intraperitoneal injection in humans

Best way for mesenchymal stem cells transplantation for colitis. In consistence with PCR results, IP groups showed higher IL-10 and lower TNF- than other MSCs delivery ways (Fig. To compare the Ki-67 expression (one of the markers of cell proliferation) among the groups, the colon tissues were collected on day 7 (Fig. Generally, the mice were killed by cervical dislocation. The images or other third party material in this article are included in the articles Creative Commons license, unless indicated otherwise in the credit line; if the material is not included under the Creative Commons license, users will need to obtain permission from the license holder to reproduce the material. The histological score was defined as the sum of the two parameters (total score=E+I). . . Google Scholar. Mesenchymal stem cells induce mature dendritic cells into a novel Jagged-2-dependent regulatory dendritic cell population. Changing Crohns disease management: need for new goals and indices to prevent disability and improve quality of life. The excitation/ emission spectrum of DiR is in the near infrared range (excitation 750nm and emission 782nm). In the meanwhile, the colonic homogenates were collected and colonic IL-10, TNF- were measured by ELISA assays. This review discusses the usefulness of IP drug therapy and the factors influencing it, as well as strategies to increase the efficacy, and conclude that IP route is an alternate route to the more conventional drug delivery routes, and can be successfully used when the target is within the peritoneal cavity or adjacent tissue. A similar increase in mouse cytokines in the peritoneum was seen after IP injections of human fibroblasts. Isolated allogeneic bone marrow-derived mesenchymal cells engraft and stimulate growth in children with osteogenesis imperfecta: Implications for cell therapy of bone. It was concluded in a review article that utilizing IP injections to administer drugs to laboratory rodents in experimental studies is acceptable when being applied to proof-of-concept studies.[15]. 2A), which guarantee the less interference from the background signal that coming from free dye. Stem cells international 2013, 732742, doi: 10.1155/2013/732742 (2013). (CS), Intraperitoneal, Polymicrobial, and Antibiotics available under aCC-BY 4.0 International license. After 3 passages, spindle-shaped cell colonies gradually predominate in the cultures. P values of<0.05 were considered statistically significant. Intraperitoneal injection carries the risk of causing internal injury or of misplaced injection into a blood vessel or an organ, particularly the large thin-walled cecum or urinary bladder. Many published studies have showed the benefits of IV delivery in IBD treatment. 2010 May;27(5):735-8. doi: 10.1007/s11095-009-0031-z. Pharm Res. IP showed better colitis recovery and might be the optimum MSCs delivery route for the treatment of DSS-induced colitis. By systemic evaluation of epithelium and lymphocyte infiltration, the IP injection group showed the relatively lower severity score compared with AI group (P=0.034) and IV (P=0.002), respectively. 3; Supplementary Figure S6). Kenny et al. On the contrary, the most significant advantage of IP and AI routes is that cells do not immediately enter to the blood flow, allowing sufficient blood dilution. Infiltration (I): 0, no infiltrate; 1, infiltrate around crypt basis; 2, infiltrate reaching to lamina muscularis mucosa layer; 3, extensive infiltration reaching the muscularis mucosa with abundant edema; 4, infiltration of the submucosa layer. Like pharmacological treatment, the cell dosing might also be an important issue for MSCs therapeutic success21. C57BL/6 mice were brought from (68 weeks; SLACCAS, Shanghai, China), GFP transgenic mice ware brought from (The institute of Laboratory Animal Science, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences & Peking Union Medical College, China). Furthermore, the body weight changes displayed the less weight loss and quick weight gain of IP injection group and the maximum group difference among was reached on day 3 (Fig. 6A). Clinical and experimental immunology 116, 238245 (1999). (B) Quantification of FoxP3+ cells, the IP>IA and IV>DSS control, n=6 mice/group; n=3 for the control group. Very few reports pay attention to factors applied in the clinic, such as injection or exposure routes, which has highly impact on stem cell therapeutic efficiency for IBD12. During the observation, the body weight changes and fecal blood and their survival date