westcott and hort bible translations

How did the term Textus Receptus come about? Riplingers New Age Bible Versions, and Mr. Joseph Van Beeks tract, KJV vs NIV. copyright 2013, Way of Life Literature The critical text of Westcott and Hort of 1881 has been commended by leading textual scholars over the last one hundred and forty years, and still stands as the standard. However, there is a problem, there was no Byzantine text for the first four centuries, and the Byzantine text did not become the majority of the manuscripts until the 9th century. Riplinger links the spiritualist teachings of Westcott and Hort to the occult teachings of Madame Helena P. Blavatsky who wrote the Lucifer magazine. This was an early Catholic attempt to translate the Bible into English from the original Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek languages instead of from the Latin Vulgate. Christian Publishing House Blog, HOW ACCURATE WAS/IS THE 1881 WESTCOTT AND HORT GREEK NEW TESTAMENT? This Greek NT was the basis for the Revised Version of that same year. But, except for three or four editors who timidly corrected some of the more blatant errors of the Textus Receptus, this debased form of the New Testament text was reprinted in edition after edition. This new text caused Bible translators to doubt God's preserved words and long-held Christian doctrines, resulting in Bibles translated after 1881 to contain thousands of changes from the . The debate in the link below between White and Moorman shows how the King James Version Only view simply doesnt stand up and has no intellectual credibility at all. The maxims which they enunciated on questions of the text are of such importance. (Souter 1913, 118) They took all imaginable factors into consideration in laboring to resolve the difficulties that conflicting texts presented, and when two readings had equal weight, they indicated that in their text. (2.28). This, like Erasmus in the 1500s, summarised the best information available to produce the most accurate text. To understand Westcott and Hort, you must first understand textual criticism. But what does this mean and is it important? It follows the edition ofSeligman Baerexcept for the books of Exodus to Deuteronomy, which never appeared in Baers edition. As we had just learned earlier under the corruption period, after Constantine legalized Christianity, giving it equal status with the pagan religions, it was much easier for those possessing manuscripts to have them copied. It goes without saying that no Bible-believing Christian who is willing to extend the implications of his faith to textual matters can have the slightest grounds for confidence in contemporary critical texts (emphasis added) (Zane C. Hodges, Rationalism and Contemporary New Testament Textual Criticism, Bibliotheca Sacra, January 1971, p. 35). "For the scripture saith, Thou shalt not muzzle the ox that treadeth out the corn. Since WH, further discoveries and knowledge have meant the eclectic text we have now is even more accurate than back then. I often see people pointing to Acts 8:37 and other passages as an example and pointing out how that verse is not in modern versions. . Murdock Translation of the Western Peshitto. Many modern versions like the New International Version (450 million copies worldwide), English Standard Version, H, , New Living Translation, New Century Version, A, and New American Standard Bible have been produced by the finest Bible believing scholars in the world. For these, we're using KJV and NKJV as examples of Textus Receptus, and as a representative of Westcott-Hort, the NIV (and also the NASB or the New American Standard Bible). HebrewMasoretic Text, Hebrew and Aramaic New Testament sources. Chapter 8: Westcott and Hort - part 1. Were those translators wrong? Westcott and Hort's The New Testament in the Original Greek a critical Greek text based primarily on Codex Vaticanus and Codex Sinaiticus. has caused great harm to the Christian Church; it confuses people. OT:Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia. Psalm 23:1) chopped off the front.. Westcott did not have faith in Spiritualism, he had want of [(lack of)] faith in Spiritualism. baseline is the original Greek and Hebrew, so what we compare all versions to is the best text we can produce, our favourite translation. God has been gracious to us in that when there were voices contesting the authenticity of the OT record the dead sea scrolls were discovered. Certainly nothing could be more unscriptural than the modern limiting of Christs bearing our sins and sufferings to his death; but indeed that is only one aspect of an almost universal heresy. 4) Hort wrote, I have been persuaded for many years that Mary-worship and Jesus worship have very much in common in their causes and their results. Westcott found a statue of Mary and a crucified Christ in a remote chapel and wrote, Had I been alone, I could have knelt there for hours.. The men produced The New Testament in the Original Greek in 1881, advancing the belief that centuries of translation work did extremely little to change the Bible. I have never personally come across anyone that actually believes it, but some scholars do. I have used the NIV for comparison. I, p.211). During the twentieth century, with the discovery of several New Testament manuscripts much older than any that had hitherto been available, it has become possible to produce editions of the New Testament that approximate ever more closely to what is regarded as the wording of the original documents.