughters, Lauren and Emily, and his wife's grandmother, Dorothy Wight. McFadden also committed another fatal shooting in 2002. . Photo Caption: Illinois Sen. Kwame Raoul, D-Chicago, left, and Illinois Rep. Karen Yarbrough, D-Broadview, right, celebrate after Illinois Gov. 11) Charles Silagy, 40. Stabbed and strangled elderly couple, Clarence and Lillian James, at their home in. Fatally stabbed Bridget Drobney, 16, of Downers Grove, in a Macoupin County cornfield July 14, 1985. Murdered his girlfriend and her family in their home. Rita Bixby, Steven's mother, was given two life sentences, while his father, Arthur Bixby, was found. A lamp pole had been shoved more than five inches down the victim's throat. A total of twelve people convicted of murder have been executed by the state of Illinois since 1977. A full list is externally linked: Due to the high number of Georgia death row inmates, only prisoners with Wikipedia pages are listed in this article. 55) James Foster, 37. 11: March 21, 2008 Gary Pate, for killing his wife and stepdaughter. Fatally shot bank guard Joseph Kolar, 59, Nov. 23, 1979, on the South Side. The family went missing in February 2010, in a case that attracted national attention. Posing as a repairman, he tortured and fatally stabbed retired carpenter Folke Petersen, 72, in his South Side apartment June 7, 1983. Eduardo Navarro, an accomplice, was 15 at the time of the crimes but was, Robbed and murdered his elderly neighbors in, Murdered his ex-wife's sister, her husband and four of their children in. A full list is externally linked: Note: On May 30, 2019, the state Senate voted to override Governor Chris Sununu's veto on a bill that abolished the state's death penalty 168. An Illinois woman who was sentenced to death without a trial as a result of a false confession coerced by a disgraced Chicago detective has been exonerated after 29 years. Manling Tsang Williams Other News. There are 126 men facing the death penalty in the state-68 inmates at Pontiac Correctional Center and 58 inmates at Menard . James was living with the family of the victims at the time. 10: Aug. 8, 2007 Rodney Adkins, for killing an Oak Park woman after breaking into her home. Bomar is also suspected to have murdered Maria Cabuenos to steal her car, since he had thrown out his own at a junkyard. In Pictures; The last meals of US prisoners on death row. This is a list of people executed in Illinois. 72) Andrew Johnson, 26. Baumhammers was given five death sentences plus 112 years. Both men were undocumented Mexican citizens. During a robbery, he shot and killed Ronald Nelson, 50, an Iowa history professor visiting his son on the South Side March 17, 1985. Fatally poisoned his mother-in-law, Marion Mueller, 69; his wife`s grandmother, Mary Lambert, 89; and his father, Michael, 69; by lacing their food with arsenic in 1980 and 1981 in McHenry and Lake Counties. Scheduled to be executed on January 7, 2026. Abduction, rape, and murder of 19-year-old Stacie Stites. Godbolt was given four death sentences and six life sentences plus 40 years. Walden is also serving five life terms for another murder and four rapes, all committed within the Tucson area from 1989 to 1991. Abducted and killed Kankakee businessman Stephen Small, 40, by burying him alive Sept. 2, 1987. Twelve counts of murder in aid of racketeering and one count of retaliating against a witness by murder. Shot Bruce Heard, 33, to death and beat Heard`s girlfriend, Pamela Williams, 25, to death with a car jack during a Feb. 15, 1986, robbery on the West Side. 24) Henry Brisbon, 34. Mitchell, described as ''borderline retarded,'' had burst into the Leineke home searching for an acquaintance he thought had stolen a radio and a video game. Rape and murder of two women on September 24, 2000, and one in 2003. Shot his wife and his two stepchildren dead. Due to the high number of North Carolina death row inmates, only prisoners with Wikipedia pages are listed in this article. I would like to thank all of the men on death row who have showed me love throughout the years.

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illinois' death row inmates pictures