was faithfully record. Intravenous hMSCs improve myocardial infarction in mice because cells embolized in lung are activated to secrete the anti-inflammatory protein TSG-6. Choi, H., Lee, R. H., Bazhanov, N., Oh, J. Y. Kyriakou, C., Rabin, N., Pizzey, A., Nathwani, A. Since the IP injection induced more cells migration to the inflamed colon, we further compared the difference in mucosa healing of different delivery routes. In this study, intraperitoneal (IP) injection was used to mimic the human administration route. (A) MSCs were labeled with DiR dye and given by three different ways. These non-target entrapments made IV route less cells immigration and colonization and may be a hindrance for MSCs to fully display its therapeutic effects. Blood 122, e23e32, doi: 10.1182/blood-2013-04-495119 (2013). The IP and AI groups showed mean 50.4% and 46.7% Ki-67+ cells/crypt respectively. Best way for mesenchymal stem cells transplantation for colitis. Myd88-dependent positioning of Ptgs2-expressing stromal cells maintains colonic epithelial proliferation during injury. & Yong, K. Factors that influence short-term homing of human bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells in a xenogeneic animal model. Every 1107 cells were incubated with 10mL DiR solution (PBS based containing 3.5g/mL dye and 0.5% ethanol) for 30min at 37C. However, one recent published paper showed inconsistent results with ours, in which IV injection was identified better in comparison with intraperitoneal injection31. von Bahr, L. et al. Truncal blocks and neuraxial . The Scheme (Fig. In colonic MLNs, similar results were observed, the MSCs administration induced more FoxP3+ cells accumulation than the control, but the inter-group differences were not evident (Supplementary Figure S8). [2], There has been some debate on whether intraperitoneal injections are the best route of administration for experimental animal studies. Patients should be anesthetized. CBSKL2015Z01 and CBSKL2015Z12), PLA 12th Five-Year Program (BSW11J013) and National Science and Technology Major Project (No. A human study showed that after injection of HDL labeled with a CE tracer, most of the tracer that was ultimately found in the bile arrived there after transfer to apoB-containing lipoproteins, . Some of the examples depict situations where IP injections are not ideal, while others prove the advantageous uses if this delivery method. 107vs. 109 ; Fig. 81421003 and No. Therefore, the biological differences of different source MSCs should be considered systematically when interpreting the research results and choosing for specific clinical application. The authors give their special thanks to the Dr. Yingchun Jia and Zhen Chen for their help in histological evaluation. It causes irritation of the eyes, skin, mucous membranes, and upper respiratory tract. Ray, A. Direct injection of sodium pentobarbital (referred to as euthanasia by . The optimum route of administration is an importance clinical issue not only for chemical drug, but also for stem cytotherapy. We also evaluated serum TSG-6 in three MSCs administration route. The immunohistochemistry indicated higher repair proliferation (Ki-67) and more FoxP3+ cells accumulation of IP group. By using this techniques, the catheter complications, in particular obstruction, bowel and vaginal cuff perforation were greatly reduced61. Stem cell research & therapy 6, 55, doi: 10.1186/s13287-015-0066-5 (2015). Castelo-Branco, M. T. et al. Google Scholar. Am J Gastroenterol 105, 289297, doi: 10.1038/ajg.2009.579 (2010). 2A). We next compared serum TSG-6 level in three administration routes at 48h and 72h respectively after MSCs transplantation using ELISA (Fig. Sci. Intraperitoneal (IP) Injection (Injection of Sodium Pentobarbital . However, more studies described MSCs as hit and run therapy, which discovered most of MSCs died and cleared from the body within 48 to 72h20,41,42,43. World journal of gastroenterology 20, 1822818239, doi: 10.3748/wjg.v20.i48.18228 (2014). These findings could be advanced by studying how the route of injection affects the organs in the peritoneal cavity. Li, C. Y. et al. 2A). This concern arises because MSCs has an estimated diameter of 2030m15,16. The Journal of clinical investigation 117, 258269, doi: 10.1172/jci29159 (2007). Levy, O. et al. Article All reactions were performed in triplicated. Stem Cells 29, 15721579, doi: 10.1002/stem.708 (2011). Mice were under intensive observation for 12 days. CAS The peritoneal micromilieu commits B cells to home to body cavities and the small intestine. Article