[5]. As early as 1853 they began work on their Greek text of the New Testament: this project was . In 1892, a revised edition was released by F. C. The climax of this restoration era goes to the immediate successors of these men, the two English Bible scholars B. F. Westcott and F. J. It shows that the Church rejected them and did not read them. A reading combining two simple, alternative readings is later than the two readings comprising the conflation, and manuscripts rarely or never supporting conflate reading are text antecedent to mixture and are of special value. Modern English (GW) & Early Modern English (KJV). Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia,Novum Testamentum Graece27th Edition, United Bible Societies 4th Edition. B. F. Westcott wrote, A corrupted Bible is a sign of a corrupt church, a Bible mutilated or imperfect, a sign of a church not yet raised to complete perfection of the truth. (The Bible in the Church, 1864, 1875) The reader can determine for himself or herself if it is mere coincidence that as the church grew corrupt, the most corrupt manuscript of all grew right along with it for a thousand years. I cannot, therefore, but regard every voluntary approach to beings such as those who are supposed to hold communication with men through mediums as unlawful and perilous. The case, indeed, is far otherwise. In like manner, if a scientist is also an evolutionist and aetheist, do we need to hear his science before we know his verdict? This is the version of the Jehovahs Witnesses published by the Watch Tower Bible & Tract Society. You are teaching doctrines of devils. Brooke Foss Westcott(18251901) andFenton John Anthony Hort(18281892) were nineteenth-century theologians and Bible and textual scholars. (7) Which is inerrant the Latin Vulgate Erasmus used to make some of the Textus Receptus or the Byzantine texts? Oct 30, 2011. http://www.bible-researcher.com/kutilek1.html. Masoretic Text, the GreekNew Testament of Erasmus, Vulgate, and German and Swiss-German Bibles (Luther Bible,Zrich BibleandLeo Juds Bible), First complete Bible printed in English (Early Modern English). OT:Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia(BHS; revised 1990 edition).NT:Novum Testamentum Graece(Nestle-Aland Greek New Testament, 26th edition). To refute this, we can go back to our patristic quotations, which reveal the Alexandrian text-type as earlier than the Byzantine text-type. Throw away the bones.. (not fools for Christ, just fools!) But we must remember that Bibles are translated by men, and thus corruption is possible. Reproduced by permission. About 290 C.E., some of his associates made various subsequent alterations, which deliberately combined elements from earlier types of text, and this text was adopted about 380 C.E. In his excellent history of the KJV, Gordon Campbell points out that the Geneva Bible, which preceded the KJV was used long after the KJV had been published by such notaries as Lancelot Andrewes, Richard Hooker, John Whitgift, and William Laud (Bible, p. 27, Oxford University Press, 2010). When voices started saying that the Gospel of John was a much later invention (as late as 200AD) we discovered papyrus fragment p.52 dated at probably 115AD from almost as soon as the ink was dry on the original!! Authorized King James Version which restores the Divine Name, Jehovah to the original text in 6,973 places, Jah in 50 places and Jehovah also appears in parentheses in the New Testament wherever the New Testament cross references a quote from the Old Testament in 297 places. On one side, their supporters have heralded them as great men of God, having greatly advanced the search for the original Greek text. We know now that the Greek of the New Testament was common or koine Greek which was the Greek of Alexander the Great, a common, or marketplace Greek. Instead they used the corrupted manuscripts of the Gnosticism-Origen-Eusebius- Jerome-Augustine lineage. (Joseph Van Beeks tract: KJV vs NIV, pgs 5 & 6), As to the personal beliefs of Westcot and Hort: 1) They never claimed or testified that the Bible was verbally inspired or inerrant. [7] The minuscules play a minimal role in this edition. Believing that the KJV is the Gold Standard or even worse the Word of God. Released into the public domain by Rainbow Missions, Inc. (nonprofit corporation). Readers of these new Bibles are quite unaware that they are reading the translation of a corrupt text. Brooke Foss Westcott (an Anglican bishop and professor at Cambridge University) and Fenton John Anthony Hort (also an ordained priest and professor at Cambridge) produced a Greek New Testament in 1881 based on the findings of Tischendorf. by Dr. James Murdock. We still observe people using 1 John 5:7 to prove the Trinity. The text produced by Westcott and Hort is still to this day, even with so many more manuscript discoveries, a very close reproduction of the primitive text of the New Testament. #1. The items have taken years to produce at enormous expense in time and money, and we use the income from sales to help fund the ministry. I have provided a link to a website that answers some of the more preposterous allegations against WH. In my own NIV Student Bible (Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids Michigan, Copyright 1986, 1992), there is no mention of Westcott and Hort, but a mere reference to textual criticism., Where existing manuscripts differ, the translators made their choice of readings according to accepted principles of New Testament textual criticism., Though these quotations say nothing of Westcott and Hort, they are hidden behind the words accepted principles