Rodent (large / mouse) oral (intragastric), intravascular administration (tail vein injection, intraperitoneal injection, intramuscular injection and subcutaneous injection) Intragastric administration and oral taking of non-rodent (dog / monkey) solution and intravenous injection of extremities. Treatment for peritoneal dialysis-associated peritonitis. Sirius red staining showed disorganized collagen fibers in DSS control colon, which were diffusely distributed in the injured colon wall. PubMed Methods of euthanasia likely to elicit distress vocalizations or pheromones that other animals could hear or smell should be performed in another location, if transportation distress can be minimized. Colitis showed varying degrees of alleviation after three ways of MSCs transplantation and the IP injection showed the highest survival rate of 87.5% and displayed the less weight loss and quick weight gain. The benefit of administering drugs intraperitoneally is the ability for the peritoneal cavity to absorb large amounts of a drug quickly. Background Saroglitazar is a novel PPAR-/ agonist with predominant PPAR- activity. PubMed Ulcerative colitis (UC) and Crohns disease (CD) are most common conditions in IBD. ADS Slow intravenous injections are typically dosed over 3-10 minutes. Peri/postnatal development in rats was impaired with reduced pup weights, increased stillbirths, and increased pup mortality concurrent with maternal toxicity after intraperitoneal administration of tazobactam alone at doses 320 mg/kg/day (2 times the human dose based on body surface area) or of the combination piperacillin and tazobactam at . M.W., C.L. [17] Contrast agents were administered intraperitoneally instead of intravenously to avoid errors and challenges. Quantitative data are presented as the meanSD. GFP+ cells were detected at the inflamed colon. The Ki-67+ cells were greatly increased after MSCs treatment. Here, we combined the iDISCO + method and Fos immunostaining to confirm that the middle part of the right-side, but not the left-side, insular cortex in adult male mice is activated by intraperitoneal injection of lithium chloride. Haematologica 93, 14571465, doi: 10.3324/haematol.12553 (2008). Cell stem cell 5, 5463, doi: 10.1016/j.stem.2009.05.003 (2009). Injections are given along the midline caudal to the umbilicus or low on the right lateral abdomen. Then sections were washed and blocked with normal nonimmunone goat serum for 30min. At the end of laparoscopic . drug availability and human abuse potential; 10. compatibility with species, age, and health status; 11. Unable to load your collection due to an error, Unable to load your delegates due to an error. It is more often applied to animals than to humans. PubMed The article overviews whether IP is the best option for euthanization based on evidence associated with welfare implications. 2, Haidian District, Beijing 100193, China. In this study, we compared therapeutic efficacy of three MSCs administration routes in DSS-induced colitis. A relatively short needle (e.g., 0.5-inch or less) is suggested to help prevent puncture of the intestines or cecum. Key points to note. . Study showed that genetically modified MSCs to increase CXCR-4 expression will lead to an increase of MSCs migration to intestinal with radiation enteritis and then resulted in disease improvement24. In various preclinical models, saroglitazar has been shown to prevent & reverse symptoms of NASH. Article The need of intestinal resection in CD has remained stable8 and the colectomy rates in UC were still for 20% and 30% within 10 and 25 years of diseases duration9. Journal of biomedical science 15, 585594, doi: 10.1007/s11373-008-9256-9 (2008). Background. In their study, PKH26 (a yellow-orange fluorescent dye) labeled PCs were injected intraperitoneally into healthy rat. Respir Res 15, 118, doi: 10.1186/s12931-014-0118-x (2014). Tests were read by an independent observer (Cong Liang) and scored 05 as shown by the color indicators provided by the manufacturer. Article One article reviews the injection of sodium pentobarbital to euthanize rodents intraperitoneally. Histopathological comparison of colitis after 3 days MSCs delivery. intraarticular and intraperitoneal use of opioids, pain management in the emergency room and in the intensive care unit, pain management issues during pregnancy, geriatric pain, and hospice care and end-of-life issues. The transplanted lymphocytes can produce immunoglobulin (Ig), respond to antigens, and survive for months in this chimeric model (hu-PBL