of textual criticism. Established in 1974, Way of Life Literature is a fundamental Baptist preaching and publishing ministry based in Bethel Baptist Church, London, Ontario, of which Wilbert Unger is the founding Pastor. It was the corrupt Byzantine form of text that provided the basis for almost all translations of the New Testament into modern languages down to the nineteenth century. Who Wrote the Bible Book ________? God has been gracious to us in that when there were voices contesting the authenticity of the OT record the dead sea scrolls were discovered. What New Testament Textual Studies Sources Do We Have? This combination of claim and quote comes from the July/August 1993 issue of Battle Cry, the newspaper put out by Jack Chick. Both found nothing wrong with the worship of Mary. The majority of KJV only people believe that the Wescott and Hort exts are erroneous because they read a pamphlet from the pamphlet rack at church that said that it was. A. Hort (1881). However, we will address what amounts to their main arguments. However we gain John 1:18. in Php 2:6. The KJV is a straight translation from the Majority text. Updated September 20, 2004 (first published March 7, 2000), David Cloud, Way of Life Literature, P.O. He clearly infers that he had occasion to investigate spiritualistic phenomena with some care, which would indicate that much earlier in his life he had some fascination with spiritualism and the occult. (1881). I would venture to say that their doctrinal positions are not perfect, especially when they were younger because no one has perfect doctrinal positions. It wasonly in the first part of the nineteenth century (1831) that a German classical scholar, Karl Lachmann, ventured to apply to the New Testament the criteria that he had used in editing texts of the classics. Jehovahs Witness Discussion Techniques: How to Meet Them. 19: 1st, 2nd, & 3rd Letters of John & Jude, Introduction to New Testament Textual Studies, Technical Terms for New Testament Textual Criticism. Which group do you think would be more trustworthy? An examination of the 16th century critical text the textus receptus v the Westcott and Hort 19th century Critical text. Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition, Masoretic Text (Biblia Hebraica), Textus Receptus Greek text, Popular Messianic Translation by the Institute for Scripture Research, This version is based on a limited 3000 word vocabulary and everyday sentence structure it is also known as the Plain English Bible, the International English Bible, and the God Chasers Extreme New Testament. [5] In this they followed one of the primary principles of their fledgling textual criticism, lectio brevior, sometimes taken to an extreme, as in the theory of Western non-interpolations, which has since been rejected. 2. They started the "Ghostly Guild" in 1851 and before that the "Hermes Club" in 1845. The most radical within the fundamentalist movement are known as the King James Version Onlyist. Revision of the New International Version. That the traditional text was intrinsically superior was more nearly a matter of subjective opinion; but extensive comparison of text-types has left most scholars convinced that the late text [Byzantine] is in general inferior, not superior.[4], The Alexandrian text, which Westcott and Hort called the Neutral text (a question-begging title), is usually considered to be the best text and the most faithful in preserving the original. It appears to me that in this, as in all spiritual questions, Holy Scripture is our supreme guide. 2. We can trust these, understand and appreciate the differences, but we would be foolish to ignore the. They are NOTHING when we look at the nearly 6,000 differences, many being quite substantial between the Alexandrian Critical Text and the Textus Receptus. To start with a doctrine and then correct or prefer a Bible translation because of it is, frankly, the wrong way around!! _______________________________________________. serve us and God well in what they provide. An exception is the text edited by Hermann von Soden. Are not these revisions simply following the instructions of the 1611 KJV translators? We can trust these, understand and appreciate the differences, but we would be foolish to ignore them or condemn the translators as the spawn of Satan or Lucifers dupes as I have read on occasion. SCROLL THROUGH DIFFERENT CATEGORIES BELOW. The quote above still appears on Chicks website at the time of this writing. They do not even agree with each other. With the acquisition, however, of the Bodmer Papyri, particularlyP66and P75, both copied about the end of the second or the beginning of the third century, evidence is now available that the Alexandrian type of text goes back to an archetype that must be dated early in the second century. You have entered an incorrect email address! What I write here is not an attack on the KJV it is an attempt to show how God continues to give us more knowledge and information which we must value and appreciate. Are the Modern Versions Based on Westcott-Hort? This critical Greek text is the foundation text of the Nestle-Aland Greek Text and the United Bible Societies Greek text. Masoretic, DSS, Majority Text, Aramaic Peshitta. What Does the Bible Really Teach About ________? All modern Bibles of the day have therefore not been translated from the 5000+ Majority text, but from the 5 disagreeing witnesses. We trust that your Christian honesty will preserve the integrity of this policy.

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westcott and hort bible translations