SCID). Peyrin-Biroulet, L., Loftus, E. V. Jr., Colombel, J. F. & Sandborn, W. J. The levels of immunomodulatory cytokines were compared by real time-PCR and ELISA. The .gov means its official. Berberich, S., Forster, R. & Pabst, O. Intraperitoneal (ml) Footpad (ml) Mouse <0.1 . Comparison of colonic proliferation 7 days after MSCs injection. This finding was consistent with previous published paper23, in which the intraperitoneal MSCs migrating and engraft at inflamed colon were identified by Tc-99m SPECT imaging in TNBS induced colitis. gynecological and gastrointestinal cancers and has shown very promising results. Nature medicine 5, 309313, doi: 10.1038/6529 (1999). Lu, Z., Wang, J., Wientjes, M. G. & Au, J. L. Intraperitoneal therapy for peritoneal cancer. However, whether the lymphocytes actually . Intraosseous. Vishnubalaji, R., Al-Nbaheen, M., Kadalmani, B., Aldahmash, A. However, human insulin . The overall therapeutic factors, MSCs migration and targeting as well as local immunomodulatory cytokines and FoxP3+ cells infiltration were analyzed. Surg Clin North Am 87, 727741, doi: 10.1016/j.suc.2007.03.004 (2007). PubMed Central Ankrum, J. Histopathological alterations in the mouse brain were detected after SWCNTs exposure. IHC was performed according to the standard procedures. IP, intraperitoneal injection; IV, intravenous injection; AI anal injection; n=68 for treatment group, n=3 for DSS control. A consensus report written on behalf of the European League Against Rheumatism (EULAR) and the European Group for Blood and Marrow Transplantation (EBMT). seem to have found the key drug of MSCs in the treatment of colitis, TSG-647. Fresh feces from animals were collected for occult blood test, using fecal occult blood kit (Baso Diagnostics Inc., Zhuhai, China) according to the manufactures recommendations. (B) KaplanMeier analysis of three different MSCs delivery ways. The AI groups exhibited 9.5% and IV group showed 6.7% FoxP3+ cells, respectively (Fig. Intraperitoneal but not intravenous cryopreserved mesenchymal stromal cells home to the inflamed colon and ameliorate experimental colitis. Careers. Afterwards, the samples were incubated with Ki-67 (1:200; Santa Cruz) or FOXP3 (1:100; Antibodies-Online, Aachen, Germany) overnight at 4C. In addition, from the point of cell morphological appearance, most of MSCs kept intact in IP group, while in AI route, other than active MSCs, cell fragments and debris were also identified in the lumen (Fig. Pentobarbital sodium Injection Caution. [16] This study shows how intraperitoneal injections can be more effective and beneficial than other traditional routes of administration. Google Scholar. 81371615), the Stake Key Laboratory Open Program of China (No. Kean, T. J., Lin, P., Caplan, A. I. This site needs JavaScript to work properly. MeSH The authors declare no competing financial interests. One study utilized IP injections to study pain in the abdomen after a hysterectomy when administering anesthetic continuously vs patient-controlled. Toll-like receptors 3 and 4 are expressed by human bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells and can inhibit their T-cell modulatory activity by impairing Notch signaling. But this study at least pointed out the possible migration route for cells by intraperitoneal injection. Rodents. Injections Intraperitoneal (IP) "Mouse" Once animal is restrained turn over so abdomen is exposed. The following approaches are novel, and require further testing in humans before being accepted as potential treatment options: eCollection 2021. Intraperitoneal (IP) Injection in Rats and Mice SOP Page 4 of 6 Mouse Rat 6. Article HHS Vulnerability Disclosure, Help (C) Percentage of body weight changes over time. Best way for mesenchymal stem cells transplantation for colitis", "Intraperitoneal injections as an alternative method for micro-CT contrast enhanced detection of murine liver tumors", "Optimization of Intraperitoneal Injection Anesthesia in Mice: Drugs, Dosages, Adverse Effects, and Anesthesia Depth", "Intraperitoneal Injection Is Not Always a Suitable Alternative to Intravenous Injection for Radiotherapy", "Pharmacological principles of intraperitoneal and bidirectional chemotherapy", Transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt,, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles with unsourced statements from April 2015, Articles with unsourced statements from January 2022, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 5 March 2023, at 09:43.

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intraperitoneal injection in humans